Laura Towler
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Wife and mum, British nationalist, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative and owner of Grandma Towler's tea shop:

Write a letter to Sam: 🤍
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Forwarded from Mark Collett
I hope Halifax financially suffers.
I like how Sam takes a contingent of nationalists to the centre of one of the most left wing cities in the country and gives an incredible speech down his megaphone about the demographic replacement of our people and he’s still known as “Laura Towler’s husband” 😂
On a serious note though, my heart bursts with pride for those of our activists who travelled to York today. You stood in the belly of the beast and fiercely let it be known that we won’t go quietly and we will never compromise on the safety and prosperity of our people.

Today our flags fly in York, Tomorrow We Live! 🇬🇧
A fantastic demo in York centre today, an absolute madhouse but PA were the eye of the storm; calm, collected and professional.

I think we showed that without a doubt Patriotic Alternative is the future of nationalism in the UK.

We’ll be premiering the video on Tea Time with Sam and Laura on Monday at 7pm.

Join us today at
Forwarded from Saint Harrison
Knew I’d seen him before somewhere.
York | Saturday 2nd July

After 2 months of tireless community work in Linton, Patriotic Alternative were asked to speak at a demonstration against mass immigration and the Linton asylum centre.

The crowds were large, the noise was deafening and spirits were high. We were joined by local speakers, veterans and political parties.

After making our statement everyone left in good order where we went on to enjoy some of York's culinary offerings before heading home.

Video of the demonstration will be premiered on Tea Time, tomorrow at 7pm GMT.

If you'd like to join us and fight back against the great replacement then get in touch at

If you're in Yorkshire, get in touch via [email protected]
Patriotic Alternative are the fastest growing and most active nationalist group in Britain. This image, created by PA West Midlands, details where we carried out activism and community work throughout May and June.

Get involved and join your local group:
Join us tonight at 7pm (UK time) for Episode 49 of Tea Time with Sam & Laura

- PA street demo in York – Watch the premiere of Sam’s speech!
- Plus, was that really Anne Marie Waters holding our megaphone?!

Odysee (our preferred platform):


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