Laura Towler
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Wife and mum, British nationalist, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative and owner of Grandma Towler's tea shop:

Write a letter to Sam: 🤍
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Forwarded from White Papers
Much has been made of the National Conservatism conference that was shut down yesterday by Belgian police, and there are a few big takeaways for us:

#1 it was shut down by the Turkish mayor of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode. A Mr. Emir Kir.

This demonstrates that non-Whites are very willing to use whatever petty authority they have to suppress events they view as too pro-Western

#2 Rishi Sunak's office had this to say:

“The prime minister is a strong supporter and advocate for free speech. He is very clear that canceling events or no-platforming speakers is damaging to free speech and democracy,” the spokesperson said. “He is an advocate of free speech even when you may disagree.”

Great! Rishi Sunak should immediately put a pardon on HM the King's desk so Sam Melia can be home in time for tea.

#3 The only reason that this is making headlines is because the attendees were mostly mainstream. Seulla Braverman (an Indian woman and former UK Minister), Nigel Farage (former MEP and UKIP leader), Viktor Orban (sitting Hungarian prime minister), Eric Zemmour (Jewish-Algerian presidential candidate from France).

If this was a gathering of 200 nationalists from all walks of life nothing would have been said.

Ultimately this shuttering represents two crucial dynamics:

Petty non-White abuse of power and the privilege of the ruling class to selectively invoke "freedom."
Rishi Sunak saying he supports free speech… I can’t even
Hey folks. We have welcomed Baby Violet into our family. 🥰

We wanted to keep her a secret until Sam was able to learn of her arrival, which he now has done. He is so happy that she is here safely, and is full of love for her.

I feel blessed to have been able to have another natural birth without any complications. I actually planned a water birth but she came so fast we didn’t make it in time! She weighed eight pounds upon arrival, and is happy, healthy, and eating well.

We love her so much 🤍
Well, I made it through the first night with a toddler and a newborn. For the first time since getting home yesterday, they are both asleep at the same time, and it’s after 9am 😅

Violet was cluster feeding all night, and Catherine is just so excited to be a big sister that every time Violet moved or made a noise, she’d jump into action and be like “Baby Vi! Baby Vi!” She is so affectionate and it is so cute, but I sure am looking forward to some sleep.
I’ve been involved with “right wing” politics for eight years and I can honestly say I’ve never had a problem with so called “sexism”. Sure, men and women are treated differently because we are different, but I don’t believe one is treated worse than the other. Being a nationalist, or even a conservative, means accepting the biological and cultural differences between the two sexes. We are not feminists.

Regardless, I’ve always felt that I’ve been treated with respect by the wider nationalist community, not just in England but globally.

And I will add that if you change your politics or “move to the left” because somebody was mean to you, you were never really serious to begin with.
Patriotic Alternative North West

Today, PA-endorsed council candidate Callum Hewitt and other PA NW activists delivered over 1400 leaflets to houses in the Central & West Bank ward of Halton.

We had many positive responses from the public; locals recognised Callum from his activism with PA and as a strong candidate in the upcoming May 2nd local elections. Callum has leafleted every house in the ward once already, which has clearly made him more well-known in the area.

During today's six-hour leafleting session, we had a hearty lunch in a local pub. If you know anyone who lives in Halton's Central & West Bank ward, please encourage them to vote for Callum Hewitt!

Contact us: [email protected]

Promoted by Patriotic Alternative on behalf of Callum Hewitt, both of International House, 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, England, M2 3HZ.

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Patriotic Alternative East Midlands

Activists from East Midlands and other regions gathered in Long Eaton on Saturday the 20th of April.
A street stall was set up with leaflets and our banner declaring 'We were never asked'

We had lots of interaction with the public, who were keen to tell us just how disgusted they are with the Conservative government and their inability to deal with both legal and illegal migrants. We gave out our contact details to many interested people, and we even received some donations on the spot!

Four of our activists gave speeches, and these were very well received. The speeches were centred around illegal migration and the growing number of attacks on the indigenous people of these Isles.

After the street stall, we had a flash demo, where Mark Collett also gave a speech, outside Long Eaton's Best Western hotel, which houses illegal migrants.

Contact us to get involved: [email protected]

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Happy St George’s Day to my fellow English folk! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Not sure if anybody remembers that I posted about Sam doing an arts and crafts course in prison. Well he made a matchstick house and they let him give it to us. How cool is that? 😁
Forwarded from Mark Collett
And whilst we're at it, let's spare a minute for our other friends and comrades serving time in the system's prisons:
James Costello
James Allchurch (Sven Longshanks)
Kris Kearney (Charlie Big Potatoes)
They all fought for England's future.
Saw Sam last night and he’d made me a little matchstick trophy 😂🥰
Forwarded from English Wanderer
Out again this morning giving out hot breakfasts to the homeless at Beggars Bush near Sutton Coldfield.
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform