Praying Medic
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Forwarded from Bruce S
I had a similar thing happen tears ago. I had been in terrible auto accident in which involved Care Flight , Emergency team of trauma doctors (5). Every one involved knew I was a dead man. When I got to the hospital from the Helicopter to the operating room maybe 100ft. God HEAL me from the waist up! No bruise , scratch, sore spot nothing, He left my leg broke so a specialist took care of that the next morning. Now that was awesome!! BUT like the CoolWhip
Forwarded from Bruce S
More on Cool Whip. While I was recovering from the leg injurie Took 5 years , it was bad. We were broke and could hardly feed my family (6), My children hadn't had birthday parties ETC. I had a real burden on my hart to give my oldest son a party on his 8th birthday. I save for WEEKS to buy a pack on balloons , Cool Aide and a mix for Toll house cookies. I cooked them because my wife was ill. I had never done that before. So I followed the directions, it was to make about 2 1/2 dozen. I mixed it and did as the directions stated and when I got to 2 1/2 doz. the bowl had not changed. I had a great time talking to the Lord about how he was doing that. ( just like the loves and fishes). I filled up a small cookie tin then I started on a large popcorn tin and ALMOST FILLED IT TO THE TOP! Dozens and dozens, way more than could be made by any stretch of the imagination. Saving my life was a blessing, or I would have died BUT THE COOKIES HAD NO REASON EXCEPT TO SHOW HIS LOVE FOR ME! Just like the Cool Whip. I Love Jesus, Abba and Emma.
Forwarded from Patriot Roy
I can tell a similar story. A few weeks ago, I was having a friend over for dinner + my mom who was there too. I wanted to bring Fried chicken home and was expecting for some leftovers. When I arrived at the counter the debit machine wasn't working. Trouble in sight. The employees tried to make it work before taking my order, but couldn't make it work. During this I was praying so that the machine would start again. In the end, I had to settle for a smaller meal since I had just enough cash for the smaller one. So I ordered it. Came back home, had a great dinner and when came te for the leftovers I recalculated the number of pieces left and how many were eaten. God gave me the meal I wanted but couldn't afford without debit.

Praise the glory of God. He works in mysterious ways and it's always amazing!!!

Forwarded from Helina Le
Praise God for His abundance provision. A couple years ago, my teenage daughter car airbag light was on. I brought to the dealer, they estimated $800 to fix it. We were not afford it at the time. I prayed so hard for the light to dissappear while listening to a local Christian radio. Suddenly, the host announced that my daughter car, Hyundai Accent, get airbag recall. We brought it in the dealer again and had it fix with no charge. God is always good!
Forwarded from Middangeard
I have a story to share that I am still processing a week after the fact. Last Sunday a friend and I were leading worship at our church. We were rehearsing in the sanctuary prior to the service. Apart from the two of us, there were two guys working the sound board and a friend setting up the communion table.  Barb and I began to sing the song "He Shall Reign." As we did, I felt how important this declaration was in these times. Suddenly, I realized we sounded great. (Not something I usually think. We are not great singers, just bringing our two mites to the offering box), and then I realized why: a third voice was singing with us. It sounded like a women's voice. It was beautiful, in key, and in time. Clearly not mine, nor my friend's. I looked at the woman setting up the communion table-- she wasn't singing. I looked at the guys. They were chatting quietly about the sound board. I looked at my friend. She was singing, but had paused to take a breath, yet this beautiful voice was still singing. I began to wonder if I was imagining things, but after we finished the song, my friend turned to me and said  "Did you hear that third voice?" "You heard it too?" I cried. We asked the three people in the sanctuary if they had been singing. No one had. We were in awe. A few days later, just to be sure, I asked a musician friend, who has a band and knows sound boards, etc., whether an accoustic anomaly were possible, given our sound set-up. He said no, he couldn't imagine how a voice, in synch with the guitars and our voices,  could suddenly appear, given the simple equipment we had.  He is not a believer.  I thought he might try to give me some rationale, materialistic explanation. Instead, he seemed to take it in with some wonder.
His eyes widened and he said, something like, "Oh!" or " woah."

If you know Jason Upton's song "Fly", it wasn't like that. In that song, an angelic voice is humming, or singing, without words, and it is deep. In our case, we heard all the words, and the voice was a high alto, beautiful, with perfect pitch. Here's the song we were singing. (We were not recording, sadly, but you can check out the song sung by its songwriter on Band Camp: He Shall Reign by Tom Wuest.)
Forwarded from Shannon Bennett
I have to share a testimony. My sister that was here for the week of Thanksgiving and left Sunday afternoon. She called me when she got home that night really upset that she could not find her AirPod pros. That's the $250 AirPods. She uses them a lot at work. She was super upset because she did not have the money to replace them and she had looked everywhere in her vehicle, her luggage, and on her person. She had me and my husband out in the yard searching with flashlights and turning our house upside down multiple times. She called again on Monday and was still upset and had me go and look more. So I told her, "Let me pray with you. Just pray in agreement." So I asked Holy Spirit to bring them back to her. I also prayed for any curses over her to be broken. She went through a divorce back at the beginning of June of this year and has had trouble financially ever since. With her vehicle and things in her house just tearing up. Having to fork out extra money in every direction for all kinds of things. Also, physical attacks, even having to go to the hospital. After we hung up I continued to pray and I asked the Lord to do a supernatural thing to show her how real and how good he is and how much he cares. Anyway, she called me at lunch on Thursday (5 days after arriving home) and said that she walked in her closet that day and there were her AirPods sitting in the middle of her closet floor. She said I don't know how they got here. I've been in and out of my closet but I went through everything before I put my stuff up looking for them. I just really don't know where they could have come from. They were not here. I told her I know exactly where they came from. The Lord put them there! She was stunned. She said I believe it but I just don't understand it because they were not there! I mean every time I tried to connect them to my phone they would not connect, when I tried to use my phone to find them they did not show up. The last place they showed up on the Find My app was in your front yard. (And in a place that she didn't even park or drive in my yard. We thought she may have dropped them and one of our dogs carried them to a different part of the yard.) She also said that since we prayed things have been better emotionally and otherwise. Thank you Lord Jesus for your goodness in the land of the living and for caring about the seemingly small things! He did it!
Email Testimony

Hi, praying medic,

I just wanted to share the awesomeness of God! The other day, I asked God to please multiply our food. I was mainly thinking about our 3 boys. Well, these chicken tender things appeared in our freezer, front and center. I thought my husband had bought them. I haven't bought these specific tenders in years.

Tonight when looking for something eat, I pulled them out. I asked my husband, he said he didn't buy them. He even called his mom, because we both thought maybe there was a chance that she sent some home with our boys. Nope. And no one has been in our house. I totally remembered that I had asked God to multiply our food! My husband thought there might be a chance they could have been old and expired, but the expiration date was in 2023!

I told my husband and our children, that God provided us with dinner. And guess what it was. "HONEY" chicken tenders! 😁🀣❀️πŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸŽ‰ is that not symbolic /prophetic or what! He is so cool. I will try and attach a picture. It's about half of them left on the plate.

In last night's dream, I saw someone carefully inspecting various aspects of Arizona's county governments. The investigation covered one county at a time. There were no positive findings reported. Only negative reports indicating corruption, malfeasance, and waste. While inspecting the third county, so many negative things were found, the process was halted to retool the method used to conduct the investigation.
Josh Barnett has filed a motion to reverse the dismissal of his case (asking a judge to block Arizona's election certification) due to fraud.

"But Counsel D. Andrew Gaona failed to inform this Court, your Honor, or Plaintiff, that he took the exact opposite position in defense of Defendant, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, in his Motion To Dismiss of November 16, 2020, in the case, AZGOP v. Adrian Fontes."
Email Testimony and Dream

Hi Dave,
I hope your Thanksgiving Day was a good and relaxing time with your family.

I just wanted to share a couple things real quick. First, while I was at work last week, I got a text from my friend who lives in North Carolina. He said his wife was in the ER with an appendix stone and they were going to do an appendectomy so he asked that I would pray for her. So I prayed and commanded the stone to dissolve and then I asked the Lord, "How are they going to know it's gone now? They've already done the scan and they're going to remove her appendix for no reason." I didn't get a response that I could discern so I just trusted the Lord had that part taken care of.
About an hour later, my friend texted me again and said they were discharging her from the ER because they did another scan and the stone was gone. Why they did another scan, I don't know, but what I do know is that God is awesome!

Secondly, a couple weeks ago I had 3 consecutive dreams in one night. They were all short and I would wake up immediately and then fall back asleep and have nearly the same dream. In all three dreams I was rationing out my stockpile of food to people. I think some of them were family, some friends, and some strangers. One underlying theme also worth mentioning is that in all three dreams, there was no sense of fear whatsoever. There was no fear of not having enough to be giving out nor a fear about events surrounding the situation that caused me to have to give away food. And it was not because it was troubling that I awoke immediately after all three dreams. These types of dreams are very rare for me so I believe it is worth sharing.

Take care brother,

If you receive a private message from an account using my name, it is not me. I do not send direct messages on Telegram.

(Posting again for our new group members)
In Arizona, a lawsuit challenging the outcome of an election cannot be filed until the election is certified. Kari Lake lays out her game plan if the election is certifiied this morning.
Arizona's election results have been certified.
Recounts will begin.
Legal challenges will be filed.
Email Testimony

From: Lynn B

Here is my miracle testimony. About 9 days ago, I was out of town, and I was cleaning a very large tub. I was leaning on my rib area and reaching out to clean the other side. Suddenly, I heard my ribs on my left side pop out of alignment like popcorn. It was so painful that I could hardly breathe. I laid back on the floor until I could breathe. Immediately, I had my two besties pray for me. Nothing happened.

Then I got home and had more people pray for me. The pain would go away, not completely, for a couple of hours then come back raging. My left side front ribs and back ribs, my spine along with my sternum were completely out of alignment. My chiropractor could not adjust my back because I couldn’t lay down.

Then last Saturday, I listened to PM’s discussion of β€œHis Daily Walk with God.” You showed us how you prayed with faith and prayed for us who were listening and even for the replays. I was hopeful, but still, the pain was excruciating. Then, I replied to one of your comments, told a portion of my rib story and you replied you were praying. I appreciated that more than you know. But here’s the kicker. I couldn’t figure out why none of these experienced prayer warriors who had prayed for me, including you, were having no effect.

Then last night, I was so desperate. I told the Lord; β€œI know you want to heal me. What’s the problem here? Then I knew I was supposed to go into the Court of Heaven. I went through that process. After that, the Lord brought to my mind soul wounds, and I did that. Then I went to sleep.

This morning I got up and was almost completed healed!! But still those top ribs hurt a bit. I went to my knees and begin to praise the Lord singing β€œBeautiful” with Maverick Music. By the time I finished, all the pain was gone.

All of this to say, sometimes you must really want the healing and listen carefully to God. HE WILL LEAD you to full healing. I feel like I’m not just physically healed but now I’m more whole. Thank you, Dave, for teaching me so many of these important ways to get to my healing! Don’t’ give up!
Afternoon dream:
A scandal broke involving someone in our movement.
From my perspective in the dream, I could see that the scandal was designed to create division and nothing more.
Former FBI Chief Counsel James Baker took a position as Deputy Counsel for Twitter. Baker was fired by Elon Musk after it was discovered that he had screened files sent to Matt Taibbi.
Second dream this afternoon:
A major event happened that drew everyone's attention.
In the dream, I understood that the purpose of this event was to divert attention away from a second event.
The announcement by the J6 comittee re: criminal referrals being made to DOJ probably means the arrest of your all time favorite president is days away.

I don't know if the arrest of Trump will take us to the precipice, but it may initiate the start of the storm.

My advice for the coming days:
Ignore distractions as much as possible.
Stay focused.
Listen to the Holy Spirit like never before.
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