Laura Towler
8.5K subscribers
1.96K photos
112 videos
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Wife and mum, British nationalist, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative and owner of Grandma Towler's tea shop:

Write a letter to Sam: 🤍
Download Telegram
Forwarded from Sam Melia: A Grug's Life
Sanded back and repainted, new wallpaper throughout, vinyl flooring, proper roof tiles, doing little bits here and there and finally capping it off with window planters on Christmas Eve.

She’s ready for Catherine to unwrap tomorrow morning! 😊

(Before picture below)
Before and after posts above ^ (they posted on Sam’s channel in the wrong order 🙄)
Media is too big
Merry Christmas from our household to yours ❤️🤍
We’ve just spoken to James Costello and he told us the woman in prison responsible for his “rehabilitation” is confused about the fact he’s getting so many Christmas cards 😂
Forwarded from Mark Collett
LIVESTREAM: Patriotic Alternative 2023 Year in Review
7pm UK time (2pm EST)
Laura Towler and I are joined by a variety of guests and PA Regional Organisers as we review the past 12 months of activity and growth.
Hey folks! I haven’t picked up my phone much over Christmas and New Year as I’ve been having a bit of down time and I also have a poorly toddler (and husband!), but I just wanted to say I hope you all have a lovely New Year and I hope 2024 brings you opportunity and happiness.

This time of year can be difficult for some of us who don’t have an understanding family or friendship group. I want to remind you all that the struggle we’re involved in is moral and just, even if others don’t always understand or appreciate this. Under no circumstances is it wrong to want safety and prosperity for your people and if others choose to judge you poorly for wanting this, then that is entirely their issue, not yours. Hold your head up high knowing you are on the side of good. You don’t owe anybody an explanation and you should never accept the narrative that nationalism is wrong in any way. Those who matter will hear you out and those who choose not to have chosen their path. I hope they will see sense one day and realise the error of their ways. My door is always open if anybody ever fancies a chat. Here’s to another great year in 2024! 🤍
So what is everybody picking for their 2024 goals then?

Usually I write a list of 4-5 things I’d like to achieve each year but it’s hard to plan for this year when there are two big events coming up for my family. Firstly, Sam’s trial, and secondly, we are having a baby in April. Those newborn months are intense haha (in the best way possible 😅).

So aside from focusing on family a lot this year and whatever is thrown at us, I would also like to get better at crocheting and save some money (which is a goal every year).

How about you guys?
I know a guy who emptied the machine every time he went in and eventually they got rid of it because it got too expensive. Just saying…
It is James Costello’s birthday next week if you’d like to send him a birthday card 😊
Looking for some feedback for a project I’m working on.

What arguments do you hear the most from our opponents? I’m thinking things like “We’ve always been a nation of immigrants” and “We need them for the NHS”.

In addition, if you get pushback from your family/friends for your politics, what arguments do they put forward?
Forwarded from Cathugger
😏😏😏"oh yeah? well your car is from Germany, your coffee is from Columbia, your Cheese is from Switzerland etcetc"
I hate this one ^ 🙃
Joe Marsh made him, me and Aaron into vikings 😂
How to Make a Poster on Word