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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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I absolutely agree with Mike on this, and thank those who are still here, able to separate emotion from the absolutely dire need for critical thinking...

👉 FACTS vs. LIES!🤓
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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 America...
Another Health Ranger prediction comes true: Conditions are so bad in Chicago, that Venezuelan illegals who tried to live there are now FLEEING BACK to Venezuela.

His next prediction?

Following the collapse of the 💰Dollar debt Ponzi scheme (and the US banking system), Mexico will build a wall to prevent a mad rush of U.S. refugees fleeing SOUTH!

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From🇺🇸 Mike Adams:
Yes, I have announced that we will be releasing a downloadable, open source, AI-driven chatbot LLM (Large Language Model) focused and trained on nutrition, natural health, wellness, alternative medicine, indigenous medicine, Eastern medicine and similar modalities.
You will be able to download it for free, run it locally on your machine, and query it like you would a search engine, but with complete PRIVACY since Google, Microsoft and anybody else won't know what you are searching for. Our goal is to encapsulate the world's knowledge of natural health, nutrition, prevention, etc., and make it available for FREE to the entire world. Decentralizing knowledge. Empowering humanity.
Thanks to your support, we now have the resources to make this happen and change the world together.
Here's my podcast explaining all this: https://is.gd/IEqEf8

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🌎 [AI, ChatGPT, OpenAI, 🤖Robots]
Partial transcript: Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies and dissident tech maverick Mike Adams talk AI, ChatGPT, LLMs and Singularity...

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W.T.F.? 😳 🇺🇸 Black pope and "diverse" US founding fathers: Google AI chatbot generates woke images [As David Icke used to say:💩Shite in - 💩💩Shite out] 🥴 🇩🇪 Der Google KI-Chatbot Gemini soll anderen Anbietern wie GPT4 Konkurrenz machen. Jetzt fällt der Dienst…
From🇺🇸 Mike Adams:
"I've been warning people for nearly 8 years that Google is pure EVIL, and that its mission is to DISCONNECT people from knowledge and reality. Now, suddenly, with the erasure of Whites from Google AI images, it's finally starting to sink in with people just how twisted Google is."
From🇺🇸 Infowars: "Google Drops AI Nuke On White People"

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 Got news for ya. The Google AI anti-white "glitch" isn't a glitch.
It's part of a "history reset" [as happened MANY times before!] program that's getting ready to "whitewash" whites out of history just as replacements of color are overrunning the USA and all of Western Europe.

This is a large-scale Orwellian program to ERASE the entire memory of white people from cultural consciousness. The history books will be rewritten. The photos will be altered (just as Google AI is doing right now).
The truth will be labeled "misinformation," and those who oppose the anti-white ethnic cleansing campaign now taking place will be called "white supremacists" and JAILED as is already happening in Europe.

Mike Adams covers all the details of this nefarious, anti-human plan in today's thought-provoking, uncensored podcast: WAY BEYOND WOKE: Google is preparing to RESET HISTORY and scrub any cultural memory of white people❗️

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☝️3 Weeks left...❗️ ►ARE YOU PREPARED ⁉️👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸 Mike Adams wrote half an Hour ago:
"The US dollar is approaching its death. Prepare accordingly. It will be a sudden event and catch most people off guard. Only those who own hard assets will financially survive."


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Two years ago, when Steve Quayle and Mike Adams produced a 4-part video series called "Battlefield America" which said that America would be plunged into domestic warfare and violence, some people laughed. [NOT laughing today!]

"They're trying to kill Photosynthesis"

You can either listen to Steve Quayle today, or you can WISH you would have listened to him when you're caught completely unprepared for the 💩storm that has descended upon you. America is about to erupt into a nationwide warzone...

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🇺🇸/🌎 Mike Adams got some legit points here:
NOT FULLY HUMAN: The power-hungry globalist colonizers lack all "empathy" circuits...

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ 卐 America...
Mike Adams🔥💣BREAKING:
Today we are filing an historic lawsuit against Google, Facebook (Meta), Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, the Department of Defense and various overseas NGOs, for engaging in a "censorship industrial complex" to selectively silence the free speech rights of the American people.

The is being described as the most important First Amendment case in history. It exposes, with conclusive evidence, the international 🤬 censorship collusion scheme pursued by the US federal government, which has been weaponzied against the American people to silence constitutionally-protected speech. Several posts coming:

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MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know