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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🌎/🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon: I was always sure they’d do this.
Do NOT sign up to the national or EU version of this.
It’s a major piece of the global killing machine. Like getting your clothes caught in the PTO of a running tractor, you’re not going to get a second chance.

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🌎[Agenda 2030, CBDC, Digital 🆔]
🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon: A person asked, what if people refuse to use the digital ID that MEP Rob Roos told us about yesterday? Here is my latest thinking, which I’ve been saying literally for years.

I predict you’ll be required to present your digital ID ahead of EVERY transaction, be that a purchase or a movement (entry to / exit from a regulated facility, and over time, almost everywhere will be regulated).
Furthermore, I predict that continuing validity of your digital ID will hinge on a number of things, notably whether you’re up-to-date with WHO-recommended “vaccinations” (which is why they’re installing the pandemic treaty, so governments can say “It’s not us, it’s the WHO & we’re legally required to ensure you comply”.
Unfortunately, the “vaccines” will be mRNA based, which is why factories manufacturing billions of doses are going up all around the world and why our governments have pre-purchased sufficient to inject every citizen a further ten times.
Nobody will survive ten injections of these diabolical materials, which are toxic by design, unquestionably intentionally.
This is the tyrannical totalitarian control system on steroids, which make 1984 & Brave New World a walk in the park.

Do NOT sign up for Digital 🆔‼️
I know they’ll punish those who decline, but consider what they’ll do to those who comply.

☝️He is so RIGHT!

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🌎/🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon: We tried to get those damned ☣️Bioweapons off the market, but the precautionary measure to stop the experimental non vaccines was heard today and NOT granted due to mere technicalities!
OK everyone, the hearing is over and the court did NOT grant the precautionary measure...

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🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon: I have mentioned that I’ve reviewed the updated WHO guidelines on pandemic preparedness in late 2019.
Anyone can find it using the Wayback Machine and searching WHO’s website.
The document is over 100 pages long and was issued to the public health department of every member state by the end of 2019.

It considered the evidence base for each & every NPI (non pharmaceutical intervention), finding no support for ANY of them, like lockdowns, masking, mass testing, border restrictions and business closures. Only remain at home if you’re sick and wash your hands more often than you would typically had “may have some useful effect”.
Recall Event 201, a tabletop simulation, took place even later, yet focused wholly on CONTROL, of people, of messaging and communication (propaganda).
So when the terrifying absurdity of the lockdowns started, you may be sure that the public health people knew with certainty that we were all being lied to. They said nothing.

Dr. Anne McCloskey is one of my heroes and I’ll give evidence in support of any appeal she may choose to make against her suspension.

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I told you this already back in March, now read it from Dr. Mike Yeadon👇
"It’s not easy to trust this organisation, given that, to my limited knowledge, no one who has stood out to speak truthfully about the fake pandemic & the intentionally harmful, Dept of Defense orchestrated injections, was even invited to join the audience of their meeting in London.
That implies that the majority of the participants are either asleep or are cowards. Not ideal characteristics for a movement that sets itself out to be the alternative to
We don’t need an alternative to WEF.
We need to turn our backs on those with hubristic thinking that they’re the smartest people & so should rightly be in charge.
Both WEF & ARC intend to interfere in our lives.
Life would be immensely better if both were simply to vanish.

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Zensierter Yeadon-Vortrag geleaked!

Der von der AfD zensierte! Vortrag des Ex-Vizepräsidenten von Pfizer auf ihren eigenen Symposium wurde geleaked. Da das simultan übersetzt wurde, ist Mike Yeadon selbst schwer zu verstehen. Aber laut Übersetzung sagt er ab Min. 3:47:

"Es gibt Diskussionen dazu, ob es nun einen Virus gegeben hat oder nicht. Ich glaube nicht."

Er meint, dass die Wuhan-Lab-Theorie für ihn offenbar ein Ablenkungsmanöver ist. Und spricht von 17 Millionen durch die Gentherapie getöteten Menschen.

Es ist durchaus vorstellbar, dass der Vortrag nicht veröffentlicht wurde, da er mit der Simultan-Übersetzung schwer verständlich ist. Aber man hätte zumindest das Original veröffentlichen müssen.

Für mich ist Dr. Michael Yeadon einer der herausragendsten Wissenschaftler im Widerstand, weil er selbst bei Pfizer gearbeitet hat und im Gegensatz zu Bhakdi & Co in der Lage ist, sein gesamtes Lebenswerk zu hinterfragen. Das fällt vielen offenbar unheimlich schwer.

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🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon - They're ALL in on it❗️

Not only that; the 🇷🇺 Яussians (Sputnik V) and the 🇨🇳 Chinese (Sinovac) put the SAME 💩SHITE in their 'VaxXxines'!

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🌎 The recent string of censorship events against 🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon in the parliaments of Germany, Croatia and England has stirred up the “Freedom Movement”. Many people became angry about those who dared to “split the movement”. Unity was what was needed most in these times of crisis. Really? I respectfully disagree. Here is why:👇

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🇬🇧 Dr. Mike Yeadon: "This is a totalitarian depopulation program."
Dr. Yeadon says the plan *10 Jabs per Human.
(*) As I reported earlier, according to a Pfizer paper, up to 170 Jabs are planned. That was FALSE❗️

According to the World Holocaust Organisation 500 (FIVE HUNDRED!) Jabs are planned !!!
1 🗞https://bit.ly/3W9elLZ
2 🗞https://bit.ly/3FiVbgw
3 🗞https://is.gd/Immunization_Agenda_2030

Should be shared everywhere!

🇩🇪 Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Die Pharmaunternehmen stellen jede alte Impfungen in mRNA um.

Es gibt schriftliche Verträge mit Regierungen über 10 Injektionen pro Bürger.. so viele kann der Körper nicht verkraften.

"Das ist ein totalitäres Entvölkerungsprogramm

Sollte überall geteilt werden!

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🇺🇸/🌎 Dr. Sacha Latypova on an open letter by Dr. Mike Yeadon. She’s laser sharp and occasionally funny, too.
Well worth reading 📄https://is.gd/o13BXu

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🇬🇧/🌎 Posted by Dr. Mike Yeadon:👇
"So sad that we weren’t able to bottle 2021!
Still, we get to do it all over again, with many more new friends!"

❗️This is a good one! 👍

👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 😎
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