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Forwarded from The Yorkshire Lass
Gosport War Memorial Hospital staff to be interviewed under caution over hundreds of deaths
Forwarded from Stacey's World Rocks (Stacey Wilkinson)
After the last two and a half years - if you’re a Brit & still paying for a TV Licence, you should be thoroughly embarrassed.

Not only did the BBC wilfully employ & protect paedos, their news channels lied to the public & inflated CONvid figures throughout 2020.

They must be the only entity on social media which is exempt from fact checkers.

I would not be handing over my cash to a company of zero integrity, & if they ever came to my door (& they haven’t, in 8 years) I would tell them to sling it.

The cost of their marketing to one household alone - this includes 12-24 letters a year, plus any potential visits - equates to more than the licence fee.

This is when you realise it’s not about needing our cash; more like part of a bigger plot to keep us in in financial enslavement.

Take Anna from Latvia👆🏻.

For someone whose first language isn’t English, to come here & not be fooled by the BS marketing - & not pay for a TV licence for the whole 12 years she’s been living in the U.K. - is inspirational.
Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
I’m just now recognizing something.

Notice how Trump respectfully says “President Putin” when talking about Putin threatening to use his full arsenal.

Then juxtapose that to the way Trump talks about his enemies. He always gives them a cheesy nickname, and speaks about them negatively.

-“Sleepy” Joe
-Letitia “Peekaboo” James
-“Drunk” Nancy
-“Lyin’” Chuck

Trump doesn’t treat Putin the way he treats his enemies. Trump gives Putin respect.

Recognize the difference in tone.

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Russel Brand says YouTube censored him, while ignoring all of the corporate media's lies, and that's why he's moving to Rumble.

The more repressive big tech platforms get, the more free speech platforms will grow.

Forwarded from Enoch's News Blast 🍊💥🍊 (ENoCH elENoCHle)
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Michael Flynn says 90% of Fed agencies should be disbanded, and “States rights! Did you know that a Governor can declare war? And we’re going to probably see that.”

Campaign event for AZ Sect of State candidate Mark Finchem
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (C)
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (C)
Let’s end this 💥
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (NiKEsA)
Forwarded from NiKEsA
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (NiKEsA)
9/29 can make 911 or perhaps better, 9119
Forwarded from Kathy☝🏽🇺🇸
Forwarded from D & Frenz ✝️ (C)
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Chills… 17 Julian tomorrow (H/T Theresa)
Sept. 17, 1787, the Constitution was signed
Joy to the World ~ Christmas carol
by George Frideric Handel
INTERESTING FACTS; Nord Stream explosion .

"There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2 .. We will bring an end to it. I promise you will be able to do it. -Biden -

"One way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward "
_US State Department spokesperson Ned Price told NPR in an interview.

CIA told GERMANY > UKRAINE would destroy the pipelines and they had INTEL just days before the Explosion of Nord Stream
(Though Ukraine doesn't have military subs or sub drones or the military traing to pull off an underground mass explosions in two different locations )

>Germany was in the middle turning on the Nord Stream two despite all the pressure from NATO .& US .... They were doing test runs into the country.

>On the same day Baltic Pipe: Norway-Poland gas pipeline opens Leaders from Poland, Norway and Denmark attended a ceremony to mark the opening of the new Baltic Pipe
( Their biggest investors are

>The U.S. navy conducted exercises over the same region with Subs and drone- subs weeks before

>NATO conducted naval exercises near the same epicenter of the explosions in July
There were talks in the works of PUTIN restoring oil/gas to EU in late January... These private talks were taking place without the knowledge of The U.S.
... But now the talks are off

MSM blames RUSSIA for the explosions.... But the Truth is WEF ordered this Event with U.S. DEEP STATE . The WEF Devos group got their Climate change catastrophic event with the Nord Stream and Deep State plans on holding Europe hostage with MASSIVE inflation for the oil to come from the Baltic pipes from Poland. >>> Most will be sold to China on the black markets as Netherlands gas/oil also disappears into GERMANY, NATO operations and into the Chinese markets.
I had dropped a bomb shell last year.... Giving insight into RUSSIANs military that far exceeds the Fake Google and department of defence numbers of Russias Active soldiers
>Active personnel
1,000,000 million
>Reserve personnel
2,000,000 million
( Some Google pages estimate over 3,500,000 million soldiers )

The real truth, these numbers are very modest and insiders from Russian Armed Forces/ World intelligence agencies suppressed information reveals between 10 _ 20 MILLION SOLDIERS IN RUSSIA

What I can say is.... PUTIN. RUSSIA is pissed over the 9.5 BILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
lost constructing the Nord Stream and the EXPECTED quarter Trillion in oil/gas sales GONE!.....

The Russian Armed Forces possess the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world, surpassing the arsenal of the United States.

/ Norwegian PIPE LINES ......????

What ever is happening.... Things just took a turn for the worst... As RUSSIA CABLES; GO HOT
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
9/11 - The biggest red pill that never was…

Instead, it was confirmation of the global population’s gullibility. We fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Evil’s greatest advantage is the goodness of humanity, it is so inconceivable to us that such a degree of evil can exist, that we simply brush it off as impossible.

But remember, the greatest trick the devil ever played, was convincing the world that he did not exist. Oh but he does…

Those of us that eventually saw behind the veil of deception have had to face the devil’s doings and it’s been truly horrific. It’s no wonder most people refuse to go there, it’s easier to hide your head in the sand and believe in Santa.

Except we all know Santa does not exist, he’s not there to bring us gifts, or protect us, instead he brings so called ‘vaccines’ that he sells as safe and effective. So yes, you may choose to bury your head in the sand and continue to believe in la la land, where governments care for you and science is sacred, but your reluctancy to face the truth may cost you your life. So think twice before your cowardice takes you to your grave.

9/11 had a very specific purpose, it was the event that would allow the global forces of evil to further their New World Order plans. They needed an excuse to attack Iraq because they needed to control the oil and hence the power and hence the banks in the region which were about the only ones in the world not yet under their control.

9/11 is the perfect example of how far they will go to further their plans, it is also the greatest example of how easy it is to deceive us, and so they continue to do so… day in and day out.

Pandemics, climate change, terrorism, mass shootings… One engineered event after the other to get us one step closer to their One World Government wet dream.

Let’s turn their dream into their nightmare, let’s finally foil their plan, lets show them that we might be good but not dumb, that we want peace, but are not afraid to fight, that we are sovereign beings, not chattel and that we are children of God not the devil’s.

Yes, we bit that damned apple once upon a time, but humanity is just about to spit it in the face of evil once and for all.
Forwarded from O
October 5?
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