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Forwarded from RealTimeNews (❣️Anne❣️)
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the leftist president of Mexico, supports the reinstatement of Trump and stated that he voted for Trump’s return

Media is too big
Today CBS News finally admitted Hunter Biden’s laptop is authentic after 2 years of calling it a conspiracy theory

“CBS News has obtained [the laptop’s] data, not through a third party or political operative, but directly from the source who provided it to the FBI under subpoena. We commissioned an independent forensic review to determine its authenticity… The laptop data we analyzed show no evidence it was fake or tampered with.”
Media is too big
JONATHAN TURLEY: We have plenty of evidence [Biden] did discuss foreign deals with his son… We have emails referring to the President as the “Big Guy” and even talking about his [pay] cut. It’s abundantly clear the Biden family was running a multi-million dollar influence peddling scheme. I’ve never seen anything quite this large and ambitious
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Today is the 1-year anniversary of the Waukesha Attack

Biden never visited
Forwarded from The Justice League (Toria Brooke)
JUST IN 🚨 The wife of special prosecutor Jack Smith, the special counsel announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland to oversee the "criminal investigations" into the retention of classified documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and parts of the January 6, 2021, was reportedly a "high dollar donor" to Biden's presidential campaign. #ColorMeShocked
BREAKING: The Producer of the Netflix Documentary "BECOMING" about Michelle Obama is Katy Chevigny, the wife of Special Counsel Jack Smith who was just hand-picked by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate Donald Trump
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Former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi on MSNBC calls for Lauren Boebert, Tucker Carlson, Fox News and others to face charges in civil court for “causing” the mass shooting at the Colorado Springs gay nightclub

He adds teaching "young children" about sex will "put a stop to hate."
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REPORTER: Can you address whether the President was involved in any of his son Hunter or his brother's foreign business dealings?

WH Press Sec: So look, I, you know, um, there's some, a little bit of, uh, interesting, uh, you know, kind of, on brand, uh, thinking here… *deflects*
Media is too big
TUCKER: The Left is trying to strip you of your first and second amendment rights while blaming you for the Colorado shooting because you oppose the mutilation and sexualization of children
And it’s functioning just fine, I’d say even better without 90% of the commie workforce
Media is too big
FOX NEWS: The Chinese Communist Government is operating over 54 police stations in major cities in dozens of countries including the United States, where they spy on and threaten Chinese dissidents
Media is too big
FOX NEWS: Biden regime is weakening our armed forces by pushing leftist ideology on race and gender

“The Biden administration’s divisive rhetoric and propaganda continue to bring down the military’s already-low recruitment numbers. It is irresponsible and extraordinarily dangerous to allow them to continue.”
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