Telegram Geeks
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Download Telegram
🔥 New beta feature 🔥

— PiP support for videos.

#telegram #beta #features

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Right now, 75K members limit is not going to be increased.

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Right now, 75K members limit is not going to be increased.

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Finally member limit for supergroups was upgraded to 100,000. Telegram also created this site as a showcase of important features

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
In the last months, 99% of all ICOs are coming to Telegram as a channel to interact with their communities.

That means that Telegram is viral in the ICO world and Telegram is getting a lot of new users. Also, we can measure the strength of ICO communities by measuring how big these ICO Telegram groups are.

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Telegram will be back to Apple Store

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Telegram is back to Apple Store
Telegram Geeks
🔥 New beta feature 🔥

— Auto-night Theme.

#telegram #beta #features

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
🔥 New beta feature 🔥

— Web integration for sign in: Login in websites via Telegram.

#telegram #beta #features

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Telegram Login for Websites

Telegram Login Widget for external websites. When you use Telegram login for the first time, our widget asks for your phone number and sends you a confirmation message via Telegram to authorize your browser.

#updates #login #accounts

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Telegram 4.8

1️⃣ Streaming for videos
Start watching any newly uploaded video instantly without having to fully download it first.

2️⃣ Auto-Night Mode
Automatically switch to the dark version of the interface after nightfall or in low-light conditions.

3️⃣ Telegram Login widget
Log in to other websites and services using your Telegram account.

#update #telegram #themes #login #accounts

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Zero-day vulnerability in Telegram

Cybercriminals exploited Telegram flaw to launch multipurpose attacks.

In October 2017, Kaspersky found a vulnerability in Telegram Desktop for Windows.

▶️ This vulnerability was fixed by Telegram Team on November 2017.

Cases where it was actually exploited

1️⃣ The exploit was used to deliver mining software, allowing hackers to use the victim’s machine to mine cryptocurrency including “Monero, Zcash, Fantomcoin and others.

2️⃣ A backdoor was installed allowing cybercriminals to gain remote access to the victim’s computer after which it started to “operate in a silent mode,” allowing “the threat actor to remain unnoticed in the network and execute different commands, including the further installation of spyware tools.”


It appears that only Russian cybercriminals were aware of this vulnerability, with all the exploitation cases that we detected occurring in Russia. Also, while conducting a detailed research of these attacks we discovered a lot of artifacts that pointed to involvement by Russian cybercriminals.

We don’t have exact information about how long and which versions of the Telegram products were affected by the vulnerability. What we do know is that its exploitation in Windows clients began in March 2017. We informed the Telegram developers of the problem, and the vulnerability no longer occurs in Telegram’s products.

🌐 Source: Secure List

via @TGLive

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
Malware was installed on your computer via this "Run dialog".

Remember not to open unknown files from untrusted sources.

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
▶️ Our two cents:

Well, this is not a real vulnerability on Telegram Desktop, no one can remotely take control of your computer or Telegram unless you open a malicius file.

This kind of vulnerability is based on social engineering.

In fact, it was a .js file hidden on a a .png file, this happened thanks to RTL characters.

Windows users must click on the Run dialog in order to install the malware.

So don't worry, unless you opened a malicius file, you have always been safe.

ℹ️ @geeksChannel
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content