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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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BOTH Oprah & 'The Rock' got properties in Hawaii, conveniently untouched by the🔥fires of course...

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🌎 In 2021 whilst you were distracted by Covid, the NY stock exchange & Rockefeller announced a new class of ‘assets’ and investment vehicle.

to preserve and restore the natural assets that ultimately underpin the ability for there to be life on Earth.🫠

They called it a natural asset company, or NAC, it allows for the formation of specialized corporations “that hold the rights to the ecosystem services produced on a given chunk of land, services like carbon sequestration or clean water.

The NACs will then manage, grow & maintain the natural asset commodities and monetize its most profitable aspect. In the name of sustainability.

Is this why KILL-Bill Gate$ is now the biggest landowner in the US? 🤨

Is this the reason for the land grab instigated by the so called ‘wild fires’? 🤨

Is this why we will own nothing? 🤨

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 N.Y.C. ...
A New York state judge ruled Wednesday that 10 employees fired by the New York City Department of Education for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine have to be reinstated with back pay.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇦🇺 Australia ...
Globalists commence carrying out their burn operations en masse in Australia?

Wild footage has captured the scale of a chaotic fire tearing through the south east of one state, as authorities warn residents it is too late to leave the area.

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Israeli weapons were fired in Karabakh

Israel has been quietly supplying weapons to Azerbaijan, helping it in its military campaign in Nagorno-Karabakh, the AP news agency reported.

In the weeks before 19 September, Azerbaijani military cargo planes repeatedly flew between a southern Israeli airbase and an airfield near Nagorno-Karabakh.

"For us, the fact that Israeli weapons are firing at our people is a matter of serious concern," Armenian Ambassador to Israel Arman Hakobyan said.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK...
MP Andrew Bridgen has delivered powerful evidence in the UK Parliament that the COVID💉injections are responsible for excess☠️deaths☠️.

Most of his fellow Parliamentarians collectively chose to not show up to work that day, meaning he presented to an almost empty room. Full video in the link below.

All staffers who refused to show should immediately be fired. How can you possibly justify not being interested in why the people in your country are dying en masse after you supported taking their livelihood away from them if they don’t get injected?

☝️I’ll tell you how. You have been “penetrated” by Schwab❗️

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 28, 2023 - World War IGNITION in Gaza as Biden invokes WAR POWERS

- Massive ground assault has begun in Gaza
- World War III has been set into motion
- 🇾🇪Yemen strikes Israel with missile
- 🇸🇾Syria is shelling Israeli targets in Golan Heights
- 🇪🇬Egypt moves air defense systems into Sinai
- Nearly 8,000 Palestinians now confirmed dead as Israel continues ethnic cleansing
- Hundreds of Palestinians BURIED ALIVE in rubble of bombed-out residential buildings
- Gold spikes to $2000+
- 🇮🇷Iran and 🇹🇷Turkey denounce Israel's war crimes
- Arab world readies forces to attack Israel
- Very doubtful that Israel survives as a nation
- Jewish protesters in NYC occupy Grand Central Station to call for cease fire
- Use this time to prepare in every way possible for world war and economic collapse

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Efrat Fenigson with an Update [Nov. 7th] on the curent situation in Israel.

She reports (among other news):

▪️Live Fire against Israeli Protesters: "The israeli Police is now allowed to open Fire and SHOOT Civilians legs, in case they're bocking roads, etc" [retracted for now]
▪️Freedom to Protest: "...don't allow ANY Demonstrations and would act to disperse them threatening to send Protesters to GAZA in Busses." [retracted for now]
▪️Incitement & 'conspiracy' Theories: Isreali Police 'Special' Task Force to monitor Speech online - 103 imprisoned so far...
▪️Agriculture Aid & Free Speech - agr. ministry opened a 'WAR Room', that monitors online post & media reports against the Ministry
▪️Fight against Terrorism bill: [greetings from the thought police!]
▪️Biometric 🆔: includes transferring of data into the Ministry of Interior, the police & the IDF

Now, let that sink in...

1984 is a freaking walk in the park compared to this!

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 6, 2023 - Something BIG is about to go down... multiple confirming signals point to cyber takedown of financial system

An especially powerful broadcast today with an amazing guest for the interview!

- Impending event with insider information.
- Potential economic collapse and CBDC implementation.
- ₿itcoin as a backup plan for US financial collapse.
- Economic collapse, layoffs, and Chinese soldiers at the US border.
- Gold backs and preparedness for unspecified future events.
- Disaster preparedness and logistics with SRP24 founder.
- Challenging deployment experiences during Hurricane Katrina.
- Unexplained fires in Maui with unusual characteristics.
- Satellite phones and backup communication for emergency situations.
- Prepping and survival strategies in uncertain times.

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Did The 💉Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox? 🤔

Europe: No Decline After Vaccination
Throughout the Western world, epidemics were more severe in highly-vaccinated populations.

They have always lied about the efficacy of vaccines. The reason some diseases were eradicated was better sanitation and access to clean water and food, not vaccines.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 Miami ...
Atlas Air ✈️ Boeing 747-8 from Miami International Airport catches fire mid air.

There seems to be an alarming number of aviation incidents lately…!

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🇪🇺 +++💥🚨 EILMELDUNG +++
Gummigeschosse auf Landwirte abgefeuert! - Brände vor dem EU-Parlament!
🇬🇧 🔥💣BREAKING News: RUBBER BULLETS FIRED AT FARMERS! - Fires In Front Of EU Parliament!

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇭🇹Haiti...
Haiti reportedly on brink of total collapse following mass prison breaks. Gangs have taken control, torching police stations, assaulting airports and setting the Interior Ministry on fire. The Prime Minister has fled the country.

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🌎 Are the seals of Revelation beginning to be opened⁉️🧐
The CERN Hadron Collider will be fired up on April 8th in an effort to create dark matter and discover the history of the universe… NASA is sending up three rocket ships during the solar eclipse named with a mission named after the Egyptian serpent deity, APEP (the god of chaos), who is the nemesis of the solar god Ra. Ironically and incredibly, NASA and CERN both chose to represent their missions with the god of chaos!


👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 😐
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🤨 America: D.O.N.E. ‼️
1/2 As this photo reveals, the top commanders of our United States Navy are absolute clowns and morons. This guy, on the aptly-named USS John McCain (also a political clown) has the variable optic mounted backwards, and yet doesn't notice that when he looks through it, something is horribly wrong. It would be so much better if he flipped the rifle around and just looked through the barrel, while wearing an LGBT rainbow hat, a push-up bra and a COVID mask. Notice that even the US Navy photographer had no idea this optic was on backwards, so they published it, thinking it made this clown look manly. THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT US. This is what happens when you fire all the competent people and replace them with virtue signaling woke idiots, then get them to pose for stupidly-staged photos while pretending to be military leaders.

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Inzwischen in der 🇸🇰 Slowakei ... +++💥🚨 EILMELDUNG +++ Der slowakische Premierminister Robert Fico wurde bei einem Attentat in der slowakischen Stadt Handlova angeschossen. Ein Verdächtiger konnte festgenommen werden...💥 🇬🇧 🔥💣BREAKING News +++ Slovakian…
+++💥🚨Video des Moments, in dem Schüsse auf den slowakischen Premierminister Robert Fico abgefeuert wurden.🚨💥+++

Sein Leben ist nach dem Attentat nicht in Gefahr, wie slowakische Medien berichten.

Der Schütze war Medienberichten zufolge der 71-jährige Schriftsteller Juraj Cintula, ein Anhänger der liberalen Partei Progressive Slowakei.

Cintula brachte seinen Hass auf Fico in den sozialen Medien offen zum Ausdruck.

🇬🇧 Video of the moment shots were fired at Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.

According to Slovakian media reports, his life is not in danger after the attack.

According to media reports, the shooter was 71-year-old writer Juraj Cintula, a supporter of the liberal Progressive Slovakia party.

Cintula openly expressed his hatred of Fico on social media.

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