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Former mainstream journalist, bestselling German author. My international team also posts opinions I do not necessarily support. Think and research for yourself. About me: https://www.oliverjanich.de/about-me
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BREAKING: Source Provided Video and Texts Show CNN Producer Fantasizing About Sex Acts with Fiancé’s Young Daughter

Producer in question also solicited explicit photos of source’s underage daughter

SOURCE: "People with power seem to get away with it”

TWEET THE VIDEO NOW: https://ctt.ac/415G0
"Der prominente Anti-Vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. veranstaltete letzte Woche eine Weihnachtsfeier in seinem Haus in Kalifornien. In der Einladung wurden die Gäste aufgefordert, sich impfen zu lassen oder sich auf COVID-19 testen zu lassen, bevor sie sein Haus besuchen...

Als die Nachrichtenagentur die Heuchelei ansprach, beschuldigte Kennedy seine Frau, den Curb Your Enthusiasm-Star Cheryl Hines.

Ich schätze, ich bin nicht immer der Chef in meinem eigenen Haus", sagte Kennedy zu Daniel Lippman von Politico...

Kennedy behauptete auch, dass es "mehr Menschen gibt, die in acht Monaten an diesem Impfstoff gestorben sind als an 72 Impfstoffen in den letzten 30 Jahren", während er ein Tortendiagramm zitierte, das die Todesfälle zusammenstellte, die im Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System der Bundesregierung in den letzten 30 Jahren gemeldet wurden.

Der Chronicle bezeichnete VAERS jedoch als unzuverlässige und qualitativ minderwertige Informationsquelle und nannte es ein frei zugängliches Datenbanksystem, im Gegensatz zu anderen staatlichen Datenquellen, die geprüft werden, bevor sie der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden."

So drehen die das also mit VAERS! Dabei UNTERERFASST VAERS noch die Schäden! Und dass selbst RFKs Frau die Impfung verlangt, zeigt nur, wie tief die Spaltung geht. Ich würde mich jetzt allerdings scheiden lassen...

"Prominent anti-vaxxer Robert F Kennedy Jr. held a holiday party at his California home last week, with the invitation urging guests to be vaccinated or get tested for COVID-19 before coming to his house...

When the news outlet brought up the hypocrisy, Kennedy blamed his wife, Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines.

'I guess I'm not always the boss at my own house,' Kennedy told Politico's Daniel Lippman...

Kennedy also claimed that there are 'more people who have died in eight months from this vaccine than from 72 vaccines over the last 30 years' while citing a pie graph that compiled deaths reported in the federal government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System over the last 30 years.

However, the Chronicle called VAERS is an unreliable and low-quality information source, calling it an open-access database system, unlike other government data sources that are screened before being made available to the public."

So that's how they spin it with VAERS! At the same time VAERS still UNDERRATES the damage! And that even RFK's wife demands the vaccination only shows how deep the division goes. I would divorce now though...

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JUST IN - Marco Buschman (FDP), the German Justice Minister, wants to take action against the messenger service Telegram as it is used to oppose Covid measures.

"What is spread on Telegram is disgusting, indecent, and criminal," claims the new German Justice Minister.

Recently, the autocratic Lukashenko regime in Belarus made it criminal to subscribe to unwanted channels on the service.

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"Das BMJ, eine der einflussreichsten medizinischen Fachzeitschriften der Welt, fordert Facebooks Zuckerberg in einem offenen Brief zum Handeln auf, weil der "Faktencheck" des Magazinberichts über die Impfstoffstudie von Pfizer ungenau, inkompetent und unverantwortlich war."

"BMJ, one of the world's most influential general medical journals, urges Facebook's Zuckerberg to act over inaccurate, incompetent, and irresponsible "fact check" of the journal's Pfizer vaccine trial investigation in an open letter."


Found here: https://teleg.eu/disclosetv/6075
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What are the odds?

"Italy: after the mandatory vaccination for all security forces is approved, the military warehouse where the vaccines were stored magically catches fire." ~ @JackSlaterPT (Twitter)
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JUST IN - Switzerland to hold referendum on outlawing mandatory vaccinations and any form of implants without individual's consent.

The referendum seeks to amend the Swiss constitution to enshrine the fundamental right of every citizen to decide for themselves whether to have something injected or implanted.


Austria is officially now a military dictatorship:
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Das bisher klarste Signal an die österreichischen Bürger: "Sie befinden sich in einer faschistischen Militärdiktatur."

Das gilt für Ostereich und Deutschland schon länger, aber zur Einschüchterung wird dies jetzt offen gezeigt. Heißt aber auch: Das Regime wankt. Wer so etwas tut, agiert aus einer Position der Schwäche heraus. Demonstrationen wirken.


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😡 Pfizer-Chef Albert Bourla freut sich über die Zulassung des ersten Medikaments, das einen Chip enthält, der an den Arzt ein Signal sendet, ob die Pille auch wirklich genommen wurde. Bourla wörtlich: "Stellen Sie sich die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten vor: Unterwürfigkeit."

Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla is excited about the approval of the first drug to contain a chip that sends a signal to the doctor whether the pill has actually been taken. Bourla literally: "Imagine the applications of that: compliance."

Compliance kann auch mit "Einhaltung der Vorschriften" übersetzt werden, in diesem Kontext erscheint mir Unterwürfigkeit der bessere Begriff...

Source: https://twitter.com/mattbucknelltx/status/1471558593086427145
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Scientists force human brain cells into Matrix-like simulation

Human brain cells cultured in a petri dish and assisted by microelectrodes picked up the art of playing the ‘Pong’ video game significantly faster than AI did.

Researchers at Australia’s Cortical Labs harnessed hundreds of thousands of human brain cells grown on top of arrays of microelectrodes, teaching the biotechnological hybrid they dubbed ‘DishBrain’ to play a single-player version of old-school ‘Pong’. They then compared the speed with which the mini-brain picked up the skill with that of artificial intelligence (AI). The human brain cells beat their rival hands down, getting the hang of the game in just five minutes compared to the 90 minutes it took the machine to catch on.


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Comirnaty [BIONTECH/PFIZER] 30 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (nucleoside modified)

4.3 Contraindications [Kontraindikationen]
Hypersensitivity [Überempfindlichkeit] to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

6.1 List of excipients [Liste von Inhaltsstoffen]
((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) (ALC-0315)
2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide (ALC-0159)
1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC)
[Colfoscerilstearat, kurz DSPC, ist ein vesikelbildener bzw. -stabilisierender Hilfsstoff in Lipidgemischen. Es handelt sich um ein synthetisches Lipid, das zusammen Lipiden so genannte Nanopartikel (LNPs) bildet. Nanopartikel werden dazu verwendet, um normalerweise nicht membrangängige Wirkstoffe wie Oligonukleotide oder mRNA in Zellen zu schleusen. DSPC findet sich als Komponente im COVID-19-Impfstoff BNT162b2 und in liposomalem Irinotecan.]
Potassium chloride
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Sodium chloride
Disodium phosphate dihydrate
Sucrose Water for injections
Sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustment)
Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)

ALC-0315 is an ionizable lipid which has been used to form lipid nanoparticles for delivery of RNA. ALC-0315 is one of the components in the BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in addition to ALC-0159, DSPC, and cholesterol. This is a reagent grade product, for research use only [nur für Forschungszwecke].

ALC-0159 is a PEGylated lipid which has been used to form lipid nanoparticles for delivery of RNA. ALC-0159 is one of the components in the BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 in addition to ALC-0315, DSPC, and cholesterol. This is a reagent grade product, for research use only [nur für Forschungszwecke].
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NEW - There is now "evidence for a mouse origin" of the SARS-CoV-2 #Omicron variant while scientists around the world run COVID-19 experiments on lab rats and mice. Just recently, a mouse bite infected a "researcher" in Taiwan.


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JUST IN - Israeli Prime Minister says the fifth COVID wave has begun, "new regulations and restrictions" will be announced in the near future. The country has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

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'SHOCKING ' Ghislaine Maxwell took three girls to target wealthy men at party attended by Prince Charles


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