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Maricopa audit results to be announced 9/24 at 1 PM.

Just out.

(Edit - some people will never be happy)
🇨🇳 Drei-Schluchten-Damm erreicht höchsten Wasserstand seit 23 Jahren❗️

Chinas längster Fluss hat für das Jahr ein neues Überschwemmungsniveau erreicht, da monatelange sintflutartige Regenfälle Südchina weiterhin verwüsten und den Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm des Flusses – Chinas größtes Kraftwerk – weiter zu überlasten drohen. [..]

👉 Quelle

👉 Chinas Drei-Schluchten Damm - Umweltkatastrophe ? (2008)

COVID Whistleblower Claims the VAERS Reporting Database Tracking Vaccine Complications is WRONG and Undercounting by a Factor of 100

Dr. Mollie James, the courageous COVID whistleblower who has come forward denouncing the Biden vaccine mandates, has shockingly claimed that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, known as VAERS, the national database that tracks complications and side effects from vaccines, is so widely underused that the real number of COVID vaccine complications is more than 100 times what is currently being reported.

If true, this means that the political decision to force vaccines on the public and on entire industries could come with major, long-term, serious health consequences that are poorly understood because the political agenda is suffocating the scientific collection of data.

“I feel pressured not to use VAERS and many of my colleagues confidently tell me the same,” Dr. James said exclusively to the Gateway Pundit. “They are scared of the politics, of being outed, shamed, and ridiculed. It’s easy for a Doctor to lose their admitting privileges somewhere, and many know if they report something as a vaccine side effect they could lose their job. I just can’t believe what I’m seeing over and over again, and I’ve decided to come forward because this is such a silent crisis of public health, people have to know how bad things are and they need to know the real risks of the COVID vaccines.”

Dr. James points to peer-reviewed studies and surveys that show the VAERS system is off by a factor of 100, and says this matches her own experiences.

Dr. James estimated that in her intensive care unit in New York City, or ICU, with a major medical chain, she sees 30% or more who clearly have complications after having received the vaccine. “There is clearly an increased risk of strokes, heart attack, blood clots, autoimmune issues, arterial issues, and neurological issues associated with the vaccine that are not being tracked because politics is demanding that the vaccine be considered perfect. The risks go all the way up to death. People are suffering major adverse reactions and I have no doubt many are dying from these vaccines but we can’t discuss this openly without fear of political consequences. I have to speak out.”

Dr. James is one of many Doctors protesting and refusing the Biden vaccine mandates as they would require Doctors like her, and other medical professionals, to inject a vaccine that could cause severe complications including stroke, heart attacks, and death for those who are otherwise naturally immune.

“When we don’t know how serious the side effects are for these vaccines, would you feel comfortable taking it, or giving it to your family?” James asked. “If we had a sane response to this pandemic we would create mandates for the most at-risk population that have demonstrated need with the least likely complications, primarily the elderly. The young and those in good shape should rely on natural immunity to provide the strongest protection. But we can’t make these kind of evidence-backed policies as long as the political pressure is so strong to ignore and suppress evidence of vaccine complications.”

In late June another Doctor came forward to allege that the VAERS system was being ‘overwhelmed’ with COVID vaccine reports, but that the data was being ignored.

Even with the underreporting, the current statistics on vaccine complications are not insignificant.

According to the VAERS Report there were 3,296 COVID Vaccine deaths in the US since July 24 or an average of 70 deaths per day.

Yet the CDC says complications from receiving the COVID vaccine are “extremely unlikely.” Dr. Fauci is busy arguing with Nicki Minaj that impotence is not a possible side effect of the COVID vaccine.

The CDC officially reports very limited side effects from the COVID vaccine.
Dr. James disagrees and says there are very real side effects to the COVID vaccines that are going unreported: “A number of my patients in my ICU, when review their history and I question them and go over their risk factors, their only risk factor they had was vaccination leading to severe things like heart attacks, blood clots, unusual heart complications which we have seen with the myocarditis, and even cardiac arrest.”

Dr. James says the research says VAERS captures, at best, 1-10% at most of the actual complications.

“If you have a cardiac arrest within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine, it’s something we need to consider as connected to the vaccine. Right now, that connection is not being made and right now they are being massively underreported. There are people with no other risk factors, and we are seeing this to a concerning level. If it’s happening to a number of patients in the ICU’s I’m working in, I can only assume it’s present in other places and it’s not being reported.”
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„Die Geschützten müssen vor den Ungeschützten geschützt werden, indem man die Ungeschützten zwingt, den Schutz zu verwenden, der die Geschützten nicht geschützt hat.“
Media is too big
𝐄𝐱-𝐏𝐟𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐫-𝐕𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐳𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐚-𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐠: „𝐄𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐝!“

Wenn man Ihnen sagt, dass es darum geht, gefährdete Familienmitglieder zu schützen, dann ist das eine Lüge.“ Diese drastischen Worte zu den Plänen, alle Kinder ab 12 Jahren gegen SARS-CoV-2 zu impfen, findet kein Geringerer als der ehemalige Vizepräsident des Impfstoffherstellers Pfizer. Dr. Michael Yeadon geht sogar so weit, diese Impfung als Mord zu bezeichnen! In dieser Sendung nennt er die eigentlichen Gründe dafür, warum der Staat trotzdem ALLE impfen will ...

Mehr dazu: #Coronavirus #Impfen #LeidendeKinder #DrMichaelYeadon #GesundheitMedizin #Medienkommentare

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Top 20 Radio TV - 9.00 Uhr am 16.September.2021 -

Neue Nachrichten.


1. Australien,

2. Muttermilch und Genspritze

3. Kennedy Familie

4. 5G Technologie

5. USA Babys und die Pseudo Impfung

6. Weitere Positive - Coronatests wurden untersucht

7. Und vieles mehr...

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BREAKING! Sturzflut-Notfall für Washington DC / Virginia Gebiet.

Teile von Washington DC und Virginia werden derzeit von heftigen Regenfällen heimgesucht. Berichten zufolge sind Menschen in Autos eingeschlossen - eine lebensbedrohliche Situation.
Nr 541 💥💥💥Bitcoin ist Blutgeld - Wirecard-Skandal weitet sich aus - Ermittlungen wegen Geldwäsche und Steuerhinterziehung von Regierungen - Olaf Scholz und Bundestag haben Antworten zu liefern💥💥💥

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USA 🇺🇸 Washington.

"They put the fences back up around the Capitol. They've deployed the Marines in Washington DC. They've deployed the National Guard in every state in the United States. Then Pennsylvania announced yesterday that they're going to take another look at the results of the 2020 presidential election. And then our hero Donald Trump says publicly that an unnamed source is about to decertify the 2020 presidential election. This is more than coincidence, ladies and gentlemen. Now it's getting serious, prepare for it, because when it happens, you know the shit is going to hit the fan.
Die Magie des Lebens zeigt sich dreifach. Überall. Wir leben in der dritten Dimension. Länge | Breite | Höhe. Auch das menschliche Wesen hat drei Selbste. Die schönste Blüte zeigt sich, wenn wir diese Drei-Einigkeit in uns erkennen, leben und ausdrücken.

"Was bedeutet es, wirklich Mensch zu sein?"
Das erkunden wir gemeinsam in einem für dich kostenlosen Webinar am kommenden Freitag, 17. Spt. 2021 ab 19:30; bis längstens 21:00 h.

Mehr als 1.500 Menschen haben sich bereits fix angemeldet. Wie wundervoll. Sei dabei. Du bist von Herzen willkommen.

Nur das sei versprochen: Ich zeige dir, wie du dich an die Universelle Lebens-Energie andockst, dich somit dynamisch und großartig fühlst und gleichzeitig deine drei Selbste zum Schwingen und Klingen bringst.

Ich freue mich dir entgegen - Karl Gamper

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‼️‼️‼️Nachfolgend die Liste zum Ausleiten der Inhaltsstoffe der Impfung‼️‼️‼️

• Glutathion (am wichtigsten für Körperentgiftung) oder besser
• NAC = N-Acetyl-Cystein 600-750mg (veranlasst den Körper Glutathion selber zu produzieren)
• Zink
• Astaxantin 5mg (verbessert auch die Sehkraft)
• Quercetin
• Vitamin D3
• Mariendistel (auch Leber- und Magenschutz)
• Melatonin 1mg bis 10mg (gegen 5G)
• Alternativ CDS/CDL und Zeolith
Nr 542 💥💥💥Bundestagswahl -> Zweimal wählen = Wahlbetrug - geimpfte Kinder sterben in den Schulen oder wählen Selbstmord - Firmen erklären Maskenverbot💥💥💥

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