Millennial Woes
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Forwarded from Pox Populi
I’m not a Nazi apologist or Hitler redeemer. I wholeheartedly wish we could just move on from WWII. I wish we didn’t have to argue against the Steven Spielberg version of history and Boomer Truth.

But the fact is, WWII and the 1930s Germans are used as a cudgel to beat ALL Europeans and to prevent us from protecting our nations and taking our own side. That’s why we can’t move on and it’s incredibly tiresome, particularly because it keeps us in the libtard-commie moral framework and encourages anti-social spergs in nationalist circles to play the Hollywood Nazi.

Ultimately though, I’m just annoyed at people, especially people who act so smug, calling themselves “truth seekers” but who are unwilling or uninterested in asking the questions a real truth seeker would ask.
Compare Penguin's main YT channel with its youth YT channel. The difference is striking. The main channel discusses a very broad range of topics - fame, paleontology, robotics, Tudor history, billionaire wealth, WW2, survivalism, psychedelics, art, being an artist, cookery... By contrast, the youth channel is almost entirely concerned with just three topics: LGBT, feminism, and multiculturalism.

Those three topics were entirely absent from "youth literature" in the 1990s, yet clearly we found things to talk about, things that were of interest to us, so why is Penguin today confining adolescents to those three topics? Why is it ramming those things down their throats?

In a sane society, there would be an investigation, a court case, a lively TV debate, high-profile firings, "lessons would be learned", etc... something would be done about this thing which is very obviously wrong.
I will be starting my regular Monday night broadcast in 90 minutes from now (10pm GMT, 11pm CET, 6pm ET, 3pm PT). Superchats can be posted with @MW_Superchat_Bot, Entropy or CoinTree (crypto). The live chat will be at @mwpublic.
I will be starting my regular Monday night broadcast in 30 minutes from now (10pm GMT, 11pm CET, 6pm ET, 3pm PT). Superchats can be posted with @MW_Superchat_Bot, Entropy or CoinTree (crypto). The live chat will be at @mwpublic.
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"Muh military will drone strike you" is an implicit confession that the system is lopsided towards leftist ideological assumptions. All the stuff about "fighting for change" and "smashing capitalism" isn't just a delusion. For many of these people, it's a conscious lie.

Leftists know that there's nothing transgressive about their beliefs. Laura freaking Bush invoked "women's rights" as a justification for the first Gulf War. Madeleine Albright said half a million dead Iraqis was worth it to "spread Democracy"

The US government has been doing progressive social activism via international subterfuge and genocide since 1945.
Climate change does not require any particular symptoms to be perceptible to the general public; due to the nature of the “threat”, by definition they cannot expect to be able to see it, therefore they have to take on trust that it is happening at all. The contest was no longer between the claims you’re hearing and the reality you’re seeing (or not seeing), but between your need to trust the powerful and your willingness to defy them. Most people have plenty of the former and precious little of the latter.
Forwarded from Archaic Vision
This is the first spring I have felt since 2015. It's beautiful. The daffodils and the spring sun. The fertile Goddess awakens from her slumber. What a blessing the four seasons are. ☀️
In 1917, Mr C W Cropper of Ilford grew a giant turnip weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces and presented it to the vicar's wife. This attracted the attention of the press and was publicised nationally
Forwarded from American Krogan
After that viral tiktok video of that White girl discussing "seasoning," various videos concerning Black culinary habits have been making the rounds again. I.e. washing chicken with bleach and dish soap, and cooking food in transformer fluid.

I am once again reminded that certain Black behavior is so wild that many White normies simply can't accept these examples as being representative of any meaningful trend or that they aren't being misrepresented in some manner. I know I couldn't when I first started to hear about them.

Racial differences go far beyond IQ, but many White people simply don't grasp the implications of a bell curve where 70 is the average. They can't understand the implications of an IQ of 70 let alone one of 60 or 50. They can't comprehend how people in Mozambique would kill bald men, because they think gold is inside their heads. Or why Nigerians have an entire trade in human body parts, because they think that burying a human hand under your door threshold will bring you wealth and prosperity. For many White normies, these stories are so cartoonish, that it's just easier for them to see them as racist propaganda and lies.
Forwarded from Identity England
We have had several days of the BBC covering the attack on the Muslim pensioner in B'ham. Set on fire while walking home from his mosque.
The reports all implied that it was a racist or 'Islamophobic' attack
Plenty of 'the community's fears', 'near Ramadan', 'police reassure the community', while other media 'personalities' went with the 'this is the reality of racist Britain' line.

A man has been charged with attempted murder for the B'ham & an Ealing attack.

He is, Mohammed Abbkr. #DefundtheBBC
Forwarded from Thuletide
The apostrophe in "IQ's" really tops this off.
Join Woesy for a delightful 100 minutes of entertainment, reminiscing, timely commentary and witty repartee in this recording from the 20th of March, 2023.

Here: Odysee / audio

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Forwarded from Steve Laws

An Islamic organisation has kicked off the first of its many scheduled events for Ramadan in a Cathedral.

Shame on the cucked Church Of England for allowing this. There won’t be a single mosque reciprocating by hosting a meal for Christian’s breaking fast over the Lent period. But nor should there be. Keep your religion in your own places of worship.

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