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This week's Thursday Interview will be with writer, singer and king of the quizzes Illuminatus at 9am UK time on Odysee and Dlive.
Forwarded from Galileo's Tongue
Boycotts are important. Yes, the Halifax along with a few other banks have a complete monopoly. But while there is any choice at all people should move. Even if all the banks are owned by the same parent bank, it's still important to boycott such companies. The people at the top might not care but you can show employees that if they work for such a company they may find themselves out of a job. You can show employees that they should be putting pressure on their bosses and refusing to go along with nonsense. Time is runnng out and so is my patience with people who just want a quiet life.
Many thanks to Illuminatus for such an enjoyable conversation today and thanks to all of you who joined us. The replay is now available on Odysee.
Here is the MP3 of this morning's breakfast show with Illuminatus.
I've only realised now that I had my mic the wrong way round today! That would explain my rather echoey boomy delivery. Back to normal tomorrow!
Thanks to those who joined me this morning for the show and well done to JD Solway for winning the quiz! The replay is now up on Odysee.
Here's the MP3 of today's show
I will be appearing on Sensum Communem's You Tube channel along with Resisting The Lies this evening. Hope to catch you then.
Forwarded from Saint Harrison
Laura Towler’s husband and the PA lot in York today. Good work.
Forwarded from Galileo's Tongue
—— /// * A huge step with a friend yesterday * /// ———

Every couple of weeks I meet an old school friend of mine and we hang out for a few hours chatting. He's one of the few people who knows my stance on things. He’s open enough to hear things from me that the media refer to as “extreme” views. His views have been stuck for a while at the same stage: He hates 'wokeness' and thinks multiculturalism is a failure but he's still very much a normie, constantly justifying everything he says with great care to assure me he's not racist. He hasn't yet come to the conclusion that white people are being systematically erased. He's not remotely J-pilled and has never before questioned anything about the WW2 narrative he's heard his whole life.

Yesterday we met up and I decided to lay off a bit and avoid anything political as much as possible, only bringing things up very occasionally or only ever mentioning anything weighty when he started it. It worked. He was much more open and inquisitive. I really think I’m making headway. I could see for the first time the penny starting to drop. It can be extremely frustrating seeing people not get what seems obvious to us, but remember that most of us were in that place once too.

Relax. Go slow. Give people time. Don’t expect results to not take ages. Patience is key.
Time To Get Up returns tomorrow for one more week of your favourite features, reviews and top tunes. Catch it while you can!
Thanks to all of you who came for the show this morning. The replay is now available on Odysee.
Here is the MP3 of today's show.
Tomorrow's show will be at the usual time of 8am UK time.
Thanks to all of you who came along for the stream today. The replay is now available on Odysee.
Here is the MP3 of Today's show
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow's show will be starting at the earlier time of 7.30 am tomorrow.
Here's the MP3 of today's show
The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Publisher