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Forwarded from Patrick Bouvier Kennedy

London obelisk (aka Cleopatra’s Needle): Located on the banks of the River Thames, this obelisk was transported to London and erected in 1878 under the reign of Queen Victoria. The obelisk originally stood in the Egyptian city of On, or Heliopolis (the City of the Sun).

The Knights Templars’ land extended to this area of the Thames, where the Templars had their own docks. Either side of the obelisk is surrounded by a sphinx, more symbolism dating back to the ancient world.

Vatican obelisk: Located in St. Peter’s Square, was moved from Egypt to its current location, in 1586. The circle on the ground represents the female vagina, while the obelisk itself is the penis. This is commonly known as occult symbolism.

Washington Obelisk (aka Washington Monument): Standing at 555 feet, the Washington Monument is the tallest obelisk in the world and also the tallest standing structure in Washington DC. The monument’s cornerstone, a 12-ton slab of marble, was donated by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons.
Like the Vatican obelisk, the Washington monument too is surrounded by a circle denoting the female. The reflecting pool in front of the monument signifies the ancient Masonic/Kabbalistic dictum, as above/so

3 City States that control the world, and their rolls:

City of London – FINANCE: Receives taxes from their subjects (slaves) in Canada and the United States. They design and control our financial and banking systems.

Vatican City – RELIGION: The Pope wants to merge all the religions into one, which is absolute nonsense. The Pope broke off from the truth (confusingly referred to as The ‘Eastern Church’ or ‘Eastern Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox’) about 1000 years ago.

Washington DC – MILITARY: Death camps and stacks of black plastic
coffins that can hold six to ten bodies each, are piled high in a long train-like fashion, as far as the eye can see, in the United States,

These three are sovereign, corporate entities that are not part of the
countries they are located in.

We are being ruled world wide under maritime law, the constitution that does not affect the ground, the land we actually live on!!

Corporate Earth Inc. is a run by the New World order under Maritime Law via the Birth certificate spelling Fraud that was set up by the Vatican.

Unam Sanctum 1302

Cestui Que Vie 1666

Look it up if you have yet to and things will really start making sense, as far as how world-wide slavery and tyrannical control has gotten out of hand.

The Roman Catholic Church declared rulership over the whole world in 1302 and has casted a "spell" (Legalese/double speak) over the world so to speak, manipulating language to where people create joinder with Maritime law (AKA The Roman Holy Sea/See).

Cestui Que Vie, lost at sea. In other words, ward to the state.



Register=Signing over to crown or king.

Think of everything that gets registered.

Anything from cars to humans. It's all part of Maritime commerce if it has the corporate/all caps lettering pinned to it (corporate joinder).

This is why they can fine you for risking your own life. For not buckling up for example. Because you agree to "driving." Driving is transporting goods (strawmen/sub corporations or corpses of the state. Bodies/citizens). However this is not the case with "traveling." You have the right to travel but typically people say they're driving. Presumptive agreement. It's all possible through the Cestui Que Vie Trust of 1666. This is why natural rights are violated. We (humanity as a whole) used our free will to give away our free will (self responsibility and willingness to learn and question) to the Papacy/Roman Holy Sea.

Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (D Anon)
Bottom -> $17,800 -> $26k
Dollar-> Crash, Reversal, Reset

Always thought “Crash, Reversal, Reset” was for the markets, just realized today its referring to the dollar
Forwarded from GEORGENEWS
“The next European war will be fought with gas and oil and pipelines”

- Peter Hitchens, 2008

Media is too big
Kash yesterday said he talks regularly with Devin and President Trump and they are all impressed with anons: "You know Devin and I talk regularly, and you know, I talk with the President all the time as well, and we’re just blown away at the amount of acumen some of these people have and how quick they are to grab it and suss through it and sort of thin it down and make it presentable."

So Kash talks about anons with Trump? 🥰🥰🥰
Forwarded from WhipLash347

THUR 29 Binance flushes USDC into Stellar and stops all trading pairs on USDC, TUSD, and PAX.
The Line & Elon Stellar Payouts begin into 30th.

FRI 30 - Fake Pope wants everything back deadline.
Putin officially recognizing” the successful annexation referendums.
11.3 King Charles
11.6 Prince Andrew
Hurricane Ian due in DC Oct 4.
The Storm will hit the Whitehouse.
Julian Calendar flipped to Gregorian on October 4 1582.
Everything seems to be about to happen
Mr Pool Comex 589 [Silver Rule]
October 6?
113311= 10
111111 = 6

Forwarded from SANTINQ (SANTINQ)
Are They Planning on ‘Vaccinating’ the Masses Against Our Will? Why Did The NIH Use a Box Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Study Patients?

A hive of genetically modified mosquitoes effectively vaccinated a human against malaria in a National Institute of Health-funded trial of the insects’ ability to innoculate.
Scientists conducting the study held approximately 200 hungry, gene-altered mosquitoes captive in a box.

Decomposing HUMAN remains can legally be used as compost from 2027 thanks to new California law aimed at tackling climate change 

A California law makes it legal to turn human remains into compost 

The process involves placing the body inside a reusable container along with wood chips and aerating it to allow microbes and bacteria to do their thing

The law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom this week, takes effect in 2027 

‘With climate change ... this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere,' the bill's author said

𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣𝕤
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A Video game called Area 51 from 2005 has a cut scene that talks about a luciferian agenda and microchips being implanted in people through Vaccinations.

"Some have called our plans a luciferian conspiracy. But they will not say such things after the coming of the 'new guard". They will hold their tongues, not because they had a change of heart but because...well because they will already have rotted out from the inside. The chips we've implanted in the majority of the population under the guise of vaccinations, allow us to watch the watchers."

Predictive programming at its finest.

𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣𝕤
𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕋𝕠 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖
Forwarded from Mic Hav
VK posted 40 days to election, 10 days out is 10/8 which could be the real 8/8/2022, due to months being wrong, then done in 30, 30 days out is 11/7, one day before midterms.
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (C)
(Reuters) - Once unthinkable, mobile phones could go dark around Europe this winter if power cuts or energy rationing knocks out parts of the mobile networks across the region.
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