Laura Towler
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Wife and mum, British nationalist, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative and owner of Grandma Towler's tea shop:

Write a letter to Sam: 🤍
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Forwarded from English Wanderer
Patriotic Alternative North West

Yesterday, Patriotic Alternative North West held a leafletting session for Callum Hewitt, a PA-endorsed Council Candidate. Callum is running in the May 2nd local elections for Central and West Bank ward of Halton Council. If you know anyone in this area, we encourage you to ask them to vote for him!
We delivered 1700 leaflets to homes across the ward, with many delivered directly into the hands of residents who seemed happy to see us. We finished the day with a well-deserved pub lunch.

Promoted by Patriotic Alternative on behalf of Callum Hewitt, both of International House, 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, England, M2 3HZ.

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Quite right. Our intelligence services helped this man, his family and many others go to Libya with the express intent of overthrowing Gaddafi and then brought him back here with the navy. We resettled hundreds of LFIG terrorists in an area outside Manchester where they remain today. Some now involved in drug crime, last I heard.
Forwarded from Saint Harrison
“Quick, public sympathy is at a post WW2 low, we need something good for the public”

“The best we can do is carrots”.
If you’re on YouGov be sure to answer today’s question!
Forwarded from Halvdan Redbeard
Just checked, the biggest threat is no longer an option
Forwarded from Adam Albion
They’ve actually removed Israel…!?
Media is too big
PA East Midlands

In a passionate speech, Ian has questions for Boston MP Matt Warman.

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Just refuse and hold your ground. Give your speeches without amplification if you have to. When the far left tried to shut one of Patriotic Alternative’s conferences down a couple of years ago and we were asked us to leave, we stayed and continued. We knew they couldn’t do anything as there were 250 of us. Don’t let them have these wins.
Hey folks. The “Free Sam Melia” badges have just arrived. I would like to give one away for free for all the people who have supported Sam. So if you attended his trial or sentencing, attended the demo we did in Leeds, have supported his fundraiser, bought him a book, delivered his leaflets, made a banner, or anything else you can think of, and if you would like a badge, please drop me a message and I’ll post you one out.

The rest I’ll list on the Grandma Towler’s website at the cost I paid for them, but I’ll wait to see how many are left before doing that.
Media is too big
PA East Midlands

East Midlands Regional Organiser Matt makes a heartfelt speech in Boston, Lincolnshire.

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Forwarded from Grandma Towler's
The bees have paid us a visit and we now have 30 x runny honey and 30 x soft set honey in stock at 🐝
Forwarded from Joseph "MrBeige" PAYorkshire
I can assure you our honey in 100% raw, 100% undiluted and is 100% produced by good Yorkshire bees.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
The cabin crew who blocked his deportation should all face the same time in jail that he does for the rape. And that's me being charitable.
^ At the very least they should have to sit face to face with the girl and her family and acknowledge what they did.
Forwarded from White Papers
Much has been made of the National Conservatism conference that was shut down yesterday by Belgian police, and there are a few big takeaways for us:

#1 it was shut down by the Turkish mayor of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode. A Mr. Emir Kir.

This demonstrates that non-Whites are very willing to use whatever petty authority they have to suppress events they view as too pro-Western

#2 Rishi Sunak's office had this to say:

“The prime minister is a strong supporter and advocate for free speech. He is very clear that canceling events or no-platforming speakers is damaging to free speech and democracy,” the spokesperson said. “He is an advocate of free speech even when you may disagree.”

Great! Rishi Sunak should immediately put a pardon on HM the King's desk so Sam Melia can be home in time for tea.

#3 The only reason that this is making headlines is because the attendees were mostly mainstream. Seulla Braverman (an Indian woman and former UK Minister), Nigel Farage (former MEP and UKIP leader), Viktor Orban (sitting Hungarian prime minister), Eric Zemmour (Jewish-Algerian presidential candidate from France).

If this was a gathering of 200 nationalists from all walks of life nothing would have been said.

Ultimately this shuttering represents two crucial dynamics:

Petty non-White abuse of power and the privilege of the ruling class to selectively invoke "freedom."
Rishi Sunak saying he supports free speech… I can’t even
Hey folks. We have welcomed Baby Violet into our family. 🥰

We wanted to keep her a secret until Sam was able to learn of her arrival, which he now has done. He is so happy that she is here safely, and is full of love for her.

I feel blessed to have been able to have another natural birth without any complications. I actually planned a water birth but she came so fast we didn’t make it in time! She weighed eight pounds upon arrival, and is happy, healthy, and eating well.

We love her so much 🤍
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