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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🇩🇪 Deutschland damals und heute (1945-2023)
🪖💀 Europa im Krieg - Wir erinnern uns gemeinsam

Scheinbar fällt es mindestens "unseren Eliten" sehr schwer, die Geschichte aufmerksam zu verfolgen und die richtigen Lehren aus ihr zu ziehen. Wir sollten uns dringend daran erinnern, für wieviel Verwüstung und Elend die vergangenen Kriege in Deutschland und Europa gesorgt haben.

Wie ihr in dem Video sehen könnt, sind unsere friedlichen Straßen, die wir tagtäglich begehen, keine Selbstverständlichkeit und es droht sich die Geschichte aufgrund der Handlungen "unserer Eliten" zu wiederholen.

Braucht es das deutsche Volk?

🇬🇧 Germany then and now (1945-2023)
Europe at war - We remember together

Apparently, at least “our elites” find it very difficult to follow history closely and draw the right lessons from it. We should urgently remember how much devastation and misery the past wars have caused in Germany and Europe.

As you can see in the video, our peaceful streets that we walk every day cannot be taken for granted and history is in danger of repeating itself because of the actions of "our elites."

Does the German people need it?

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🌎 The global elites are planning another false flag worse than 9/11 according to a World Enslavement Forum insider who claims the “systemic shock” caused by a devastating “global famine” will allow the elite to usher in mechanisms granting them tyrannical control over humanity...

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🇷🇺/🌎 Putin to Western elites: ‘Your 🧛‍♂️ vampire ball is over’

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🇺🇸/🌎 Just a Thought of mine... Coincidences... are they? 🤔 1) Alien Creature in 'Prometheus' 2) 'Creature' found in the Moderna VaxXxine 👉 FACTS vs. LIES!
I told you this more than 2 Years ago!
🌎 Scientists at an elite research unit in Spain have made a series of startling discoveries regarding the Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccine, including the disturbing fact that when placed in a reptile incubator at body temperature for 48 hours, new life forms, including heads and legs, appear to hatch in the mRNA solution.

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The Clintons have long considered Haiti to be their personal playground where they can indulge in their wildest fantasies with close friends from the global elite, according to Haitians who allege the Democrat power couple are involved in a Satanic cannibal club in which children are ritually abused and their flesh eaten.

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🚨💥🇩🇪/🌎 Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the Covid pandemic.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

These secret German government documents [RKI-Files] obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s Covid lies and the it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

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🌎 [🚧15 minute city, Agenda 2030, AI, C40, CBDC, Digital 🆔, WEF]
The commercial airline industry has been hijacked by the globalist elite who are determined to bring the industry to its knees as part of the Agenda 2030 plan for humanity.

According to industry whistleblowers, inside job sabotage is responsible for the spate of disastrous incidents in the air and on tarmacs across America, with the stated goal being to destroy the industry from within by eroding public confidence in flying.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK... 😵‍💫 Ein von der britischen Regierung in Auftrag gegebener Bericht der Universität Oxford und des Imperial College London schlägt vor, alle Flughäfen zu schließen, den Verzehr von Rind- und Lammfleisch zu verbieten und keine neuen…
☝️🌎 You will EAT Zee BUGS 💩 SHIT🪳🐛🦗❗️
The global elite are planning to close down all airports, ban the consumption of beef and lamb, and ban the construction of new buildings as part of a sudden and sweeping “quantum leap” to address the so-called climate crisis.

According to the elite, humanity must learn to suffer until the climate crisis has been dealt with. How long will that take? According to government documents, we are looking at four decades minimum of severe deprivations including a ban on new clothes.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
The Israel-Iran conflict is an “inside job” by the globalist elite who are working to ensure the conflict will light the fuse to ignite a “holy war” that will spiral out of control into World War Three and lay the groundwork for the elite to usher in the “one world government” of the ☭New World Order.

According to an insider [William Cooper], recent events in the middle east, including the Israel-Hamas war and now the conflict with Iran have been planned by the global elite and are now playing out to the letter – with the ultimate goal of shaping the world in their own image.

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☭★Communism SUCKS‼️
🇺🇳 The United Nations has declared war on conspiracy theorists, describing the rise of people thinking for themselves as “worrying and dangerous”, and providing the public with a toolkit to “debunk” and “prebunk” anyone who dares to suggest the global elite are anything but completely honest, upstanding and working with our best interests at heart...

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🌎 A Gates Foundation insider has revealed America’s food supply will be deliberately infected with bird flu to spark the next pandemic and pave the way for KILL-Bill Gate$’ next money-spinning vaccine to conquer the global market.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇨🇦 ☭ 卐 ChiNada...
WEF puppet Justin Castro has ordered the Canadian military to track and trace so-called “conspiracy theorists” who disapprove of his WEF-inspired agenda as the global elite’s war against dissenters goes into overdrive.

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🌎 [CBDC, Digital 🆔, Great Reset, Social Credit System, WEF]
Using cash to make anonymous purchases that are not monitored by the central bank’s invasive monitoring system will soon the reserved for VIP elites who hold licenses to use cash, if we allow Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum to roll out their carefully laid plans.

The WEF hosted a summit in Saudi Arabia to quietly share the details of their disturbing plans to completely ban cash in favor of a 100 percent digital system, while admitting the Covid pandemic was part of the plan to transition consumers away from cash and into the cold embrace of central banks.

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🌎 [Adrenochrome, Child Abuse, Human Trafficking, Organ harvesting]
🇺🇸 An elite pharmacy in Los Angeles has been busted selling Adrenochrome pills to Hollywood executives and celebrities according to an LAPD source who reveals the ancient drug sourced from tortured and murdered children is booming in popularity in Tinseltown...

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🌎 Former long-term and high-level employees at Pfizer have stepped forward to bravely expose what they describe as crimes against humanity perpetrated by the pharmaceutical giant.

This isn’t just another corporate scandal. It’s a tale of betrayal, manipulation, and mass murder on a scale that’s hard to fathom unless you hear it from those who were on the inside of one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and understand Big Pharma’s role in implementing Agenda 2030 on behalf of the global elite.

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🌎 ☣️ FULL SCALE GENOCIDE ❗️☠️ Meanwhile in 🇳🇿 New Zealand...🤬 ‼️The NZ government is ordering bee keepers to burn their Bees 🐝, under threat of jail time‼️ In another case apart from this video, Springbank Honey was ordered to burn 10,000 bee boxes after…
World governments have been ordered to crack down on honey bees as the globalist elite escalate the war on farmers and prepare the groundwork for the devastating global famine that insiders have warned us about.

Beekeepers around the world are reporting that government officials are visiting farms and destroying healthy bee colonies without cause and without testing for the diseases they claim they are restricting.

This blatant assault on our food system is the strongest indication yet of the elite’s resolve to intentionally design a worldwide famine, enabling them to seize tyrannical control over humanity.

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How to Save Live Photo as Video