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Currently working on our new game "The Great Rebellion", a politically incorrect roguelike platformer/shooter

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Niederlage vor Gericht: Zensur für Computerspiel

Es ist nicht zu fassen: Unser Computerspiel bleibt indiziert. Das bestätigt ein Gerichtsurteil.

🟠 Den Namen des Spiels dürfen wir nicht nennen. Die Inhalte waren offenbar zu nah an der Realität. Zitat aus dem Urteil:

„Das gegenwärtige Staatswesen mit seiner gezeigten Toleranz gegenüber den angeprangerten Gruppen werde als Bedrohung für die Freiheit und Medienkultur sowie als verkommen dargestellt.“

🟠 Mit solchen Phrasen könnte quasi alles indiziert werden – es trifft aber immer nur uns Patrioten!

🟠 Alle Infos zum Urteil lest ihr hier.

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wie leider zu erwarten war ...
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Kritik an Politikern und der Wunsch nach Meinungsfreiheit: Grund zur Indizierung?

Unser Videospiel, dessen Namen wir nicht nennen dürfen, wurde indiziert. Auf dem Klagewag erfuhren wir von der lächerlichen Begründung.

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Neue Podcastfolge: Ein Computerspiel auf dem Index

Unser Videospiel ist überall auf dieser Welt erlaubt, nur in Deutschland natürlich nicht – zwei Gerichte bestätigten die Indizierung.

🟠 In der neuen Folge Lagebesprechung diskutieren wir mit Roland Moritz vom Entwicklerteam KVLTGames über Zensur, die miesen Behördentricks und die Videospielkultur.

🟠 Hier könnt ihr die Folge anhören.

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shoutouts to the guy who consistently vomit reacts, you're the real MVP!
Here you can see some concept art for our next game's protagonist which is currently being worked on. Obviously the ingame pixelart won't look like this, but this is for cutscenes, promo art etc.
Hi! We are looking for a capable Graphic Designer to join our Legends of Hyperborea game development team. You main focus will be UI/UX design as well as general graphic design and 2D art for the game project. You need to be capable of working together with the art team, but also develop your work independently, in line with our art style guidelines.

"Legends of Hyperborea is a 3D heroic hack & slash game set in the fantastic land of Hyperborea. The players play as strong heroes who wield awesome weapons and magic against hordes of evil beings in visceral action combat. Inspired by the classic Sword & Sorcery tales by authors such as Robert. E. Howard and Michael Moorcock, and designed around an easy-to-pick-up retro gameplay formula Legends of Hyperborea thrusts the players on a fantastical quest as they wade their way onwards and finally confront the mad mage who is behind all of the corruption now spreading through the beautiful lands of Hyperborea."
Check out work in progress material at https://teleg.eu/LegendsofHyperborea

A strong will and a want to create based fantasy is required. Also previous experience on game development work is a plus. If you are interested send a message describing yourself with a link to your portfolio at [email protected], or on twitter @Baarmaboi (Artturi Kivelä).
Feel free to share this message to anyone you know who might be interested.
Forwarded from American Krogan
So a lot of you probably have no idea what the Nexus Modding website is, the culture surrounding it, or that it helps turn Bethesda Games like Skyrim and Fallout into porn and autogynephilic dress-up sessions. Just explore the recently shared images of Fallout 4 to get an idea. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with young dudes being attracted to big boobs and hourglass waists. But when about a third of all male gamers are playing as females, while society at large is encouraging children to take puberty blockers, well... we might have an issue.

The Nexus used to be more about gameplay and stories and legit content creation. In some ways, it still is, but it's also been quickly developing all the same hallmark illnesses of modern society. Some of the problem comes from the staff who run the site.

Recently, someone uploaded a mod that removed all the Pride flags from a Spider-Man game and replaced them with American Flags. Perhaps, some gamers would like to simply be able to play Spider-Man without LGBT-references? I mean, the whole reason a modding site like the Nexus exists is to provide players with the tools and options to tailor their own experience, right? And more importantly, no one is forced to download such a "homophobic" mod, so no harm done, right? Player-choice, right? Well, at this point, The Nexus is as fake and gay as Ubisoft's HR department.

The mod was removed by the staff, and the uploader was banned. Then the staff wrote up a post about how the Nexus strives for diversity and inclusion. Here's a snippet:

"In regards to the replacement of Pride flags in this game, or any game, our policy is thus: we are for inclusivity, we are for diversity. If we think someone is uploading a mod on our site with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity and/or diversity then we will take action against it. The same goes for people attempting to troll other users with mods deliberately to cause a rise. For our part, we will endeavour to do a better job of moderating our website to this ethos ourselves."


"If this policy upsets you, if we've broken some moral code of conduct as a business that you can't accept, then please, delete your account."

These people infiltrate EVERYTHING.
Some more breaking news from the Globohomo News Network
important post
Forwarded from Imperium Press (Imperium Press)
There is way too much debate in this sphere.

This seems weird to say. Shouldn't we be constantly testing ideas? Well, yes of course. Aren't most of us here because we got "redpilled"—because we dared to think the unthinkable? Sure. We should always be willing to revise our ideas, always be open to challenge, always be refining and learning and growing.

But here's the thing: I'm a practical man. I run a business. Not just any business, but a dissident business. And in our day-to-day operations, we have challenges that no other business has, challenges that aren't even challenges at all for normal businesses—when they need X done, they just go out and pay someone to do it. This is not how it works when you're surrounded on all sides by people who want to shut you down. You have to worry about opsec, you have to worry about protecting customer data, you have to worry about deplatforming, you have to worry about hostile actors. All this adds up to where probably 80% of your day is spent on doing completely unproductive tasks dealing with these things, and not on, say, publishing books. When Imperium Press needs X done, I don't just go out and pay someone; I go through a long process of vetting and security—and after all that, we still pay.

I look across the broader dissident sphere and I see a lot of talent. I see a lot of people with skills, energy, low time-preference, drive, creativity, and fanatical devotion to our cause, to our nations, to our people. And what is most of this talent being spent on?


We talk a lot about building parallel infrastructure, parallel institutions. Near as I can tell, the infrastructural backbone of the nationalist right (at least in the Anglosphere) consists mostly of reading groups and debate forums. That's great, but we've got enough guys who are good at having opinions. We need web designers, accountants, organizers, men who will start businesses doing unsexy work, but getting paid for it and taking pride knowing they're the foundation holding up a whole superstructure. Without that foundation, it doesn't matter whether the problem is the WEF or localized bad actors in government. We'll never be able to displace them. Every revolutionary force stood on the strength of a whole series of support networks. Debate clubs had very little to do with it.

Theory is nothing without action; what's more, action almost always precedes theory. I'll leave you with a quote, and I won't tell you who said it, because as good debaters and philosophers, all that matters to us is the truth:

Old establishments are tried by their effects. If the people are happy, united, wealthy, and powerful, we presume the rest. We conclude that to be good from whence good is derived. In old establishments various correctives have been found for their aberrations from theory. Indeed, they are the results of various necessities and expediencies. They are not often constructed after any theory; theories are rather drawn from them. In them we often see the end best obtained where the means seem not perfectly reconcilable to what we may fancy was the original scheme. The means taught by experience may be better suited to political ends than those contrived in the original project. They again react upon the primitive constitution, and sometimes improve the design itself, from which they seem to have departed.
Forwarded from Morgoth's Review
Imagine having all the money in the world and not being to compete with one old professor in a dusty study.

Imagine the endless board meetings and schematics, the diversity placement and CGI wonks gathering together like alchemists desperately trying to make the thing live.

This thing is shit and it doesn't matter how many banal ''inspirational'' speeches the PC characters give out or how loud the music is. The problem is the type of people who work for these studios. They're soulless, vacuous and materialist dullards.

This is just synthetic meat in a different form. The numbers add up, they've spent billions replicating the real thing, so what's the issue here?

The issue is the people who wrote The One Ring script just don't really know what it is to be human. Their approach to Tolkien is the same approach Yuval Harari has to 'hackable humans''. They sense there's something more there, something they're missing. If only they do another data gathering exercise or group study it'll appear, but it never does.

The cruellest irony of all is that this loss of the transcendent was at the core of Tolkien's world.
Forwarded from American Krogan
The good news, I think, is that these sorts of things can't really last indefinitely with gaming, film or entertainment culture. Sure, BlackRock might be able to infuse money and thereby make it all last well beyond what it could normally, but even so, I'm getting the sense that we are reaching a kind of critical mass that will be followed by a steep decline.

Dave Martel is probably right that this is very much the time for our guys to be making cool games, writing cool books, and making cool short films. Even if our stuff doesn't have the big budgets, that won't matter, because no one can relate anymore or get anything out of the big budget works. Those things have no substance, soul or depth.
that High-T jaw definition
So, living in Europe, I guess I get to soon experience, first hand, the onset of the physical decline of this gay empire, as it descends into poverty, chaos, and petty wars. Surrounded by the clueless desperate, who were too stupid to see it coming and too animalistic and cowardly to stand up to its precedents. Now finally activated, as I predicted, by the price of bread or by a power outage shutting off their tv.
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