Machine Learning World
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Дмитрий Меньшиков запустил канал по фин. грамотности, где расказывает как эффективно хранить и инвестировать деньги, как легально открыть счет в иностранном банке и прочее. Вообщем рекомендую!
Hey fellas!

For those who're bored at home, for those who want to see friends and talk to them, the chance is right here.

Let's meet at ML meetup, which will take place in virtual reality. All you need is a computer, VR-headsets aren't required. You'll log in, set up the avatar, select the seat, and will appear in the conference room, surrounded by all the folks from regular ML meetups. You'll be able to start a tet-a-tet chat, take photos/videos, hang out with friends during the afterparty and do some stuff from real life.


👨‍💻 Stepan Maksymchuk - CD4ML using Kubeflow and GitHub Actions

Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning (CD4ML) is a software engineering approach in which a cross-functional team produces machine learning applications based on code, data, and models in small and safe increments that can be reproduced and reliably released at any time, in short adaptation cycles.

Meet Stepan Maksimchuk from Ventus Cloud AG and learn how GitHub Actions and Kubeflow can be used together to implement the full end-to-end process for a sample ML application.

👨‍💻 Paul Galushko - What an ML engineer should know to deploy successful services to production

How can an ML model remain useful without becoming a mathematical puzzle? We’ll talk about ravines that are not obvious from the jupyter notebook.
For ML to become a real service, we’ll cover the following:
- Production hardware
- Cost of the service
- Deployment of ML and services, their delivery to users
- Mass re-learning of models, if their number exceeds 3
- Common issues for high-load services
- Design principles of industrial development, that help you live in harmony with yourself, your code, your colleges, and not to be afraid to go out even after quarantine.
[email protected]
2.7 MB
Machine translation of cortical activity to text with an encoder–decoder framework
​​Data analytics and AI in turbulent times. Opportunities for all of us
April 6, 2020
Report language: Ukrainian

On 6th April Oleksandr Romanko will host a webinar where he will share with you opportunities in times of crisis, how to use data analytics and artificial intelligence to model the spread of coronavirus and more.

All money for the purchased tickets will be donated for food kits for retirees to the Zhyttieliub Foundation. Price for one ticket = product set.
You can help thousands of Ukrainian pensioners stay home and buy more by the link —

Registration >>>
10% discount: MLWorld
​​Why do generative models (not) work? Online meetup
April 7, 2020
Report language: Russian

In early April, Philipp Kofman will hold an online meetup to share basic knowledge of simple generative models, show how they work and develop your intuition. All money for the purchased tickets will be donated for food kits for retirees to the Zhyttieliub Foundation. Price for one ticket = product set. You can help thousands of Ukrainian pensioners stay home and buy more by the link —

Registration >>>
10% discount: MLWorld
Завтра в 20:00 GMT+2 будет стрим с моим участием

Я расскажу об образовании в ИТ, Хайринге и Построении личного бренда. И как собсно получать приглосы в проекты от топовых вузов мира и не только (если конечно вы не хотите всю жизнь работать на колбасу)
​​​​Тут в последнее время у меня часто начали спрашивать за онлайн курсы по Python. По этому я потратил немного времени что бы найти курс, который, по моему мнению, дает хороший базовый уровень что бы можно было врываться в реальную разработку и дальнейший рост.
Короче рекомендую!
​​Business aspects of data science, Online meetup

April 21, 2020
19:00 - 20:00
Report language: Russian

On 21th April Nika Tamaio Flores will hold an online meetup to share with you business aspects of data science:

what types of tasks exist in terms of business and their relation to typical machine learning tasks;
how technical specialist can decompose a business task;
typical mistakes made by developers when they engage with business;
why you should not neglect business analysis in Data Science projects.

All money for the purchased tickets will be donated for food kits for retirees to the Zhyttieliub Foundation. Price for one ticket = product set.

Registration >>>

10% discount: MLWorld
Top 5 Best Zoom Cameras