Jason Christoff - Freedom From Self Sabotage
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The current trajectory of options for our children will fail them...and that's because it was always designed to fail them. Children aren't happy because working inside the system they're forced to work within, will never make anyone happy, it's impossible. The only thing that awaits our children, in our current system......is misery, depression, addiction and hopelessness. It takes plenty of courage to change course. If you're a courageous and brave parent (or young person) start here....... https://bit.ly/4bMMZSK
Self sabotage is all about doing things that never benefit you but you're also unable to stop yourself from doing them. Self sabotage is a form of mind control, in most cases. A good example of how mind control works is contained within a video, inside this article. If you're having a hard time in life (with addiction, depression, finances), this is a good place to start, in order to understand the factors involved with your problem and how to remedy the situation. https://bit.ly/4axYUmc
Many people believe that someone under mind control would look like a zombie, walking with their arms straight out, drooling, eyes glazed over, walking stiff legged down the road.....often looking to eat some brains. That's not the case whatsoever. Everyone's under some form of mind control, as there are positive forms and negative forms. Negative mind control occurs when someone can't stop themselves from hurting themselves. Alcohol consumption is a prime example. If you're looking to remove your negative forms of self sabotage based mind control, just go here for more info. https://bit.ly/3YmuuPz
Financial Strength - Simple Principles

Lots of people in the truth movement have big dreams but big dreams cost money. Money doesn't buy you happiness but neither does poverty. Money doesn't buy you happiness but it does buy food, rent and electricity. Simple concepts some forget. Working against the forces that hunt us today requires financial backing. Saying that, many people have money blocks and poverty programming, which are forms of financial self-sabotage.

I've gone to many conferences where truth is shared but many just want to sit around, smoke weed and talk about our spirits like it's time to kick back and relax. That's OK but I can't relax given what's happening today. Gaining financial knowledge is a key facet to becoming an all-around capable and fully empowered adult. I teach simple principles about financial strength. Financial strength doesn't make you a bad person. Expecting someone else to pay your way, because you're afraid to try, makes you a dependent person.....which will always drain the tribe of energy that's supposed to be reserved for raising and carrying for children. More about financial strength can be found right here. https://bit.ly/3YmuuPz
It's important to understand the concept of soul and soul harvesting, in order to make sure our energy isn't diverted to power evil agendas. To protect one's energy and to keep our own energy, for our own moral and altruistic goals in life, is the most important plan of action when we can take......in regards to securing a peaceful and prosperous future. https://bit.ly/3QZXTfQ
Overcome your personal self-sabotage. Get a handle on yourself. Scrolling addiction. Alcohol, marijuana and porn addiction. Stinkin thinkin, drama and gossip addictions. Poverty addiction. Overspending, living beyond your means and addictions to chaos and crisis. Food addiction, overeating and the fear of becoming better than the people around you. Take a step up in life. It's time for everyone on the planet to make a big move up. https://bit.ly/3YmuuPz
Media is too big
How I keep my natural hair color at 54 years old.....
Congratulations to my little cutie Sophia for becoming such a moral, polite and ethical human being. Tonight all the kids are celebrating their final times together as a class. Some wonderful parents arranged their beautiful river side home for the kids and the parents as well. It looks very magical for the children and adults alike. Wonderful. Thank you to all involved.
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