Jordan Sather
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I'm just here for the Awakening.

Co-founder: @WeTheMedia
Owner: @ConsciousStrength
Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose

A link to all of my links 👇
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Jim Watkins calling Steinbart a tool - bahahaha
This is a real tweet and real article from the New York Times.

And that's a real ratio.
They said the increase in heart attacks lately was just coincidence

Then they said it was because of climate change

Then it was dehydration
Then cold weather
Then Omicron

Now they're saying COLD SHOWERS are playing a part in the rise of heart attacks

Anything but the vaccines.....
Good morning friends! Hope you're having a splendid weekend.

I felt like doing some writing this weekend so I'm working on a short Substack article, "10 Tips for Better Discernment With Current Events and Conspiracy Theories". Will have that out in a bit.

Might crank out a Clickbait of the Week livestream later today (that depends on if I can get my weekend chores done around the house). If not today, then I'll be doing that show on Tuesday. Lots of conspiracy clickbait going around, a lot of work always goes into those shows.

That's all to finish up my weekend. You have a good rest of your Sunday.
Over the next few weeks, the shills are going to be REEEEing extra hard against the likes of Gregg Phillips, Catherine Engelbrecht, and anyone attending the Pit.

It’s going to be so easy to see who the glowies are.

And the Flynn hating shills are going to be out in full force too. They already are. Lin Wood and his cronies are posting things like calling for executions insinuation Flynn committed treason and Lin’s been posting memes showing him pointing a gun to Flynn’s head. These Fedbois are insane.
Pentagon opens UFO investigation office?

So they can stuff all the reports they get into the trash?

"Hey look, we're investigating the issue! We promise!"

Project Bluebook 2.0
The problem is that the UFO issue is so highly compartmentalized that 99+% of people within the government and military have no clue what's going on with it, particularly in the black projects.

To think the government is going to disclose anything to the public is foolish. Why? Because they can't.
So many illusions, so little time.

Do we expose the vaccines, fake GMO food, suppressed healing modalities? Big Pharma needs to get rekt.

How about the fiat money magic system? We do need to End of Fed.

Election Fraud? Lots of that going on.

Elite sex trafficking? Lots of that too.

Hidden energy and propulsion technologies, plus the trash Standard Model of Physics? UFOs? Ancient Civilizations?

Or bloodline Illuminati cults?

So much to discover, so little time.
In Phil Godlewski's video last night, he claimed that he was invited to the Pit, and at one point claimed he had already went to it.

Gregg Phillips had some words for Phil on Truth Social this morning.
Phil’s mods muted his whole chat.

Damage control.
The Epoch Times featured a whole section on Chlorine Dioxide in their Monkeypox guide - even promoting "The Universal Antidote" documentary. Another reason I love Epoch.

& yes, chlorine dioxide could easily wipe out Monkeypox, just like COVID stands no chance against this disinfectant.

Can't wait for the MSM to call me a bleach drinker again!
All those YouTube videos, Tweets, and channels they removed over COVID wasn't enough?

I had at least a dozen YouTube videos taken down for questioning masks and vaccines, and talking about cures like chlorine dioxide. 1M+ views worth of content.
There's a fine balance between ignoring the full-of-shit shills, and debunking their batshit clickbait.

On one hand, yes, they crave attention and ignoring them will prevent their fire from growing larger.

On the other hand, the cockroaches wont scatter unless you shine the light on them. Ignoring the disinformation the shills spread... allows it to continue to spread.

While you don't want to spend too much time on these idiots and their clickbait, sometimes it is necessary to give them a good troll and debunk their conspiracy propaganda.
It's incredibly foolish and naive to think every influencer in this movement is "on the same team" or in it for the same reasons, i.e. freedom, justice.

Nope - some clowns are doing this for money and fame, purely, and they're only talking about conspiracy theories and calling themselves a patriot so they can rope in a following to grift off of.
They’re shooting Biden up with a helluva brain cocktail before all his speeches
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‼️BREAKING: Phil has no balls and Jordan lives rent free in his head. 🤣🤣🤣
Gregg Phillips called out Godlewski for a live talk.

Phil declined, and made some side comments about me in his post.

Sather Man Bad!!
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