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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 16, 2023 - Prepare for the DEVASTATING global economic consequences of Israel's war on Gaza

- Israeli veterans openly and publicly call for the complete genocidal extermination of all Palestinians
- Israel is TRAPPED in the Hamas OODA loop of action / reaction
- Hamas, backed by Iran, has maneuvered the USA and Israel into an unwinnable quagmire
- Palestinian refugees get bombed by IDF air strikes, killing hundreds
- Latest numbers on the hospitals, water treatment plants and mosques destroyed by Israel
- Shocking economic analysis by Tuomas Malinen, on the “worst case scenario” stemming from Israel-Palestine war
- Expect an OPEC oil embargo against nations supporting Israel
- Western Europe will be devastated by bans on LNG exports from Arab nations
- Oil prices predicted to reach $300 / barrel
- More banks collapse due to imploding values of US treasuries held by banks
- US govt prints TRILLIONS of dollars to bail out collapsing banking system
- Hyperinflation commences for dollar-priced goods and services
- The US dollar collapses, followed by collapse of the US government
- Those left holding dollars will lose everything☝️

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
"Diese Tiere sollten nicht leben. Jeder Jude sollte losgehen und sie töten. Wenn Sie einen arabischen Nachbarn haben, gehen Sie zu seinem Haus und erschießen Sie ihn" - 95-jähriger Reservist ruft zum Töten von Palästinensern auf

Wir wollten das Beste - dieser Satz beschreibt perfekt die Situation des ältesten Reservisten der IDF. Ezra Yachin, 95, hat seine Uniform wieder angezogen und reist durch israelische Armeeposten, um "die Moral der Soldaten zu heben", wie die Presse verspricht.

Aber es kommt wie immer. Opa, der eigentlich am Herd liegen oder mit anderen alten Männern Domino spielen sollte, ermutigt aktiv "jeden Juden mit einer Waffe" palästinensische Bürger zu töten und "die Erinnerung an sie auszulöschen".

Fehlt noch der Hitlergruß.

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W.T.F.? 😲
IDF Spokesman lights up Gräte [Rothschild] Thunfisch🐟!

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
The Israeli bodyguard of Taylor Swift, Eran, has joined the IDF.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
From🇺🇸 Mike Adams:
Looks like this is it, folks.

A massive assault has begun against Gaza, and Israeli IDF forces are already sustaining serious losses of both soldiers and armor. Rumor that US Special forces are already on the ground in Gaza, making this a world war with a near-certain response from 🇮🇷Iran and probably 🇹🇷 Turkey as well.

Yemen has struck Israel with a high explosive missile.

Many statements of condemnation from Turkey, Syria, Iran and even Egypt. It looks like Israel has chosen to path of its own destruction. Civilian casualties in Gaza are absolutely horrendous, with now 3,000+ children dead, many of them BURIED ALIVE within the rubble of the residential buildings bombed by Israel, whose war crimes are protected by the U.S. regime. I will have a more detailed podcast update for you late Saturday morning. In the mean time, make sure you've listened to my two most recent interviews with Jeffrey Prather and Andrei Martyanov, both at my HRreport channel:

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
IDF Spokesman Hagari: 'We urge all civilians in Northern Gaza to immediately relocate South, intense hostilies are coming, and your window to act is closing'.

What a 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 nice Fella...

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 1, 2023 - Israel becomes a full-fledged TERRORIST STATE with admitted bombing of crowded refugee camp

- Israel confirms it carried out Organ harvesting on Palestinians
- Gaza concentration camp also serves as a source of ORGANS for the transplant industry
- Israel has now killed more CHILDREN in Gaza than the number of Americans who died in 9/11
- Israel deliberately bombs Jabalia refugee camp, killing or wounding hundreds of civilians
- Israel blames civilians for being bombed by IDF forces, shows ZERO humanitarian principles
- With bombing of Jabalia, Israel has become a "terror state" run by war criminals
- Israel has lost the good will of most of the world, revealing itself to be evil and heartless
- Israel relies on HOAXES to manipulate emotions: "Hamas baked a Jewish baby in an oven" is complete fiction
- Shocking video reveals why Israel is extremely RACIST
- Russian analyst explains why World War III has already begun
- Full interview with US presidential candidate Dr. Shiva on Israel, Genocide and racism

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 3, 2023 - SACRIFICING ISRAEL: U.S. goal is to maneuver Israel to bomb Iran, even if Israel is destroyed in retaliation

- Why do BLACK lives matter but BROWN lives do not?
- Rich white nation bombs poor brown nation, media portrays rich white nation as the victims
- The US has long planned to attack and destroy 🇮🇷Iran
- Israel is the puppet state being maneuvered to wage that attack on Iran
- Brookings Institution document reveal plan to DIVERT all retaliation onto Israel
- #Hamas served as an "accelerant" to bring us to a wider regional war
- Russia says Israel has no right to self-defense because it is the OCCUPYING power
- Gaza deaths exceed 9,000 Palestinians as IDF bombing continues
- "No limit" Lindsey Graham says UNLIMITED numbers of Palestinians can be justifiably killed
- The USA is using Israel as a proxy nation against Iran just as Ukraine was used against Russia
- Israel's atrocities and ethnic cleansing activities are DESIGNED to provoke a wider regional war
- Israel is even bombing BAKERIES and killing people who are standing in line for BREAD
- Full interview with author and researcher Xavier Ayrals on apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
☝️Israel has bombed a medical convoy, killing 15 civilians‼️
The ambulance was reportedly transporting injured people according to multiple sources.

The IDF and their extremely advanced intelligence who couldn’t detect a handful of terrorists coming in on hang gliders have used their extremely advanced intelligence to identify a terrorist inside an ambulance, apparently.

Over 9,000 innocent civilians have now been killed in Gaza. Over 3,500 of those are children.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
🔥💣BREAKING❗️IDF publishes footage of helicopter gunships hitting Hamas terrorists!

For all of the people having a complete meltdown because the official Israeli narrative they blindly believed has been absolutely shattered and now they have to face that someone asking questions and not blindly believing the State of Israel is not a “Jew hater” but simply doing their due diligence, here is the Times of Israel admitting the IDF are the ones who published the footage of their helicopters from October 7th:

🇩🇪 ⚡️EIL!⚡️⚡️EIL!⚡️⚡️EIL!⚡️

Israel hat zugegeben, dass einige der bei dem Musikfestival nahe der Grenze zum Gazastreifen getöteten Zivilisten nicht von der Hamas, sondern von einem israelischen Apache-Hubschrauberpiloten getötet wurden, der die fliehenden Menschen mit Hamas-Kämpfern verwechselte.

Bereits zuvor hatten einige Israelis ausgesagt, dass einige der an der Grenze Getöteten von israelischen Kräften getötet wurden, als die Kämpfe ausbrachen und sie zwischen die Fronten gerieten.

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 15, 2023 - Disease, Debt and Death: How the corporate-controlled UNIPARTY achieves ABSOLUTE POWER

▪️DISEASE = ☤ Big Pharma and the 💉vaxXxine industry, rooted in keeping people SICK
▪️DEBT = Big Finance, banksters and the Fed's money printing machine
▪️DEATH = WAR and the Military Industrial Complex that profits from war
- There is huge PROFIT in Disease, Debt and Death
- There is NO PROFIT in Health, Abundance and Life
- That's why no government protects your health, abundance or life

- Both Republicans and Democ🐀 push Disease, Debt and Death
- Health = Nutrition, fitness, natural medicine, disease prevention
- Abundance = Asset protection (gold, silver, crypto) and self-custody
- Life = Protecting humanity, including babies, defending freedom, and practicing preparedness
- Clean Juice opens new location in North Austin (Round Rock)
- Many Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Efrat Fenigson with an Update [Nov. 7th] on the curent situation in Israel.

She reports (among other news):

▪️Live Fire against Israeli Protesters: "The israeli Police is now allowed to open Fire and SHOOT Civilians legs, in case they're bocking roads, etc" [retracted for now]
▪️Freedom to Protest: "...don't allow ANY Demonstrations and would act to disperse them threatening to send Protesters to GAZA in Busses." [retracted for now]
▪️Incitement & 'conspiracy' Theories: Isreali Police 'Special' Task Force to monitor Speech online - 103 imprisoned so far...
▪️Agriculture Aid & Free Speech - agr. ministry opened a 'WAR Room', that monitors online post & media reports against the Ministry
▪️Fight against Terrorism bill: [greetings from the thought police!]
▪️Biometric 🆔: includes transferring of data into the Ministry of Interior, the police & the IDF

Now, let that sink in...

1984 is a freaking walk in the park compared to this!

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Media is too big
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
He who digs a hole for others, falls into it himself---
Footage of the destruction of Israeli soldiers and Merkava tanks in 🇵🇸 Khan Yunis, where IDF forces fell into a prepared trap.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR Israeli Army has developed an AI based Program known as Lavender... 📽►https://is.gd/Israels_Lavender 📽►[Backup] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
Media is too big
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Der israelische Journalist und Regisseur, Yuval Avraham, erklärt: Israel nutzt die KI „Lavender“, um eine Liste menschlicher Ziele zu erstellen, die es dann angreift.

Die KI scannt Menschen und vergibt eine Bewertung von 1 bis 100, um unter ihnen Militante zu identifizieren.

Trotz der Fehlertoleranz von 10 % folgt die IDF immer noch diesen Schätzungen und greift manchmal unter dem Vorwand, Militante anzugreifen, gezielt Häuser von Zivilisten an. Allerdings seien pro Angriff „bis zu 20 zivile Opfer akzeptabel“.“

Siehe auch: "Yuval Abraham: Israels Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz zur Bekämpfung von Gaza-Bewohnern ist von Rache getrieben"

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ 卐 America...
🚨U.S. police have been training with the Israeli military (IDF) for brutal crackdown on free speech in America🤮

If you thought the United States was a sovereign nation in charge of its own affairs, think again. In many ways, America is just the military arm of Israel where free speech is increasingly under assault by law enforcement, which for years has been training with Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to oppress We the People whenever we make our voices heard on things like Israel's genocide in Gaza and war in general.

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🚨⚠️ Inzwischen in 🇮🇱 Israel ...
Bubu droht nun der gesamten Welt. Die Welt soll sich nun vor dem auserwählten Volk Gottes fürchten.

Er zitiert aus dem 5.Buch Moses. Er legte Heute das Tefillin eines verstorbenen IDF-Mitglieds der Operation „Tzuk Eitan“ (Operation Felsvorsprung, Gaza 2014) an und das mit „heiliger Angst“ da er dadurch die „Seelen aller Gefallenen“ erhebt.

Bubu sagte ja vor kurzem, dass er die Prophezeihungen des Jesaja selber erfüllen will (Ankunft des Messias, Errichtung des 1000-jährigen Weltreiches des Friedens), die Vorraussetzung dafür ist allerdings das Armageddon (die letzte Schlacht).

Er schreibt auf X:
„Und alle Völker der Erde sollen sehen, dass der Name Gottes über euch gerufen wird, und sie werden sich vor euch fürchten.“
(5.Moses 28)

Scheinbar macht er nun ernst, was auch die Option der Jericho-Raketen (sog. „Weltuntergangsraketen“) beinhaltet (sog. „Samson-Option“).

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