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Today's post is a mini bio on Carlos Whitlock Porter, https://www.holocaust.claims/revisionists/carlos-whitlock-porter/
Thanks Emma, I do put effort into exposing racial abuse of White people. If you're actually a real person and not a bot I'm pretty sure you're not going to be sharing my website though.
Dachshund Witness to 'Death Orchestra' in camp Yanov
Today's article presents some absurd claims made at the Nuremberg trial as pointed out by Carlos Whitlock Porter, https://www.holocaust.claims/revisionists/made-in-russia/
This guy, Hans Krupp, has been commenting on a bunch of my posts in a vain effort to BTFO me. https://www.holocaust.claims/general/the-wannsee-conference/
The story and fate of a man that was disloyal to Hitler.
Just posted the Rudolf Hess story that I spent a good deal of time researching and writing. I hope you enjoy! (even though his story is absolutely heartbreaking)
Doing some research for today's article and watching Dean Irebodd's doc on Nazi shrunken heads. https://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1002

While watching I found out that Emanuel Celler, of Hart-Celler act fame, testified to congress in March of 1945. The subject of his statement was the punishment of alleged Axis war criminals. He made it clear that he was willing to bend current and make new rules so the 'Huns and Junkers' could get what he thought should be their just desserts. And I quote, "So far as I am concerned, I am willing to invoke new standards to fit the bestiality of the Nazis." Low and behold, that is exactly what they did at the Nuremberg trials.

The fact this Jew went on to create policy that would forever change the demographics of White America clearly shows that anti Whiteness is an extension of anti Nazism.
The Buchenwald table of atrocities is still being upheld as legitimate by the Holocaust industry. In today's article I examine the story of the tattooed human skin, https://www.holocaust.claims/buchenwald/shrunken-heads-and-tattooed-human-skin-part-one/
The lampshade meme is fun and everything, but what's not fun is the fact that the US army employed psychological warfare against German citizens by forcing them to view this table of 'Nazi atrocities' filled with items that were probably brought in by the US Sykewar department.
"That puzzled me when I tackled the novel as a teenager, because I had read a fair amount about World War II and had never heard of Dresden". Gee, I wonder why a government that is comfortable lying to its citizens wouldn't teach about major atrocities that they did in WW2 🤔
In today's article I briefly cover the firebombing of Dresden and show how Holocaust affirmers use their Holocaust story to minimize the horrors the Allies inflicted upon the German people.
Today's post is a mini bio of Ursula Haverbeck, https://www.holocaust.claims/revisionists/ursula-haverbeck/
I have been informed that the picture of the attractive Nazi woman is not Ursula. A correction has been made, https://www.holocaust.claims/revisionists/ursula-haverbeck/
Hans Krupp, my one and only hater, is back, https://www.holocaust.claims/general/dresden/
Today I devised a simple system of questions to determine whether or not a mass grave can be considered to be evidence of the alleged Holocaust. Check it out, https://www.holocaust.claims/einsatzgruppen/einsatzgruppen-mass-graves-part-one/
In today's article I unearth information about the mass grave that, for some reason, the mainstream doesn't talk about,
Today I determined whether or not the mass graves of Zhitomir can be considered evidence of genocide, https://www.holocaust.claims/einsatzgruppen/einsatzgruppen-mass-graves-part-three/
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions