Praying Medic
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President Trump: "... should we let someone who was elected by cheating and fraud stay in office and continue to destroy our Country?"
Email Testimony

I wanted to let you know that your prayer for my healing was powerful! I felt when you prayed and that you spent some time in prayer. I sat in my recliner about two hours soaking in the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. This morning I have no pain and can stand without pain to prepare breakfast, can walk without pain. I believe I had at least two deliverances though I don't know what from. Am very quiet this morning.
Thank you, May God reward you for your obedience - only He could!
Next Up: Climate Lockdowns

"Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to β€˜save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.

Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city."
Kari Lake's election hearing begins today at 11 a.m. eastern. I'll post a link to the livestream on my channel when it is available.
Maricopa County Recorder Steven Richer admits that ballots are not counted at vote centers before being sent for tabulation.
Where are Maricopa County ballots printed?
Expert witness Clay Parikh testifies that the Maricopa County ballots he inspected contained a 19 inch image printed on a 20 inch ballot.
Maricopa County has a ballot printing problem.
A witness testified that many ballot transfer documents were returned in a Maricopa County public records request for days prior to and after election day.
But no forms were provided for election day.
Forwarded from Sarah N

Wow! I've had some mighty deliverance and healing today... 7 hours worth! Another of your followers Dave, Maribel Adams, sent me this video just before 12pm. I started watching it right then and it was very powerful for me. I watched it to the end and the healing and deliverance carried on and on and on! Many bad spirits have been cast out, I couldn't keep count but it wouldn't surprise me if there were around 100! Some i breathed out and some came out more violently! Also lots of horrid stuff out now. I tried laying down a little while ago and there was still a deep rooted wheeze. I've suffered with respiratory ailments since i was a teenager so it may have been in there a long time, a very long time πŸ˜‚. I'm praying it'll be gone before bed, I can't do any more now because I'm knackered πŸ˜†! This is certainly a very powerful healing Dave and I'm grateful and thankful you're here. I might send another update in a few days to let you know if any more happenings. God bless you Dave πŸ™ All the glory goes to God Amen πŸ™
The FBI wants you to know that if you don't trust them, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Email Testimony - The Case of the Resurrected Chicken

On Wednesday a couple of my chickens jumped the fence and were out in the yard when a fox came along and killed them and ran off with their bodies. My neighbor ran out & shot at the fox with a pellet gun, she alerted my husband (I was at work) and they corralled the remaining six chickens back into the runs and coops. They reconciled the chickens, counted them again and again and again there were six chickens left, 2 gone: a black one and a grey one.

When I got home in the evening I spoke to my neighbor and we agreed to pray. Everyone was really sad. We prayed throughout the night. I came out to the runs and put all the chickens together and just one coop because they were pretty traumatized I laid hands on each one of them they were 6. We 3 counted 6 chickens between 20-25 times. There were only 6!

On Thursday morning I went out to feed the chickens, just like always I naturally reconcile them and count them, 7. Wait that’s not right. I counted them 3 times and there were 7…. Not right. There’s 6 left. I broke them down: 2 yellow, 2 brown, 1 grey…. Wait! They grey one was dead & taken!

God had restored and breathed life into my chicken for me! Her name is Sweetums, after the crazy looking muppet (she looks a little like the muppet!) and she was alive Alive ALIVE!! There were no grey feathers on the ground, I examined her and there were no cuts, no sign of fowl play 😜

When I told my husband what it happened he said that this is not possible and yet it IS. My neighbor was in shock! So we are all standing by the Word of God, 1 word from God and we witness the miracle of life even after death.

I stand in humble wonder and amazement. I am not worthy of such a gift.
I keep praying for the restoration of my black chicken. Yesterday I prayed for the her to be brought back and I felt reassumed she would. I saw her in a vision, these things stretch my brain and truly I never thought in my life I would see any of what I’ve witnessed over the last 9 months! Miracle after miracle after miracle!
Thanks to you, Dave and Denise. Your ministry has breathed real life into my home.
Merry Christmas,
Marie Star
Day two of the Maricopa County election hearing will begin at 10:30 a.m. eastern. I'll post a link in the channel when the broadcast goes live.
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