The Fyrgen • ᚫᛚᚢ:ᚢᛚᚫ
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Weathering the Storm. Podcasts and Commentary from a Heathen Perspective.
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The Fyrgen • ᚫᛚᚢ:ᚢᛚᚫ pinned «If you missed the news, The Fyrgen Podcast is now available on Spotify and RSS. I'd be very grateful if those of you who use Spotify would rate the podcast, as I believe that helps to increase visibility. Listeners rave about the calibre of guests and quality…»
You might have noticed the frequency of posts here decrease. It's due to a change in my mindset - allow me to explain...

When the Covid psy-op hit, it was 'action stations' for me. I started The Fyrgen because I knew that silence or passivity were no longer options. For many years I'd been pretty sure of where TPTB wanted to take society, and that there was no political solution. But there was no great sense of urgency and very few people would take such 'conspiracy theories' seriously anyhow.

2020 arrived and as far as I was concerned all doubt had been allayed. Call it 'the New World Order', call it 'Technocracy', call it whatever; the reality of a coordinated global tyranny was now beyond question, and I knew I had far more to lose by not speaking up than by speaking up. And more importantly, I wanted to do all I could to help others prepare for this 'new world'.

Three years on and the damage is done. Yet, most normies—and more significantly for the point of this post, many dissidents—think that "the crisis is over and we're slowly getting back to the old normal." Aside from the fact that most of us are now facing severe financial hardship, which 'lockdowns' were intended to cause, many of the basic customs and expectations of a relatively free society have been smashed; bodily autonomy, freedom-of-movement and association, government accountability, and of course freedom-of-speech are all now conditional and determined by Technocrats.

...and yet here we are, still complaining. 2020 was the shit-test - anyone who doesn't 'get it' after what we've been through, never will. The focus of our efforts should be positive - community building, self-improvement and becoming independent of The Machine.

The Fyrgen is also strongly and unapologetically pro-Pagan. Many dissidents have fled into the arms of Yeshua, spooked by the evil that has grasped the World. I'm here to say that your ancestral folkways have more to offer you than an imported universalist religion does. Listen to my podcasts and you'll see.

So I want this channel to be about three things, all of which amount to empowering ourselves:

1️⃣ Becoming independent of The Machine - self-sufficiency.
2️⃣ Folk religion, customs, spirituality.
3️⃣ Culture (art, music, literature etc).

If you want doom-porn, look elsewhere. 'Fyrgen' is an Old English word for 'wooded hilltop' and it stands as a haven away from the maddening swarm. Let us bring strength and joy to one another's lives.
Forwarded from Gnostic Intel
“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”
H.L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy, 1949

Image: The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David
I've just had a private message... from my own page 😂 Please be warned that there's another scammer doing the rounds. If 'The Fyrgen • ᚫᛚᚢ:ᚢᛚᚫ' messages you, it's NOT me.
Is the Old English word 'scop' related to the verb 'scapan', which comes to us in modern English as 'shapen'? My friend Hwitgeard urges caution on this connection, but it nevertheless offers food-for-thought.

A scop is a storyteller, and for the Anglo-Saxons, to tell a story is to weave a spell - to shapen the reality of those who listen. I've heard it said that the Celts of Britain told tall tales which are rarely proven factually true; but it doesn't matter. Those tales were true for those tribes, and became their reality.

Fast forward to our current struggle, where we've been plied with science-fiction for decades, often dystopian. Is it any wonder that what seemed far-fetched and confined to the realm of 'entertainment' is manifesting? These are stories... spells... which whether by design or not, shape our reality. And when the Hidden Hand shows itself, far from marking the end of its control, it reaffirms the narrative which we find ourselves swept along by. We must weave our own 'spell'.
Good news for US customers! Royal Mail have dropped their prices on small parcels, so shipping is now around 25% cheaper for vinyl LPs, hoodies and larger t-shirts.

Fyrgen stuff:
Wolcensmen stuff:
It's not often spoken of, but private coaching/mentoring is something that many are in great need of. We try to improve society through politics and culture, and some of us pay attention to our spiritual needs, but what of our psychological shortcomings? Those of you who listen to the Fyrgen Podcast will know the wisdom that my good friend Heiðrūn is able to bring to almost any table, and she is taking on clients; those who are ready to address and solve the problems holding them back.

Have a look at Heiðrūn's new Free Folk Odysee channel, Telegram page and website if you'd like to know more.
The Fyrgen Podcast - Episode 28: Hard Times, Strong Men with Noah Revoy

Noah Revoy
is a Canadian family man, successful coach, mentor and author now living in Portugal. Drawing upon his background in 'the Manosphere', we discuss the wholesome essence and effects of masculinity, how to achieve healthy relationships, what young men (and women) can do to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. We've all been thrust into a spiritual war where we must rediscover our (fighting) spirit, and during the course of this solutions-based conversation we outline why and how.

More about Noah at: Website | His book | Twitter

Become a patron and get new episodes early (Patreon / SubscribeStar / Substack), consider making a donation, or buy some merch. This podcast is only possible with your support. Info and an archive of past episodes at Share widely!
Forwarded from 𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓹𝓸𝓬𝓪𝓵𝔂𝓹𝓼𝓮 (Sarah Jane)
I hope you've been well, friends. I just returned from a long overdue trip visiting family in the Netherlands. That country was the last in Europe to drop its restriction on unvaccinated Brits. I was also able to meet up with some Belgian and Dutch friends I haven't seen in years, so yeah, it was a great weekend.

New public podcast release tomorrow!
Woden is also the god of transformation and would thus be linked to the art of alchemy. My theory about the runic 'formula' ALU, aided by the work of Wulf Ingessunu, essentially places it as an alchemical principle. This, I believe, partly explains the presence of these runes upon funerary urns; the greater alchemical work serves perhaps its most important purpose at the point of death.
The Fyrgen Podcast - Episode 28: Hard Times, Strong Men with Noah Revoy

▶️ Listen now on:

Noah Revoy is a Canadian family man, successful coach, mentor and author now living in Portugal. Drawing upon his background in 'the Manosphere', we discuss the wholesome essence and effects of masculinity, how to achieve healthy relationships, what young men (and women) can do to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. We've all been thrust into a spiritual war where we must rediscover our (fighting) spirit, and during the course of this solutions-based conversation we outline why and how.

More about Noah at: Website | His book | Twitter

Become a patron and get new episodes early (Patreon / SubscribeStar / Substack), consider making a donation, or buy some merch. This podcast is only possible with your support. Info and an archive of past episodes at Share widely!
Another post that some of you aren't going to like... and let me preface it by re-affirming my belief in the importance of ethnic identity and national homogeneity as an ideal...

Here's an example of why vulgar expressions of racial distinction are retarded: Someone in my extended family has a black boyfriend. Her father was telling me about how this chap gave up playing football because some white players and observers would make monkey noises and gestures at him.

This father, and many who know him and his daughter, may have previously accepted the importance of ethnic preservation. But now, because a black person they know, and care about (through happenstance), has been treated with cold, crass, childish contempt because of his race, the father and all who know his daughter's boyfriend are likely to adopt a wholesale opposition to any form of national or ethnic preservation. Clever, right? 🙄

This isn't even a case of 'optics' - it's not shallow or superficial pragmatism. The vast majority of people naturally hold a belief in the preservation of their folk, but they also despise offensive, vulgar behaviour. Therefore, such behaviour can only ever be counter-productive. If you think otherwise then I am not part of your 'movement'.
Forwarded from Tweed Supreme
Walking my way up this country after many miles of hilly terrain I came across a river at the bottom of a hill. A footbridge sat next to the flowing water and an old man stood there in silence gazing into the water gushing beneath.

He turned and greeted me like an old friend he'd expected. He radiated warmth and looked into me as if he's walked every mile by my side.

He told me he liked to observe nature in his old age. He said the truth of life is hidden in all the tiny events that people don't take time to notice. "You can learn about life from this very stream" he said. "I don't know where this river starts or where it ends but I can see objects that create 'events'. These events effect the symmetry of the flow and make beautiful patterns".

"Every action we make in life is an event that effects the flow. The bigger the event, the bigger the effect on this flow we have. The flow has come before us and will continue long after it's ground us away. As it passes over us we create our own beautiful patterns in its force"

I thought that was pretty profound for and old boy with only a rambling stranger as an audience.

This was a meaningful encounter I will always remember. Everyone gets at least one I reckon and I thought I might share mine with you.
I watched Dave Cullen's latest video concerning Transhumanism and the soul. I usually enjoy Dave's take on things but there's something here I feel compelled to comment on...

As far as I know, Dave considers himself a Christian. He chides Transhumanists for their apparent belief in the fallibility of the human condition, and how they seek to transcend death and the individual self; how they try to deconstruct everything natural rather than accepting its inherent beauty, no matter how fleeting it may be. Dave speaks for many Christians who claim to oppose this attitude towards life and death.

And yet, I struggle to see how a Christian can reconcile this sort of worldview with that of Original Sin. Not only does Original Sin place man as an inherently flawed being; it also (as I understand it) places death as the result of that sin:

"Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned." (Epistle to the Romans, 5:12-21)

It seems to me that Christianity and Transhumanism share a fundamental belief in the imperfection of man and in the desire to transcend death. Conversely, Pagans celebrate the wonders of this existence, accepting sexual intercourse, birth and death as intrinsic aspects of Æ (the 'cosmic order' of the Anglo-Saxons) or Dharma, rather than as aberrations. The Christian belief in Original Sin is cancerous enough on its own, that men of noble spirit should seek to turn from it and back to their ancestral ways.
"Pastor Cahn makes the case that the ancient “gods” were initially, in essence, put on the defensive, as the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) recounts, first by Yahweh, and by the introduction of monotheism and the revelation of the Ten Commandments; and then that they were vanquished altogether and sent into outer darkness, by the arrival to humanity of the being whom he sees as the Messiah, Yeshua."

Jews and Christians unite in their fear of the Pagan gods. Naomi Wolf tries to argue that the ancient gods are responsible for the crimes of the last three years, when in fact the ambitions of Transhumanism, Anti-Natalism, and Zealotry have more in common with the principles of Abrahamic religion.

I found Wolf's piece through a well-written retort by Luke Dodson.
Maybe the most vivid rainbow I've ever seen, just now
Forwarded from Æhtemen
After looking at this beautiful photo Dan took of the rainbow bridge, I thought I'd share this photo I took some years ago of another vivid coloured rainbow. It appeared as I was driving a heathen couple to the Wayland Smithy were they were to have their handfasting during a blot we had prepared. The gods were certainly with them that day!
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