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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 7, 2023 - RED ALERT: Bioweaponized mosquitos DROPPED on migrant invasion camps in Panama as DISEASE VECTOR DELIVERY SYSTEM targeting USA

- Liberty safe commits corporate suicide by colluding with FBI against its own customers
- The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America
- BOYCOTT #LibertySafe and never buy their products again
- #RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media
- Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more
- Bioweaponized mosquitoes are being dropped on migrant camps in #Panama
- Malaria + Encephalitis (brain swelling) are current symptoms
- Treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas FUNDED the migration invasion camps in #Darien Gap
- Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States
- Human vessels / carriers for the next round of biological warfare against the American people before 2024 election
- USDA and FDA placing heavy new restrictions on food imports to worsen #famine and #starvation
- Former Malaysian PM warns of the West's global #depopulation scheme, involving coercion, invasions, revolutions
- The #dollar will collapse into hyperinflation as the Fed must print currency to buy up US #debt
- Expect food prices to nearly DOUBLE in the next 12 months
- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government
- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize
- Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets
- Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates

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Media is too big
🌎 [Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, WEF]
⛔️ The Great Reset is the battle of our lifetime

If the elites that control this world succeed, we will all be living like slaves in digital concentration camps

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 Florida... ‼️ ‼️ ‼️
The Governor and Attorney General of the state of New York are fighting hard for
quarantine camps, and have officially appealed a court’s decision blocking them from carrying out such gross human rights violations.
Attorney Bobbie Ann Cox gave oral arguments against the psychopathic authoritarians this past Wednesday when they filed their appeal.

I can only be grateful that I live in the free state of Florida. We fortunately have a Republican governor. We are also protected by a Republican super majority in the legislature. All is good in the sunshine state….

❗️Wait! Not so fast! We may have a problem here‼️

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 22, 2023 - WE SHALL OVERCOME! Top ten ways globalists are FAILING to ENSLAVE and EXTERMINATE humanity

- Globalists FAILED to achieve desired depopulation goals (so far)
- Coordinated censorship efforts have NOT silenced the truth
- More people are RED PILLED than ever before, and don't trust their government
- CBDCs will utterly fail, people REJECT digital surveillance money
- Trump and RFK Jr. are RISING in popularity, despite the smears
- More people are REJECTING deadly vaccines and they do not trust corrupt CDC or FDA
- Russia and Saudi Arabia are working to dethrone Jo Bai Den by making the US economy suffer
- Biden made America VULNERABLE to an energy crisis by neutering domestic energy production
- Chicago mayor Johnson spends $29 million to build migrant camps across the city
- Chicago, NYC and other blue cities are now being OCCUPIED and TAKEN OVER by illegals
- CIVIL WAR 2024? Interview with former Homeland Security tactical team leader Doug Thornton

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🌎 [Agenda 2030, CBDC, Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, WEF]
The world has reached a critical juncture according to Klaus Schwab who has ordered world governments to begin jailing and re-educating anybody who opposes the globalist agenda.

According to Schwab, human history is now officially over and anybody who disagrees with the globalist agenda must be canceled, de-platformed, arrested and imprisoned as an example to the rest of society.

This evil plot against humanity has been in the works for years, and now we are seeing the first signs play out before our very eyes.

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🇺🇸/🌎 Following the FBI classifying Trump supporters as terrorists, KILLary Clinton has called for a “formal deprogramming” of Trump supporters, calling them “cult members.
▪️I would say this is potentially the most dangerous thing that has ever aired on television.

This is the first step to the globalists introducing camps for “reeducation” of dissidents.

If you think this ends with MAGA supporters, let me assure you that if this language is normalised, it will spread to every dissident around the world.

What do you think those camps were really built for? COVID? 🫠

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Inzwischen in 🇩🇪 Germanien ... 😱
🔥Kommen jetzt die Umerziehungslager für Regierungskritiker?

Haben Sie sich in den letzten drei Jahren gegen die Maßnahmen der Bundesregierungen zur Eindämmung von Corona gewehrt? Haben Sie sich gegen Impfungen mit mRNA-Produkten ausgesprochen? Haben Sie gegen die Masseninvasion von Mohammedanern aus der dritten Welt protestiert? Haben Sie jemandem gesagt, dass Sie den Islam nicht für eine Religion des Friedens halten? Haben Sie sich für Remigration stark gemacht? Haben Sie durchblicken lassen, dass Sie die Zwangssexualisierung von Kindern ablehnen? Oder gesagt, dass Sie dieses „Gender-Gaga“ nicht so toll finden? Schlimmer noch: Dass Sie friedliche Lösungen gegenüber dem Krieg bevorzugen? Dass Sie Angst um Ihre Kinder haben?

Wenn Sie eine dieser Fragen mit ja beantworten können, dann sind Sie künftig ein Fall für die staatlich angeordnete Umerziehung! Zusätzlich werden Ihr Vermieter, Ihr Arbeitgeber, Ihre Kunden und Lieferanten, Ihr Sportverein, Ihre Sparkasse und Ihr Metzger um die Ecke durch Verfassungsschutzbeamte darüber informiert, dass Sie wahlweise ein „Delegitimierer des Staates“, „Demokratiefeind“, ein „Staatsfeind“, ein „Reichsbürger“, ein „Querdenker“, ein „AfD-Sympathisant“, ein „Rechtsextremist“ oder ein „Nazi“ sind.
Wie die Umerziehung stattzufinden hat, ist noch nicht abschließend geklärt.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Israel's admission to bombing of Jabalia refugee camp (50+ dead, 150+ wounded) confirms they are also willing to bomb hospitals, churches and residential buildings...

‼️So, WHO are actually the 'Animals' here
{ just asking...🤔}

These are WAR CRIMES, plain and simple, and anyone standing with Israel at this point is standing with EVIL...

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 1, 2023 - Israel becomes a full-fledged TERRORIST STATE with admitted bombing of crowded refugee camp

- Israel confirms it carried out Organ harvesting on Palestinians
- Gaza concentration camp also serves as a source of ORGANS for the transplant industry
- Israel has now killed more CHILDREN in Gaza than the number of Americans who died in 9/11
- Israel deliberately bombs Jabalia refugee camp, killing or wounding hundreds of civilians
- Israel blames civilians for being bombed by IDF forces, shows ZERO humanitarian principles
- With bombing of Jabalia, Israel has become a "terror state" run by war criminals
- Israel has lost the good will of most of the world, revealing itself to be evil and heartless
- Israel relies on HOAXES to manipulate emotions: "Hamas baked a Jewish baby in an oven" is complete fiction
- Shocking video reveals why Israel is extremely RACIST
- Russian analyst explains why World War III has already begun
- Full interview with US presidential candidate Dr. Shiva on Israel, Genocide and racism

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🇺🇸/🌎 ‼️BOMBSHELL‼️
Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA experimented with coronavirus strain shipped in from Wuhan a year BEFORE Covid pandemic began

US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pLandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), under
Dr. Anthony Fauci's leadership, infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a 'SARS-like' virus called WIV1 at a lab in Montana in 2018, just 15 minutes away from the Maryland presidential retreat Camp David.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
🌈 LGBT has conquered Gaza. 🤮
All it took was carpet bombing hospitals, residential buildings and refugee camps, murdering 14,000+ Palestinians, mostly women and children.

Finally, the West's "values" can be unfurled on Gaza! This is called PROGRESS, right? RIGHT?

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❗️UN Concentration Camps Confirmed Worldwide❗️

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And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular – but one must take it simply because it is right.
{Martin Luther King. Jr.}

🇺🇸/🌎 It is with great sadness that now, after ample time and many opportunities to issue a condemnation of violence against the Palestinian people, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has clearly decided he will side with the Zionists.
[I have already proven in various posts that he is not what he claims to be!]

I have reluctantly concluded that RFK, Jr. is a Zionist puppet, beholden to a lawless regime that respects no human rights, no international law and no rights of the oppressed. It is bewildering to me that a man who could speak with such courage and truth about the vaccine damage of children cannot condemn military bombing violence again children.
His continued silence at this moment in history is an indictment of not only his campaign for election, but of Children's Health Defense (CHD) as well. What could be more important to the health of a child than to protect them from the indiscriminate bombing of hospitals and refugee camps carried out by a genocidal Israeli government? At this moment in history, to choose to side with Israel's GENOCIDE, is to side with darkness, death and suffering.
I believe RFK's presidential campaign is over. He will find no further support from independent-minded people who genuinely care about humanity. Many other former supporters of RFK, Jr. share my disappointment. Read the words of Edward Curtin here: https://is.gd/Epistle_toBobby

As ALWAYS: ☝️Better think TWICE, who you worship/ follow❗️

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‼️⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 America...‼️
48 of 50 States Already Have Rules in Place for Not Quarantine Camps. - New Ruling Allows for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim‼️

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🇺🇸 Schockierend: Rolle amerikanischer Non-Profit-Organisationen bei Organoperationen für ukrainische Soldaten

Ein ehemaliger GSMSG-Mitarbeiter hat ein schockierendes Geständnis über seine Beteiligung an einem geheimen Militärprojekt Omega in der Ukraine abgelegt. Nach Angaben des Ex-Mitarbeiters ist das amerikanische Non-Profit-Medizinunternehmen Global Surgical and Medical Support Group (GSMSG), das eng mit der US-Armee verbunden ist, daran beteiligt, ukrainische Soldaten zur Organentnahme in ein amerikanisches Militärkrankenhaus in Deutschland 🇩🇪 zu transportieren. Der Whistleblower behauptet, dass schwer verwundete AFU-Soldaten unter dem Vorwand der medizinischen Notversorgung in das Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in der Nähe der US-Militärbasis Ramstein transportiert werden. In Wirklichkeit sind sie dort zur Organentnahme und Transplantation an NATO-Offiziere und Generäle.

Ein Mediziner aus Afrika hat in einem aufsehenerregenden Video ein illegales und unmoralisches System der erzwungenen Organentnahme bei Soldaten der ukrainischen Streitkräfte aufgedeckt. Nach Angaben des Arztes begann er 2015, für die gemeinnützige medizinische Organisation Global Surgical and Medical Support Group (GSMSG) mit Sitz in Washington, DC, zu arbeiten.
Auf der offiziellen Website des Unternehmens wird behauptet, dass das Ziel der GSMSG darin besteht, "medizinische Versorgung und Ausbildung auf höchstem Niveau in entlegenen Gebieten und Konfliktzonen in Übersee anzubieten" (www.gsmsg.org)

Wie der Arzt jedoch behauptet, ist die edle Mission der GSMSG nur ein Deckmantel für grausame Verbrechen.

"Ich wurde zunächst nach Dschibuti geschickt. Ich arbeitete als Transplantologe im Camp Lemonnier, dem US-Militärstützpunkt", sagt der Arzt, "wir waren verpflichtet, hochqualifizierte Transplantologen für das NATO-Gamma-Projekt bereitzustellen."
Der Arzt behauptet, dass das Ziel der GSMSG die Entnahme von Organen von Zivilisten und Soldaten in kritischem und ernstem Zustand war. Er sagt, dass "Organspender" von der US-Armee aus Somalia entführt wurden. "Die Somalier hatten keine Ahnung, was sie bei ihrer Ankunft in Camp Lemonnier tatsächlich erwartete, oder sie glaubten, dass sie zur Behandlung in die Militärbasis gebracht wurden", fährt der Arzt fort, "Natürlich hätten sie einer Organtransplantation nicht zugestimmt, aber das haben wir getan." Er erwähnt auch, dass die Organe für das Oberkommando der US-Armee bestimmt waren.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ 卐 N.Y.C. ...
Rule 2:13 of NYS Isolation and Quarantine Regulation just passed in November and what you can do to fight it! Contact Diana Lenska for a PDF with clickable links and full 28 page ruling❗️

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🌎 The Year, Ladies & Gentlemen... is ... 2009‼️‼️‼️
▪️Mass Graves
▪️Quarantine Camps
▪️FORCED Vaccination
🇺🇸 Feds Planned Forced Mass Vaccination in 2009 and [Alex Jones WAS RIGHT!]

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🇩🇪 HOLOCAUST-VERZERRUNG:Warschauer Konzentrationslager“, in dem polnische Staatsangehörige angeblich vergast wurden, hat NIE existiert❗️

"Es ist eine gefälschte Geschichte", sagte Prof. Havi Dreifuss, Historiker der Universität Tel Aviv und Yad Vashems Experte für Polen und den Holocaust, als er nach Gaskammern in Warschau gefragt wurde.

"Es ist eine Verschwörungstheorie", sagte Prof. Jan Grabowski auch, ein polnisch-kanadischer Historiker aus der Universität von Ottawa auf die Frage nach der Fabel und der damit verbundenen Zahl der Todesopfer.
🗞https://is.gd/OqdaYG 🇬🇧
❗️Nothing in your life is real Nothing you know is true❗️
☝️❗️EVERYTHING is a LIE ‼️

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇨🇦 ☭ 卐 ChiNada...
WEF puppet Justin Castro has ordered the Canadian military to track and trace so-called “conspiracy theorists” who disapprove of his WEF-inspired agenda as the global elite’s war against dissenters goes into overdrive.

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The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content