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Hi, hope everyone is doing well. There is 72 % chance for down movement .

Max expected price 1.07827
Min expected price 1.07571

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.07827 - 1.07699
Stoploss above 1.07827
Target 1.07571
Hello there! There is small range in EURUSD. Our algorithms show a 77.9 % chance for down trend .

Max expected price 1.08546
Min expected price 1.08162

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.08546 - 1.08354
Stoploss above 1.08546
Target 1.08162
Hi all. Calculations show that we have 76.67 % chance for up run .

Max expected price 1.08948
Min expected price 1.0818

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.0818 - 1.08564
Stoploss below 1.0818
Target 1.08948
How is your morning going so far? Today we have a 76.67 % chance for up swing .

Max expected price 1.08705
Min expected price 1.07937

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.07937 - 1.08321
Stoploss below 1.07937
Target 1.08705
Hello there! Our algorithms show a 66.7 % chance for down trend .

Max expected price 1.0874
Min expected price 1.08292

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.0874 - 1.08516
Stoploss above 1.0874
Target 1.08292
Hi, hope everyone is doing well. There is 80 % chance for up movement .

Max expected price 1.08876
Min expected price 1.08492

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.08492 - 1.08684
Stoploss below 1.08492
Target 1.08876
Good day to you. There is medium down trend in EURUSD. Our algorithms show a 75.18 % chance for up trend .

Max expected price 1.07543
Min expected price 1.07223

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.07223 - 1.07383
Stoploss below 1.07223
Target 1.07543
Hello there! There is medium down swing in EURUSD. Our algorithms show a 85.56 % chance for up swing .

Max expected price 1.07298
Min expected price 1.07042

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.07042 - 1.0717
Stoploss below 1.07042
Target 1.07298
Good morning. We have strong down movement in EURUSD. There is 72.2 % chance for down movement .

Max expected price 1.06561
Min expected price 1.06369

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.06561 - 1.06465
Stoploss above 1.06561
Target 1.06369
Top of the morning to you! We have medium down run in EURUSD. Calculations show that we have 79.78 % chance for up run .

Max expected price 1.06411
Min expected price 1.06091

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.06091 - 1.06251
Stoploss below 1.06091
Target 1.06411
Morning. We have small range in EURUSD. We have 80 % chance for down run .

Max expected price 1.06395
Min expected price 1.06011

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.06395 - 1.06203
Stoploss above 1.06395
Target 1.06011
Good morning. We have small range in EURUSD. There is 72.2 % chance for down movement .

Max expected price 1.06918
Min expected price 1.0647

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.06918 - 1.06694
Stoploss above 1.06918
Target 1.0647
Good day to you. There is small range in EURUSD. Calculations show that we have 79.17 % chance for up trend .

Max expected price 1.06427
Min expected price 1.06107

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.06107 - 1.06267
Stoploss below 1.06107
Target 1.06427
Top of the morning to you! There is small range in EURUSD. Calculations show that we have 73.5 % chance for down trend .

Max expected price 1.06751
Min expected price 1.06431

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.06751 - 1.06591
Stoploss above 1.06751
Target 1.06431
How is your morning going so far? There is small range in EURUSD. Today we have a 75 % chance for up swing .

Max expected price 1.06579
Min expected price 1.06259

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.06259 - 1.06419
Stoploss below 1.06259
Target 1.06579
Hello there! There is small range in EURUSD. Our algorithms show a 78.9 % chance for down trend .

Max expected price 1.07217
Min expected price 1.06833

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.07217 - 1.07025
Stoploss above 1.07217
Target 1.06833
Good morning. We have small range in EURUSD. There is 78.9 % chance for down movement .

Max expected price 1.07124
Min expected price 1.06804

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.07124 - 1.06964
Stoploss above 1.07124
Target 1.06804
How are you this fine morning? Today we have a 70.25 % chance for up swing .

Max expected price 1.07253
Min expected price 1.06933

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.06933 - 1.07093
Stoploss below 1.06933
Target 1.07253
Morning. We have small range in EURUSD. We have 58.6 % chance for down movement .

Max expected price 1.07228
Min expected price 1.06908

💰Trading strategy for today

Sell between 1.07228 - 1.07068
Stoploss above 1.07228
Target 1.06908
How are you this fine morning? There is small range in EURUSD. Today we have a 73.68 % chance for up swing .

Max expected price 1.073
Min expected price 1.0698

💰Trading strategy for today

Buy between 1.0698 - 1.0714
Stoploss below 1.0698
Target 1.073
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