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<75 IQ paddywhack Hannity unironically opens his show tn with a bright over the shoulder graphic reading “The Free State of Florida: Where Woke Goes to Die!” Like??? Nigga do you mean the Florida where it’s going to be a felony to make fun of a Jew?
Oh he’s going off on California and brings on fag desantis to shit on my state. It’s so up for these fat charlatans 😤
Ofc he’s using a shot of that bridge they show whenever they want to say CA is teeming with homeless people. It’s one underpass in East LA. The producers at Fox have this one shot. They go into Ardome —Fox’s stock footage system—and they type “homeless california” and whenever your host talks about homelessness in California you show this video to make it look like the whole state looks like that. Everyone falls for it. Niggas in Kansas be eating their microwave dinners on plastic furniture in their trailers as they watch Fox on their rabbit ear TVs and say “omg look at California how could anyone live there? Ew!”
Florida yall keep california name out your mouth you haiti lookin dump
Forwarded from Joel Davis
Also to clear up any misconceptions about what I stand for here's a brief rundown -

I'm a Catholic, White Identitarian, Australian Nationalist with Anglo-Celtic ancestry. My social views are extremely traditional, especially when it comes to sexual norms and gender roles, the chief philosophical support for this I derive from the works of St. Thomas Aquinas in his teleological notion of Natural Law. I am largely supportive of technological development so long as it is regulated to preserve human dignity. I am also a racialist in the sense that I believe race manifests socioculturally in deeply significant ways.

My politics is basically informed by my sense of duty to God, my people (in the ethnic sense), and the magnificence of Western Civilization. A magnificence which I fundamentally attribute to Christian virtue, the legacy of Greco-Roman philosophical and legal thought, and the inherent qualities of the White Race. Pragmatically in our time of decadence I believe the only means to carry out this duty is through the formation of a radical, authoritarian and racially conscious political movement which aims to seize power to preserve, defend and cultivate the White racial stock of Western countries and impose traditional sexual morality upon the population. The state should find its justification for these actions in Christian virtue and the glory of Western Civilization.

My economic views are largely in line with the principles of economic nationalism, that the economic system should be regulated to benefit society in the holistic sense of the common good. I therefore reject the Marxist goal of class abolition and the classical liberal goal of class domination in favour of a goal of class collaboration. I believe in benevolent elitism - only the few are capable of ruling with good stewardship of the ruled, it is therefore justified to rebel against a bad steward to replace him with a better one. This is the foundation of my identitarianism, I do not trust an elite with which I don't share an identity to be good stewards of my people. It is also the foundation of my opposition to universal suffrage, I do not trust the procedure to select good stewards of my people.

I view the fundamental enemies to this agenda to be the intertwined forces of atheism and nihilism corrupting Western Civilization, fueling the moral confusion of the White Race and impairing our collective capability to realize the virtues necessary to perpetuate the glory of Western Civilization. I also view the cause of the acceleration of this corruption as hostile and powerful Jewish elements in our societies taking advantage of this moral confusion to promote the self-destruction of our people and to leverage this self-destruction for their own empowerment. And I believe the only thing capable of addressing this tragic situation is the formation of a cultural and political movement which embodies the values I stated here to ultimately and against all odds defeat our enemies and seize power.
me and who
Forwarded from LifeSiteNews
The DOJ and FBI, under so-called Catholic President Joe Biden, secretly surveilled faithful Catholics who love and defend the ancient and traditional Latin Mass. This anti-Catholic mission of the FBI is now being exposed like never before.
Forwarded from The End Times
Forwarded from 𝗝𝗝𝗚's Jiu-Jitsu Dojo (𝗝𝗝𝗚)
I hate to be the one to say this but to all the people who think covering their mouths will conceal their identities…your eyes are your most recognizable trait. Esp for AI. Just a word of caution.
Forwarded from Pax Tube
The Conservative Case for Usury
Forwarded from Whiskey
Is that Vince Dao
Vince Dao you crazy for this
Forwarded from Vincent James
An SPLC employee has been just arrested on violent domestic terrorism charges.

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