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Seems perfectly reasonable: create wind farms that depend on fossil fuels to see them through harsh highland winters. Diesel generators were used to de-ice frozen wind turbines.

Dozens of giant turbines on Scotland’s wind farms have been powered by diesel generators. Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed on the grid.

The firm said it was forced to act in order to keep the turbines warm during very cold weather in December.

I wonder what Greta would say.

Friendly reminder: Trump made this seemingly out of context Truth praising Telegram 5 months ago. This despite Telegram being a Truth Social competitor (hence Trump not using it).

I wonder what compelled him to share this positive TG opinion.

Biden’s State of the Union set new records for dishonesty and emptiness

He ranged across a world of issues without substantively addressing the biggest ones β€” crime, the border crisis, China, the nation’s looming economic woes β€” because his record is so weak on all of them.

His flagging polls show the American people aren’t fooled. Just like Biden, they see that his act is getting stale.

Donald Trump’s Facebook account has been reinstated.

But does Trump even care?

Sharing an archive link due to the number of times they used β€œDeAdLy” in this tiny article. They don’t deserve the clicks.

The Secret Service has been accused of a 'cover-up' over its alleged involvement in a police investigation when Hunter Biden's lover dumped his gun in a trash can near a school in 2018.

In texts on his abandoned laptop, Hunter claimed that when Delaware cops found the gun 'the FBI and the Secret Service' got involved – though USSS has repeatedly denied it.

Judicial Watch obtained hundreds of pages of internal communications between Secret Service officials about the incident.
The records show agency officials discussing media reports of its alleged involvement with one finding it 'odd' that USSS was involved in the investigation when Joe and Hunter Biden were not receiving Secret Service protection at the time.
Another official responds: 'Maybe we were asked for a favor?'

One person has been arrested during a protest over a drag queen story-telling event at the Tate Britain art gallery.

A second group of protestors were Antifa, but the BBC won’t tell you that.

They also won’t tell you that the drag queen invited to read to children frequently posts on social media about anal sex and orgies.

He’s gonna love what happens when the anons are (eventually) released.

Get ready for the demise of legacy media.

Breaking: Nicola Sturgeon is resigning in disgrace from her role as First Minister in Scotland following controversies. In her government’s support for trans ideology, they pushed forward gender self-ID & had housed trans sex offenders in female prisons.


H/t: https://bit.ly/3E5eVmo
Joe Biden is due to get his annual White House physical today - but doctors warn the results could be 'sugarcoated'.

America's oldest ever commander-in-chief, 80, has faced serious criticism about his mental capacity following a series of high-profile gaffes, including misremembering names and dates, and even failing to properly shake hands with other world leaders.

Dr David Scheiner, Obama's former doctor, told the Washington Examiner ahead of the physical exam he expected the White House to 'sugarcoat' it. 'You're not going to learn anything. They sugarcoat these things,' he said.

'the gait is not an insignificant factor', adding it was 'a peek into the whole physical, mental capability of a person'. 

Media is too big
Elon explains why he bought Twitter.

β€œI was a little worried about the direction and the effect of social media on the rest of the world, especially Twitter.

Social media companies should adhere to the laws of countries and not try to put a thumb on the scale beyond the laws of countries.

The general idea is for it to reflect the values of the people, as opposed to imposing the values of essentially San Francisco and Berkeley, which are somewhat of a niche ideology, as compared to the rest of the world.”
A pair of Republican lawmakers in the Idaho state legislature have introduced a bill that would make the administering of mRNA vaccines throughout the state a crime.

House Bill 154 would make it possible to charge those who administer mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, in the state of Idaho with a misdemeanor.

Sen. Tammy Nichols discussed the proposed bill before the House Health and Welfare Committee on Wednesday: "We are seeing more and more concerns rising because of the mRNA vaccine. We have issues that this was fast-tracked, there's no liability, there's no access to data, risk-benefit analysis has not been done, there's no informed consent."

Comic Interlude: A Media Experiment

In addition to more censorship requests by government officials, Matt Taibbi shines a spotlight on the bankruptcy of legacy media with their hysteria over Chrissy Teigan’s tweet, yet silence to the multitude of other bombshell findings.



(Yes, we’re still waiting for the Fauci files and to get our accounts back. That doesn’t mean these releases should be overlooked!)

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Former UK Prime Minister, Liz Truss, warns that authoritarian regimes are trying to create a β€œnew global world order”

She must be one of those β€œqAnOn cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIsTs”
Project_Veritas Twitter account is currently haemorrhaging followers, with 6,000 lost in the last 20 minutes alone.

I guess they underestimated James O’Keefe’s value 🀑

Russia suspends its participation in the New START Treaty, a pact signed with the US in 2010, which put a limit on the number of strategic nuclear warheads. This is a withdrawal of participation, not a suspension.

The treaty is due to expire in Feb 2026 and was the last remaining strategic arms control treaty between US and Russia.

Russia will engage bilaterally with France, the UK and the US and clarify intentions before assessing how to move forward.

Media is too big
Here’s Project Veritas board member, Matthew Tyrmand, on an Orange Man Bad tirade. Alongside side him is John Cardillo who β€œwas a vehement Trump supporter”

β€œDonald Trump has locked up the Qanon vote. Congratulations.”

No, Matt. Congratulations to you. You successfully tanked Project Veritas and we all see you.
Gaige Grosskreutz, the man injured by Kyle Rittenhouse after he was shot during the Kenosha riots of 2020, has field a lawsuit against Rittenhouse.

Grosskreutz is seeking economic losses, "damages for emotional distress, humiliation, loss of enjoyment of life, and other pain and suffering on all claims," and punitive damages.

Kyle tweeted: β€œThis lawsuit is an attempt to drown anyone who legally and justifiably defends there lives from attackers in a mountain of legal debt. We can not let them win. If they can come after me they will come after you.”


Tweet: https://bit.ly/3XTAJZa
β€œTrump did something Biden failed spectacularly at, embarrassing him on a global scale; but here’s how it’s a good thing” ~ Politico probably

Legacy media’s tying itself in unfathomable knots. Again.

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