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By @novitoll

Diverse interests in science and IT to share and to memo for personal historical reasons.

All information provided on this channel is for educational, informational purposes only.
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That's it. Now get back to work lol
Would like to announce that I am no longer the owner of @binexp, as I have been working in a different field for certain time. So don't expect security related topics from me in this channel. Wish you all the best!

Radio - is the main focus now.
Interestingly, the term һexa-decimal (hexadecimal) was introduced by IBM in 1963 and is a combination of the Greek word hexi (six) and the Latin decem (ten).
It would be more correct to use the Latin word sexa (six), but the term "sexadecimal" would be perceived somewhat ambiguously.

Интересно, что термин һexa- decimal (шестнадцатеричный) введен научный обиход B корпорацией IBM в 1963 году и является комбинацией греческого слова hexi (шесть) и латинского decem (десять). Правильнее было бы использовать латинское же слово sexa (шесть), но термин sexadecimal воспринимался бы несколько неоднозначно

P.S.: from the book

Думаю выступить с докладом про микропроцессоры

От SiO2 до "Hello World"
Forwarded from 2600 Qazaqstan
Хей хей!

⚡️ Осталось всего 3 дня до 2600!

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P.S. Like, Share, Hack! 🚀
The term “bug” predates the invention of the computer. Thomas Edison called the “little faults and difficulties” with his
inventions “bugs” in 1878.

The first real computer bug was a moth, which got caught between the relays of the Harvard Mark II electro­mechanical computer in 1947. It was found by Grace Hopper, who logged the incident, along with the moth itself and the comment “first actual case of bug being found.”


Термин «баг» существовал еще до изобретения компьютера. В 1878 году Томас Эдисон называл багами «огрехи и затруднения» в своих изобретениях.

Первый настоящий компьютерный баг был молью, попавшей между контактами реле электромеханического компьютера Harvard Mark II в 1947 году. Ее нашла Грейс Хоппер, которая зарегистрировала этот случай в рабочем журнале, приклеив моль и про-
комментировав: «впервые обнаружен настоящий баг».

[1] Digital Design
and Computer Architecture - RISC-V Edition, S. Harris & D. Harris

1.5 MB
My today's 2600 presentation about microprocessors, HDL etc.

From SiO2 to Hello World

vim is my daily software that I use for text editor, parser with regexp. Such an awesome tool

"As really great discoveries are made in science, they may or they may not affect the way people think about the problems of their own lives about what is in vulgar sense called their 'philosophy'"

Listed timelines of some interesting moments in Robert Oppenheimer's speech at the Princeton Theological Seminary (1958)

Attosecond. 1 billion of nanoseconds or 1e-18.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2023: Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, Anne L’Huillier.

"for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light
for the study of electron dynamics in matter" develop apps for future in catalysis, electronics and medicine

Imagine to measure the duration/time-scale photoelectric effect experimentally, it allows address fundamental questions.

Attosecond. 1 billion of nanoseconds or 1e-18. Nobel Prize in Physics 2023: Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, Anne L’Huillier. "for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter" develop apps…
Caught myself thinking that I was watching at this PowerPoint presentation as a typical demo speech at DefCon or any other .*Con conference with memes in slides. But this is a different content lol
Поймал себя на мысли, что смотрю эту PowerPoint презентацию как типичное показательное выступление на DefCon или любой другой .*Con конфе с мемами в слайдах. Но это другой контент lol

EEVDF replaced, in v6.6 update, Linux kernel scheduler CFS, which had been since v2.6.23.

AFAIU, it computes the process taken "fair" time by new metric "lag" that's calculated with factors like process priority, "virtual deadline" with process allocated time consideration.

Interesting, how much "old" stuff can be optimized with other algorithms' alternatives?
EEVDF algo was est. in 1995

Forwarded from cocomelonc Моя новая книга стоит 32$ (если нет возможности можно скачать бесплатно, 500+ страниц весит почти 90MB) все средства уйдут на лечение:
Антипина Элеазара (Краниосиностоз-скафоцефалия) и Хасенова Джамили (рак печени) и в фонд +1
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