Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

A link to all of my links 👇
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Protect your DNA 🧬
"What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?

How did Chromosome 2 in humans get fused?
If I had a dollar for every time some jackass on the internet tried to paint me as some Mossad, CIA, or government agent...

I'd have as much money as if I actually were a Mossad agent!
Amazing how so many attacks and slanders surfaced within this movement over the past few days... and it happened right before we get our Twitter accounts back. Almost like this nonsense was designed to fracture the movement while we were will in our Truth Social/Telegram box. A handful of influencers showed themselves to be lazy thinkers or downright backstabbers. Nice try - ignorance and evil won't win in the long run!
Based Elon with some epic photos on Twitter this morning.

Pepe calling out psy-ops, a gun + Washington crossing the Delaware photo on his bedside table (where have I seen that photo before?), he's also calling out CNN in some other posts.

Top kek mate!
Only a matter of days until we get out Twitter accounts back, then we can really get American Revolution 2.0 going.

Blue checks & the MSM sweating bullets right now.
This Belenciaga saga is nuts. Loads of pedo-satanism is getting exposed in the fashion industry right now - it shows:
1) how this has been operating as such a high level right out in the open
2) how internet researchers and truth tellers can collectively weaponize their information on social media to expose evil

Also, lots of this is getting exposed on Twitter. Pivotal platform, that's turning out to be.
Forwarded from SomeBitchIKnow
For fuck's sake
The Washington Pedophile Protector Post
'Gaslighting' was Merriam-Webster's 2022 word of the year

Unusually, there was no single event that caused everyone to look up the word, it's popularity had a steady increase all year.

Looks like more people are waking up to how manipulators operate (hopefully.. doesn't seem that way sometimes, ha!)
Beware of those who claim to have "inside sources" of some sort - there's plenty of them in this truther movement.

They use the same "anonymous sources" tactics as the MSM, trying to feign credibility while being vague and offering no specifics.

Wouldn't be surprised if this drop was directed, in large part, toward them.
This Balenciaga situation is going to embroil as many high profile names, or more, than the FTX drama.

The house of cards is crumbling.
Elon is lighting up Apple on Twitter today, almost begging them to deplatform his companies.

If they did, you can bet Elon would anti-trust lawsuit the shit out of Apple.

Tech Wars, grab your popcorn 🍿
I wonder how this will effect all those Section 230 related lawsuits.....
It hasn't even happened yet and they're already nervous
How to Make a Poster on Word