Laura Towler
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Wife and mum, British nationalist, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative and owner of Grandma Towler's tea shop:

Write a letter to Sam: 🤍
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PA weren’t at St Athan today but we hope you had a nice day out 😁
Patriotic Alternative North West

Today, activists from PA North West as well as a local non-PA volunteer gathered in Widnes town centre in support of local independent council candidate Callum Hewitt.
We handed out hundreds of leaflets and had dozens of conversations with locals, all of whom were glad to see a candidate who was going against the Labour status quo in the town.

We finished the day with a well-deserved pint and a meal in the finest local establishment.

Promoted by Patriotic Alternative on behalf of Callum Hewitt, both of International House, 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, England, M2 3HZ.

Contact us here, [email protected], to get involved with future PA NW activities.

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Forwarded from The End Times
Just doing some painting with my daughter and colouring in a picture of Snow White. Out of all the fictional characters they’ve black washed, surely that one has to be the worst? She’s literally called Snow White and has “skin white as snow”.
Patriotic Alternative Wales

This weekend, PA activists from across Britain gathered in Wales to conquer the mighty Snowdon!

We undertook this tough challenge on behalf of Sam Melia, our dear friend who is currently serving a two-year-prison sentence for daring to distribute artwork of a Pro-White nature online. Our message to Britain's anti-White elite is clear: FREE SAM MELIA, POLITICAL PRISONER!

Activists were able to eat and socialise together at a local cabin that was used as our base for the weekend. We shared many laughs and were thankful to have such good company in an increasingly anti-White Britain. Bonds were forged that will last a lifetime.

Long live White Britain. Free Sam Melia!

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Love or hate George Galloway but he is stronger than Richard Tice and he wouldn’t allow a group like Hope Not Hate to control him. HNH will keep pushing for more and more from Tice because he allows them to.
Just been to visit Sam in prison and thought I’d provide a little update as I get quite a lot of messages asking how he is. We’ve also just reached the two months milestone!

He is looking really well. He’s been working out quite a lot and he’s lost about a stone in weight and also built some muscle.

He’s also just moved up to enhanced status which means we now get 5 visits a month instead of 3 visits a month. To move up to enhanced status you need to collect points and he collected his points by doing well at his job, by completing his arts and crafts course, by helping out in the library, and by stopping another inmate from killing himself (!).

Now he’s enhanced he also gets to choose one electronic device for his cell and he chose a radio because he said he misses music.

He recently read Dune and really loved it so he’s now ordered the next couple of books in the series.

He is still making things with matchsticks and he’s currently working on making me a jewellery box!

He is still getting a lot of letters and emails, so thank you to everybody who continues to write to him 🤍
Finally got round to listening to Mark’s speech from The Awakening conference in Finland. What a fantastic representative he is for British nationalism!
Good luck to all nationalists who are standing in elections today, especially our very own CALLUM HEWITT who, along with his colleagues in PA North West, has poured his heart and soul into his campaign.

We are so proud of the effort he’s made, the relationships he’s formed in his community and the change he’s begun to make.

🔥Vote CALLUM HEWITT for Central and West Bank🔥
Our guy Callum Hewitt came 2nd out of 4 in the Central and West Bank local election, beating the Green Party and the Tories!! Labour took the win.

We are all so unbelievably proud of him and his team of activists in the North West. This is just the first step of Callum’s journey and we look forward to seeing what he achieves in the future.

Please give him a 🔥 to show your support and congrats!
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