Senator Gerard Rennick
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Queensland LNP Senator who sees Australia as 1 country 🇦🇺.
Authorised G.Rennick, Tenancy C4, Level 1, 90 Kittyhawk Drive Chermside QLD 4032
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Brilliant letter from my lower house colleague Russell Broadbent MP to the Federal Health Minister requesting an urgent meeting with the TGA and the Health Department in regards to vaccine injuries and mandates.
I myself have previously requested a meeting with Health Minister only to be declined.
Let’s hope Russell has better luck.

(See post on Facebook for the letter)

#auspol #australia #russellbroadbentmp #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #labor #albanese #markbutlermp #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
We are living through arguably one of the greatest divides the Western world has ever experienced. Those who watch mainstream media and those who don’t.

More below:👇

#auspol #australia #MSM #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
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This rant from Al Gore epitomises the insanity of climate fanatics everywhere.

And I quote:
“Carbon emissions and greenhouses gases…..are trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the earth.…that’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers and rain bombs and sucking the moisture out of the land, creating the droughts, melting the ice and raising the sea level causing these waves of climate refugees predicted to reach one billion in this century.”

#auspol #australia #climatechange #algore #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
It’s not just WA and Victoria. I’m hearing that there are also large numbers of police quitting in Queensland along with nurses.

It’s no wonder crime is out of control and health systems are crumbling.

State Premiers have wasted too much time and effort on C🤡vid fear mongering instead of maintaining essential services.

#auspol #qldpol #queensland #qld #australia #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Only environmental fanatics could invent a machine that kills birds above the waves and kills whales under the sea.

The science is settled. Wind energy is expensive and deadly to living organisms.

#auspol #australia #climatechange #windenergy #windturbines #renewables #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
All pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal than others.

The fact that Albanese seeks to promote himself alongside Bill Gates, who according to the New York Times met with Jeffrey Epstein many times despite his past, tells you all you need to know.

Albanese is clearly nothing but a globalist puppet.

He should be meeting those injured by Gates vaccines instead.

And I quote:

“Few, though, compared in prestige and power to the world’s second-richest person, a brilliant and intensely private luminary: Bill Gates. And unlike many others, Mr. Gates started the relationship after Mr. Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.”

#auspol #australia #albanese #labor #billgates
Media is too big
Flashback to 1990. Sound familiar?

It’s not the first time Fauci has banned other drugs from competing against a brand new patented drug. Back then it was AZT and the virus was HIV. Similar to Covid vaccines, the trial for AZT was cut short and other promising therapeutics were banned.

This story was eventually turned into a movie called The Dallas Buyers Club.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for a movie out of Hollywood about vaccine injuries and mandates.

#auspol #australia #fauci #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
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No surprise the Clim🤡te Ch🤡nge council is linking clim🤡te ch🤡nge to mental health.

If the science and economics doesn’t add up then just fall back on good old fashioned fear mongering.

#auspol #australia #climatechange #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
“Almost a 60 per cent of Americans want congress to investigate the safety of Covid-19 vaccines and 7 per cent, or around 12 million, say they have experienced a “major side effect”, according to two new polls that reveal the stark contrast between popular and official views of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson shots………The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends all Americans aged six months and up be vaccinated against Covid-19 maintains Covid-19 vaccines are “safe and effective” and injuries “rare”.”
- The Australian

In the face of overwhelming evidence the health authorities just can’t admit they were wrong, or as the meme says they were lying.

#auspol #australia #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #labor #albanese #markbutlermp #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
As your Senator, my job is to hold the bureaucracy to account.

You can now read the questions that I have asked (plus answers) on my website at

Questions from July 2022 are now available, and I will continue to update the website with previous years' questions and answers.

👉 Visit

#auspol #australia #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
“The term ‘Davos Man’ was coined by the political scientist Samuel Huntingdon to describe a certain kind of international global elite who, as he put it, ‘have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite’s global operations’. Its power hit its peak in the early part of the century, when the phrase was coined. It was a time when globalisation, and the rise of multinational corporations made borders and boundaries seem as outmoded as typewriters and land-lines.”

Great article 👇 that shines the spotlight on the elites and their attempts to undermine the common man.

#auspol #davos #davosman #australia #globalism #wef #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Read the pathetic response in the link below, by Labor, to solving the violence in Alice Springs. As if this will work.

The Federal Government will now have to consider bringing back grog bans.

The bans - which had been in place for 15 years- expired last July.

Albanese and Labor chose not to extend them- instead handing the power back to the NT.

The NT made the grog bans OPTIONAL.

Alcohol sales in the Alice increased by 300%

There were 54 domestic violence assaults in the first 48 hours.

Alice Springs locals have been crying out for help.

Of course the inner city elites are more interested in setting up the Voice rather than solving real problems.

#auspol #australia #identitypolitics #TheVoice #TheVoiceToParliament #AliceSprings #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
“Hundreds of fires across Australia have been linked to lithium-ion batteries, which are used to power light electric vehicles like e-scooters and e-bikes.…. "I'm really concerned that somewhere in Australia we are going to see deaths as a result of fires involving lithium-ion batteries.”” (ABC News)

It’s not just e-bikes where the risk lies. Household and car lithium batteries also pose a risk.

This is only going to get worse as the take up increases.

#auspol #australia #climatechange #renewables #lithium #lithiumbatteries #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
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“Bill Gates warns Australia to prepare for the next pandemic - which could be man-made and far more brutal than Covid….. Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney on Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their differences and work together to prepare for the next virus.”

The audacity of this guy is incredible.
What does he know that we don’t?

#auspol #australia #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
“For the past eight years — since my husband's Alzheimer's diagnosis — I have been managing all our finances……He already had a straightforward will, leaving everything to me, and he had always dutifully signed superannuation documents to say I was to inherit his super after his death….. Once the two super funds were notified of my husband's death, the pensions simply stopped.…. It seems that my husband's regular notifications to the funds that his pensions were to revert to me on his death were close to meaningless, leaving me struggling with the endless paperwork the super funds now require….. I'm told it will take quite some weeks for their trustees to assess the situation and decide if I am truly my late husband's heir.”

This is an extremely important article about how hard superannuation funds make it to withdraw the remaining funds of a deceased loved one.

Superannuation death benefits do not automatically form part of a deceased estate. Instead the trustees of a super fund decide how the funds are to be distributed depending on paperwork.

Just another reason not to trust Super.

#auspol #australia #superannuation #SMSF #voluntarysuperannuation #retirement
“Momentum is building for a campaign that would call on Australian property owners to pay a percentage of their income to traditional land owners out of respect for their ancestral land claims.…. The program has been operating quietly in Victoria, with veteran Aboriginal rights activist from Melbourne Robbie Thorpe – who organised a similar scheme in Fitzroy in the 1990s – suggesting non Indigenous Australians give up one per cent of their weekly wage.”

As far fetched as this sounds, this is the ultimate goal of those agitators pushing for the Voice.

The Voice always was and always will be about undermining property rights.

#auspol #thevoice #thevoicetoparliament #australia #propertyrights #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
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I know this is too late for many but it’s important that the lies get exposed so it doesn’t (hopefully) happen again.

#auspol #australia #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
“Heads we win, tails you lose: as inflation bites, banks rake in $100m a week from obscure Covid stimulus.”

Attached article below 👇 highlights how banks are creaming $5 billion a year courtesy of the taxpayer thanks to the stupidly of the RBA.

They should be made repay it as per my letter to the Treasurer.


#auspol #australia #inflation #rba #reservebankaustralia #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio has written to the Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla asking him to explain the comments made earlier in the week by a Pfizer Director Jordon Walker. And I quote:

“In a video released by Project Veritas on January 25, 2023, Mr. Walker laid out Pfizer’s plans to develop new vaccines for future variants of COVID by mutating the virus through directed evolution, a process that uses protein engineering to impose natural selection on a living organism or other biological materials, including viruses.

Though he claimed the research is currently “exploratory,” he detailed how the research would proceed, such as how scientists would inject the mutated viruses into monkeys and collect serial samples from other monkeys who are infected.”

To say an explanation is required is indeed the understatement of the century.

It’s about time these eugenicists were held to account.

Read the letter at 👇

#marcorubio #pfizer #projectveritas #auspol #australia #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
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