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MIKE EMMANUEL: Can you understand how 87,000 new IRS agents would scare the heck out of millions of Americans?

DEM SEN. BEN CARDIN: There’s no reason to be fearful if you paid your taxes and you complied with our laws
WSJ: Most Parents are Saying No to Covid-19 Vaccines for Toddlers

“More than a month after the [COVID-19] shots became available, roughly 4% to 5% of children under 5 years have received them.”
This is what’s in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”
The Federalist: FBI Director Christopher Wray left the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing early last week to go on vacation in the FBI's private Gulfstream jet
STEPHEN MOORE: Republican Senator Mike Crapo introduced an amendment to restrict additional IRS audits on Americans making less than $400,000. Every Democrat in the Senate voted against it
The Blaze: California judge rules that only citizens have the right to vote
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
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BREAKING: Donald Trump says Mar-a-Lago is currently ‘under siege’ and being raided by Biden’s rogue FBI
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JESSE: We’re talking about 3 elections in a row now where the FBI has colluded in our elections on behalf of the Democrat Party

• First the Russia Collusion Hoax during the 2016 Presidential election
• Then the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up during the 2020 Presidential election
• Now the FBI raid on Trump’s private residence right before the 2022 Midterm elections
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WILL CAIN: The partisan consistency on where [FBI] resources are deployed is too obvious to ignore. Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden lied on a federal gun form, he is also on tape smoking crack and hooking up with prostitutes, in addition the FBI has been in possession of his laptop for 2+ years, that laptop includes evidence of tax fraud, multiple overseas influence peddling operations.
SO why hasn’t Hunter Biden been raided by the FBI?
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GERRY CALLAHAN: Rest in Peace FBI. It’s over. It’s a partisan militant wing of the Biden administration. And does anyone really believe the new 87,000 IRS agents are gonna go after billionaires and corrupt corporations? When you see how they don’t hesitate to weaponize federal agencies against their political enemies, it is the most frightening thing.
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GERRY CALLAHAN: They don’t care how this [FBI raid on Trump] looks and it looks really bad, like a Banana Republic. [Democrats] have 5 months left where they have the Congress and 2 years left in the White House. They’re going to inflict as much damage against their political enemies as they can until then
RON DESANTIS ON FBI RAID OF TRUMP: The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.
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HANNITY FINALLY ADMITS FBI AND DOJ ARE DEAD: If you are in any way associated with Donald Trump you better cross all your I’s and T’s because they are coming for you with the full force of the federal government. They will break down your front door, they will spy on your texts and phone calls. They’ll charge you with every process crime in the book, throw you in jail and stick guns in your face at 5 AM just to send a message. If they can do this to Donald Trump what do you think they will do to the rest of us?
GOP Leader responds to FBI raid of TRUMP: I’ve seen enough. Merrick Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar
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NEWT GINGRICH: I couldn’t believe it when I first heard 30 FBI agents had invaded Mar-a-Lago…The Trump family has been persecuted more than any other Presidential family in history. If they can do this to a former President, and potentially future President, what can they do to you? This is a very scary step toward a Police State eliminating the U.S. Constitution
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