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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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The World🏦Bank is holding a ‘Youth Summit’ where woke people between the ages of 18-35 can be brainwashed by the globalists and take part in think tanks to solve global “issues” like Climate Change🥴.
They can then virtue signal about it and spread the embedded propaganda like a cancer later on their social media accounts, in the workplace, and everywhere they go.

Never were "Humans" more stupid than these days. Never !
[but it's no wonder, considering themselves for talking monkeys...]🐵

Media is too big
🇦🇺/🌎 [Maria Zeee]
ING Bank has DE-BANKED independent journalist Maria Zeee at a time that suspiciously coincides with a Channel 9 hit piece on “domestic terrorists”. Is this the beginning of the social credit system in Australia, with Maria being Patient Zero?

Can Australians now expect to be de-banked by ING and other banks for speaking out against the government, big pharma, financial institutions and the New World Order?
FULL: https://bit.ly/3JAGk1w

🌎 Wie lange wird es noch 💵 Bargeld geben?

„Eine digitale Zentralbankwährung sei «unvermeidlich», betont die Makrostrategin der Deutschen Bank, Marion Laboure, in einem Artikel auf der Website des World Enslavement Forum (WEF)…“

"Spanien und die EU arbeiten am digitalen Euro, einer digitalen ID sowie der verpflichtenden Nutzung einer Wallet. Hintergründe und weitere Infos." Quelle 👉 FACTS vs. LIES!
[CBDC, Digital 🆔]
🌎 Der Währungskrieg tobt. Der US-Dollar gerät immer mehr unter Druck, die Federal Reserve Bank ist insolvent und die BRICS-Staaten blasen zum Angriff.
Einige Experten sehen angesichts dessen in dem neuen Unicoin einen Versuch der USA, ihre internationale Währungshoheit zu sichern. Schließlich sitzt der IWF nicht ohne Grund in Washington. Auch der WEF dürfte die Bestrebungen der digitalen Weltwährung mittragen, um uns alle in ihrer One-World-Dystopie knechten zu können.

Als eine Art Meta-CBDC zielt der Unicoin auf die Verbindung mit allen bestehenden nationalen Währungen ab. Allerdings stehen die zahlreichen nationalen und supranationalen digitalen Währungen (CBDCs), sowie auch die unzähligen Krypto-Währungen, noch in Konkurrenz zu der fragwürdigen und aggressiven Neuvorstellung.

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸 Brighteon Broadcast News, May 3, 2023

‼️Crazy high glyphosate levels found in ORGANIC black beans‼️
- US banking system collapse accelerates as 3 more banks are halted in trading
- Government leaders LIE and tell us everything is solid and stable when it's on the brink of collapse
- You MUST do these critical things to survive the banking collapse
- Multiple bank accounts, privacy services, crypto competency, metals pipelines
- Only the nimble (who can move quickly) will preserve their assets
- Interivew with Dr. John Witcher, running for Governor of Mississippi

BitChute | Odysee
Brighteon Broadcast News, May 26, 2023 - MISSING OATHS: Biden officials swear no allegiance to the United States (feat. Todd Callender)

- Corporations that push LGBT agenda actually HATE YOU (but love Satan)
- The North Face, run by left-wing morons, rolls out "real life homosexual" mascot
- Corporations commit brand suicide to appease the TRANS TYRANTS
- Target has lost $9 BILLION in valuation since pushing satanic trans gear for children
- People taking Ozempic weight loss drug sh#t their own bed sheets (and go BALD!)
- NatWest bank INTERROGATES their own customers who dare to withdraw cash
- BLM has gone BROKE, burning through hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate donations
- REPARATIONS for all - end the Fed and stop the theft of spending power
- Full interview with Lisa McGee and Todd Callender
- Biden admin officials have NO OATHS of office on file - they are imposters!

BitChute | Odysee
🌎 Isn’t it remarkable that the oddly named Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, which was created only in 2018, has yet again got Gates’ fingerprints all over it? His money buys influence as usual.

They claim to have set it up in the wake of an Ebola outbreak in Africa. GPMB is a joint venture between the WHO & the World Bank.

There was the now-expected, yet unremarked & inexplicable statements about “the next PLANdemic”.

BitChute | Odysee
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇦🇺 Australia ...
A few weeks ago the Stew Peters Show and OAN reported on that🏦banks in Australia were starting to refuse cash withdrawals, or limit them.

At the time, many people said it was only a few banks so to suggest this is going to be widespread is fear mongering.

These 🐑le do not understand the New World Order.

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, July 17, 2023 - TEN things that will happen when the USA launches a GROUND WAR against Russia

- Kamala Harris openly calls for "DEPOPULATION " in scripted speech
- Says that depopulation is necessary for "clean air" and "clean water" [I reported this HERE]
- Sound of Freedom film hits $83 million in revenue (and growing)
- Biden and the West are calling up military reserves to prepare for GROUND WAR with Russia
- Some US Army units are receiving official notices to prepare to deploy
- Biden needs World War III to cancel the 2024 election and declare a military dictatorship
- Prepare for government to seize production, factories, food, refineries and more
- Food rationing will begin, and the government will determine what you are allowed to buy
- Banks will freeze accounts or sharply limit withdrawals
- Smart people are preparing now, in advance of the world war PANIC to buy supplies
- Full interview with Sound of Freedom executive producer Paul Hutchinson

BitChute | Odysee
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⚠️Meanwhile in 🇨🇳 China...
The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel.

The media wants you to believe that China is “experimenting” with digital IDs that are linked to bank accounts and impacted by social credit scores, but they’re already there.
TikTok is one of the last platforms where users throughout the world can share personal news without censorship. In the video above, a Chinese woman is explaining how she “once again cannot buy food.

[Coming soon to your neighborhood☝️]

Rumble | Odysee
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Seymour Hersh: “Netanyahu is a ☠️DEAD☠️ man walking"

Seymour Hersh wrote an article about how Israel will not storm the Gaza Strip, but will begin to suffocate it in a blockade "like the Germans in Leningrad".

"It is unlikely that Israel's armed forces, after years of performing "security" duties in the West Bank, will be able to withstand heavy fighting in the dense urbanisation of Gaza's two million inhabitants.

As for a ground assault, an insider tells me that a brutal alternative is being considered. It could be described as the "Leningrad approach", referring to the attempts by the Germans during the Second World War to starve the city now known as St Petersburg.

The option under consideration, an Israeli insider told me, is to continue to isolate Gaza City in terms of electricity, food and other essentials.
Gaza's ruling Hamas has two to three days' supply of purified drinking water and is already facing food shortages. At some point, Israel may negotiate the release of some prisoners - women and children - in exchange for food and water.

According to the source, a veteran of Israeli security, Netanyahu will have to go once the conflict with Hamas is over. Netanyahu is finished. He is a dead man walking. He will stay in his post until the shooting stops, maybe for another month or two".

Rumble | Odysee
🌎💰🏦 Please recall what financier David Webb has predicted, in his book “The Great Taking”.
At present it’s the Swedish Central Bank that’s FUBAR. The quantum required is modest, from a global perspective.
However, the same things are being deliberately engineered everywhere, all at once.
Will we make Christmas?🤔

Rumble | Odysee
⚠️🌎 Dr. William Makis:
"I think all the discussion about “Disease X” right now is a distraction to leave most people completely unprepared for a black swan event, that could then immediately initiate a catastrophic financial system collapse (stock markets, banking) in an “exponential manner”.

Then, in the midst of a financial catastrophe and chaos, “Disease X” hits, just in time for the
WHO Pandemic Treaty to take effect, accompanied by lockdowns and shutdown of all travel.  It would be more pain than most people could handle. And the population would then be begging for the new “Disease X” mRNA vaccine which could easily be made mandatory to continue getting govt’s financial support payments, perhaps in the form of UBI (universal basic income), and with a promise that if enough people take the mandatory vaccine, they will release us from lockdowns again.

Rumble | Odysee
☝️I TOLD YOU 2 y. ago: Dr. Robert Malone is a SHILL❗️
Here's your next PROOF!👇

Out of the Blue” in the Summer of 2021, as he sat in a hotel/motel in Monterey California, Robert Malone received a phone call from a man who said he had wired a large sum of money to Robert Malone’s bank account.

The payment was so large that Malone was embarrassed to say the amount. It enabled the silver-tongued devil to travel the world and spread what he hypocritically describes as a “Medical Freedom” message. All the while, Hospitals around the world were systematically killing “COVID” patients and falsifying the cause of death. How can there be Medical Freedom if Hospitals are allowed to commit murder? According to the Malones, they put in over 400,000 miles of travel on commercial airlines in 2022- not counting private jets...

🤮 https://is.gd/Malone_is_a_SHILL 💩

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 13, 2024 - WORLD IN CHAOS - Lawlessness prevails as squatters steal private homes and China builds terminator ROBOT ARMIES

- Recent events, including church shooting and transgender shooter. (6:22)
- Israeli actions in Gaza and genocide. (15:10)
- Immigration in the US, with a focus on Arizona and Texas. (31:01)
- Lawlessness in America and squatters taking over homes. (40:04)
- Chinese military robots and drones. (52:43)
- Survival strategies in a chaotic world. (58:16)
- Acquiring silver for different age groups and income levels. (1:08:14)
- Banking sector losses and market instability. (1:26:39)

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 On February 26, 2024, the 4th Baron Rothschild passed away: Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild.
500 trillion dollars in assets, control over 164 banks, instigation of wars, rule over presidents and states. This and much more is attributed to the Rothschild family. To mark the occasion, Kla.TV is once again broadcasting the documentary "The Rothschild Control". Judge for yourself the claim that the Rothschild dynasty is the most powerful family in the world.

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [🚧15 minute city, Agenda 2030, AI, CBDC, Digital 🆔, WEF]
Have you ever heard of 50 in 5? 🤔

Imagine an Orwellian hellscape on par with the one described in the book of Revelation. Then multiple that by 100.

50 in 5 Plan:

✔️the UN has partnered with KILL-Bill Gate$ to build something called a digital public infrastructure

✔️50 countries in 5 years agree to this rollout (they already have 14 countries who have agreed)

✔️Think of a digital gulag for humanity that uses:

☑️Digital IDs - many states are developing this now in the US
☑️Programable Central bank digital currency - 98% of governments in the world are working on this
☑️Payment processing systems
☑️Digital health certificates which will be part of the new International Health Treaty Amendments to be decided on 5/28

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [CBDC, Digital 🆔, Great Reset, Social Credit System, WEF]
Using cash to make anonymous purchases that are not monitored by the central bank’s invasive monitoring system will soon the reserved for VIP elites who hold licenses to use cash, if we allow Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum to roll out their carefully laid plans.

The WEF hosted a summit in Saudi Arabia to quietly share the details of their disturbing plans to completely ban cash in favor of a 100 percent digital system, while admitting the Covid pandemic was part of the plan to transition consumers away from cash and into the cold embrace of central banks.

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 World Bank launches plan to decimate global farming under excuse of cutting carbon emissions❗️
The globalist-led World Bank issued a report recently that proposes the idea of making drastic cuts to global agriculture production in order to achieve "net zero emissions."
The plot involves centralizing the world's farms in the hands of just a few wealthy individuals who plan to cut almost one-third of the world's greenhouse gas emissions by radically altering the way food is grown.

Rumble | Odysee
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