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Real activists turn up when no one else will.

Real activists don't bat an eyelid if someone who has a different world view wants to protest over the same issue.

They don't run from empty words, they don't stay at home staring at a screen, and they certainly don't appeal to an enemy who will never agree with them anyway.

They defend their position in a proud and forthright manner. They embrace the struggle.
Forwarded from Pox Populi
The Ayatollah has written one of the greatest manifestos of White wellbeing and British (also, by extent, European) nationalism. Please read, and share all 4 parts with whoever you think should read them too.
Forwarded from Millennial Woes
Some people (only a very few, I emphasise) have taken exception to my defending the Ayatollah yesterday. He had (or has) a relationship with a mixed-race woman, and these people doubt that he is completely white himself.

Here's the thing. Unlike a lot of ideologically immaculate people in this movement, the Ayatollah has never, to my knowledge, harmed me. He has never spread rumours about me, tried to sabotage me, or encouraged others to disavow me. He has got on with his work and I have got on with mine. So when he is publicly attacked by the establishment, why should I not defend him? Because he is not perfect? Well, are we in a position to make "perfect" the enemy of "good"? Do we have that luxury? The answer is no, we do not. Apparently this needs to be spelled out for some people.

Of course, I myself am not immaculate. I have a past - more than half my life ago - that people dredge up to "explain" why I am not an ideological purist. In truth, the reason I am not an ideological purist is that I have a sense of proportion and realism. I recognise that what matters is the goal, and that being too fussy about the means will stop us from achieving the ends. Yes, there are going to be people who don't conform to the ideal, and there are going to be people with less-than-perfect pasts. Get over it and join the adult world: this is how life is.

The alternative is that all such people must be disavowed. That includes me, of course. I am - or least was - one of the most prominent people in this movement, someone trusted by many, someone who is (though I say so myself) productive and useful to this community. Yet, according to these spergs, I should be driven out. Really, how clueless and self-sabotaging can you be...?

There are people who join this movement but come to regret it, because of the exact antisocial attitude being demonstrated by a few voices over the last 24 hours. It's a purity-spiralling contingent of people who look for any reason to disavow others - like crabs in a bucket sniping at each other while our enemy watches and laughs. This antisocial attitude produces a nasty atmosphere that ordinary people find repugnant and demoralising. They are driven away, leaving the spergs to attack each other over which of them is the best Aryan incel. Just fucking nauseating.

These men no doubt consider themselves masculine, but their behaviour is very feminine. The goal is forgotten in favour of obsessing, like a prissy schoolgirl or a crazed menopausal schoolmarm, over a consensus and whether everyone is conforming to it. Men, which you aspire to be, do not behave like this.

The best example is Fuhrerious. In my chat, he declared he would never stop attacking the Ayatollah, and challenged me to ban him. I banned him. Even though he was still following me on multiple platforms and therefore clearly found my posts worthwhile, he took revenge by making several posts attacking me and my credibility. Again, very feminine behaviour - emotional, vengeful and inconsistent. This lack of self-reflection results in a person who is a liability, and I have learned to avoid such people like the plague.

I don't know what the Ayatollah's ethnic background is, and I don't much care. His work clearly benefits our cause and our community. Given those factors, he could be as black as the ace of spades and I would still support him. The very idea that somebody should work for our cause and then, when they are publicly mauled for doing so, we should punish them further by throwing them under the bus... is just so gormless I can hardly believe it.

What on earth are you people thinking? The penalty for being involved in our movement is already very high, but you want to make it even higher by denying people support from within the movement as well? Are you insane? Just how many useful people do you want to turn away? Just how antisocial an atmosphere do you want in this, a social enterprise? Just how much failure and dysfunction will you engender before you wise up? Get back in your mothers' basements, you fucking morons.
Some of you may be aware that I interviewed somebody called Northern Aryan last year. You may also know that this person had his Odysee channel removed a few months ago, which was both surprising and worrying. Well, he has a new channel now on Odysee called Are You Sure You Are Awake? He has very few subs, so give him a leg up and check him out. There is already tons of material on there you can get your teeth into.
After being in contact with Northern Aryan, he has named three more channels that have been removed from Odysee, just so you know. They are Gen. J. D. Ripper, Black Crimes Matter, and Evergreen Radio.
You know something isn't right when there is more diversity in Endeavour than there ever was in Morse.
Forwarded from Archaic Vision
The Queen of my nation is dead and I do not feel a thing.
Maybe I would have more emotion if she would have used her voice to actually defend her country. Instead I saw England change beyond recognition in my lifetime.

English homeless rot on the streets while our replacements fill the hotels. Little English girls are raped by foreign gangs. We are told we do not even exist as a people. Our heritage and ancestral inheritance is given away in demographic warfare. We can be arrested for opposing the occupation of our nations.

The false sense of national pride that is granted to the public in connection to the monarchy is void of soul. Just another feeling to sell to consumers.

Maybe she didn’t know how bad things are locked away in her palace, maybe she was compromised or powerless. I cannot say, and I do respect these ancient traditions. I would just like a Monarch to actually care about their people. The England she came from is no more and us peasants are going to have to physically fight eventually to get it back.

I felt more pain when Rik Mayall and Father Ted died.
Wow, that's the first time I've seen a white person on their home page for ages.
Forwarded from Galileo's Tongue
Some of the comments under the video Morgoth shared earlier really do show the problem.
Is this what Morgoth meant when he said pubs can survive without the system?
Went on a day trip to a city today only to be reminded why I moved away from one.
Which event does more damage to the environment?
Anonymous Poll
Sunderland Air Show
Glastonbury Festival
That's funny, whites are demonised in the media every day but I don't see them resorting to child rape.
Forwarded from The White Butterfly
The countdown is on.


I'm pleased to finally announce the tracklist for my upcoming album, The Acorn.

I've waited half of my life to produce an album, and it's nearly here... finally!
Forwarded from Sensum Communem
This is a "taster" overture video for my upcoming Nutcracker themed stream that will take place later on in December.

As I want to be fair to our Antipodean friends, I will probably do the stream at around 11am one day in the week between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd of December.

As it is 11am here, and it is Christmas, then it's still fair game for a cheeky beer or two. 😁

If you have any preference as to which day, then please leave a comment on my YouTube community page.

Once the stream has completed, there will be a "family friendly" version of the entire suite (25 minutes long), for you to share with family, friends and - most important of all - the kids.

This video is tagged as being child friendly, so you will not be able to comment under video directly, but if you do have any thoughts, then please feel free to share them on my YouTube community page.

If you could share this post, then it would be appreciated.It's just my attempt at doing something nice as we enter the festive period, irrespective of how miserable our treacherous government tries to make it. 👍
Forwarded from Jody Kay
Dear all,

As some of you may know, I'm starting a new radio show on and I'll be having 2 x 1 hour shows each week.
The station doesn't have a license for mainstream music (thankfully!), so I'll be looking at playing as much music from our people as possible, along with some background information about each artist.

If you'd like me to share your music, please can you send me a bio about yourself, (be sure to include your bank account details and home address! 😂) joking obviously!

As much information as you're happy to give such as what got you into music, how long you've been creating, who your audience is for etc etc etc. Make it as long as possible so that I can tell a little bit about you with each track I share.

Please can you send this to [email protected]

If you would also be up for coming on as a guest one week, please also let me know.
My show will run every Tuesday and Thursday evening 9-10pm UK 4-5pm EST.

I hope you're well and I look forward to receiving all your bio's.
Forwarded from Galileo's Tongue
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