Praying Medic
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Email Testimony

Hi Dave!

I have some good progress to report! For example, I am a volunteer manager at a small, semi-rural, all volunteer thrift store. One of the other workers was bit by a tick about 20 years ago and has not been able to eat anything by a hoofed animal (I think that’s the issue). Baked goods which include butter gave her several days of pain (and I think bathroom visits). I prayed for her several times over about a month and recently asked how she is feeling. She said that she has not had an intestinal issue for a couple of months and thanked me. I told her that I am but a vessel from God to her. I have the authority to bring God’s healing.

About 10 days ago I prayed over our dryer because it went from needing a little more time to dry to a lot more time. Yes!! It is working great now!! And, about 6 months ago our outdoor AC unit began making a strange noise, almost a tap, and I prayed over it then. No more taps and it is working great!! Thanks!!

Email Testimony

Good morning Dave! Thank you so very much for your prayers. I slept great last night. Was able to breath and this morning the sinuses are draining. All praise be to God. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Dave for everything you do.

Ps I've bought everyone of your books and they have been a blessing to me.

Worlds of Love.. Valerie
Email Testimony

From: Lorrie

Dear Dave
Thank you! Thank you!
I recently emailed you asking for prayers for my son. He had decided to resign from his job due to toxic conditions. It was a very difficult decision, especially with a family depending upon him. He was totally discouraged and self doubt and loss of self worth was dominating his normally happy go lucky personality.
Within 3 weeks of my email to you he was connected with a job fair opportunity and interviewed for a position in complete alignment with his skills.

As of today he begins his new job in 2 weeks! Praise the Lord! Prayers are powerful tools and I thank you for yours. You are a beacon of hope in our troubled world!
Email Testimony

The last week has been like I’m married to a new man! No arguments.

Monday he came home from an AA meeting and told me a woman spoke and all she could say was how miserable she was over and over. Another person told her she needed to be grateful for her sobriety. Bruce told me he wasn’t going to complain anymore after listening to her, and he hasn’t.

He just told me that his brain confusion has left him. He can think clearly now and his sciatic pain is almost completely gone.

I believe he was being attacked and whatever it was has left him. I’m trying to get him to speak not what he feels and sees but thank God for what he expects God to continue doing so the spirit won’t return. His feet are feeling better so he hasn’t warn compression socks for a few days.

Another praise report:

You mentioned Steve Harmon in one of your books so I looked him up.

My car refrigerator/freezer hasn’t worked in months. I use it when shopping because it gets so hot in Tucson. Johnny Enlow says he tells God to send his repair angels to fix things and they are fixed. I did that yesterday but didn’t check if it worked yet. Today I used Steve Harmon’s method of claiming “anointed hands”. I told God that if he did it for them he could do it for me and HE DID! IT WORKED! I plugged the refrigerator into power and it came on!

That’s my praise report for today!

Blessings to you, Enid
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Prophetic Thread

If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
A Quick Word for the Frens...

Sometimes you're not supposed to directly confront the problem you're dealing with in a way that causes you to strive and this is because God is attempting to teach you to rest in Him.

Sometimes It is better to trust wholeheartedly like a child than to kick against the enemy in desperation.

They want you fighting on their terms: Chaos. Fear. Discord.

Peace is your Trump card.

Many of us are undergoing challenges in this season that cause great anxiety and frustration. But when we meet that anxiety with yet more anxiety, what ends up happening?

The enemy has the upper hand. We are playing to his advantage. The enemy does not know peace, joy, or the love of God. This is how we win.

We win by hiding in the shadow of God's mighty wings.

He is more than capable and has everything we could possibly need and more.

Ask yourself today if you are being asked to trust God more than you are to strive. That peace provides clarity. The value of which cannot be measured.

It is priceless. And you are priceless to God. Let your heart be at ease in the midst of your enemies for that is where He provides and sets a table before you. What the enemy means to destroy you will give you a bountiful feast if we let God move in our faith and trust.

Personally, I've been experiencing a cascade of challenges. Yet, I encourage everyone and myself to remember to rest in God.

The enemy does not know how to achieve victory over us when we give God resting trust in the middle of our most vicious battles.

We confound him with peace.

Let us all find that peace today and crush the enemy as is our destiny.

God bless you all.

Email Testimony

Dear Dave,
I contacted you in late January to pray for me regarding my severe aortic stenosis and upcoming appointments. So far, I have had a few tests which have all come back good.

The heart catheterization test had me a bit concerned as most people with what I have also have blockages in the coronary arteries as well. Before the test the cardiologist first told me that he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to go through wrist access due to "my condition" as it usually warps/twists the arteries as they aren't smooth like normal.

Then being wheeled into the procedure room they told me they will not do any procedures (balloon or stent) until they talk to my surgeon since I am scheduled for heart valve surgery the beginning of May.

Then during prep for the procedure they kept feeling my ankle artery and kept telling the other staff in the room to come feel. So every staff member came and felt my ankle artery. Yep it was strong. They all were in disbelief I think. Supposedly it isn't suppose to be strong with "my condition"?

Anyways, the procedure was done through the wrist. Normal artery passage and absolutely NO blockages.

Praise the Lord!

I keep listening to your healing video # 3. I believe it has really helped. Please continue your prayers as I have more tests ( 3 CT scans) at the beginning of April and heart surgery scheduled at the beginning of May. Thank you for praying for me I so appreciate it. May God bless you!
Email Testimony

From Maria

Thank you , Praying Medic.

I walked into church today not feeling good. I stayed and prayed declaring , authorizing and commanding my heart to be healthy in Jesus Name. I rebuked and cursed an enlarged heart. I walked out feeling so much better. As the day went on I started feeling better and better. I see from your email that you prayed for me as well today. Later in the early evening I was out with my sister I turned to hear and said I can't believe how much better I feel, I feel normal.

Thank you and God Bless you
Forwarded from Sharon
Dave, I wrote you a couple of times about my sister Rhonda. She was diagnosed with cancer throughout her body. Since September she has endured chemo and a stroke. Today she will be released from chemo treatments and begin immunotherapy. All cancer sites are clean!! I gave her your book Divine Healing and she and her husband read it everyday. Thank you so much for your prayers. God is so good!!
Email Testimony

Hi Dave,

I asked you to pray for my granddaughter to get a job, and for deliverance from alcoholism.

She just called to say she got a job!! And she’s 43 days sober ❤️ She is in a transitional living house, and she just told me that if she hadn’t gotten a job today she would have had to move out tomorrow. God is faithful!! So willing and able!! I LOVE JESUS!!

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and for your prayers 😊

Fly with Christ,

Email Testimony

Hi Dave,

Veronica is home now. Thank you so much for your prayers and ministry.
She is still recovering but thankfully it never got any worse. She avoided pneumonia. She never had a fever over 100. And the fever was only for 24 hours.

I’ve been re-listening to your older video conferences and interviews. There’s always something new I hear that I didn’t hear the first times.

Anyway, thanks again!

Email Testimony

Hello Praying Medic,

I first heard of you through Mark Taylor (Trump Prophecies) around 2018 or 2019 through a prayer group I was in at the time. I really appreciate all your teachings on prayer, super natural healing & other topics. I have used your teachings on prayer, for praying for others throughout the years, with miraculous results.

Early this year, I developed some health issues of my own, peripheral neuropathy (though tests are still being conducted) & macular degeneration in my right eye, though this is to be confirmed by an opthalmologist in early May. I went on your website and went over the Healing Prayer for the Nervous System. The first time I went through the prayer, I noticed that I no longer have floaters. I have had these for over 30 years. I also noted improvement in my peripheral neuropathy, as well as my eyesight improving with each subsequent time I listen to the prayer. I have had glasses since around 3rd or 4th grade, and I am 62 years old now. I am also noticing some improvement in my injured discs in my lumbar area, and in my cervical spine, which were injured in two accidents in 1992.

Thank you for all that you do, and for being a servant of the Most High God.

Blessings to you and your family.

Bob M
Email Testimony

I have been leading inner healing prayer ministry for several years, and always seeking out more training. The Lord brought me to your video where you go into the details of trauma based mind control and programming. I honestly thought I would never encounter someone with that history. Last week the Lord brought a person who needed healing and deliverance from this exact cult! I was so grateful to have tools appropriate for the need! After two sessions the person has had two parts integrated! She knows now there are more and it is helping her make sense of her pain and story. I am so thankful for the Lord’s perfect timing in bringing your book and video across my path!!
I was showing a new investor how to evaluate the price support for silver (using a technique that doesn't exist in real life.) We found that support for silver at the current price ($29) was rock solid.
Forwarded from Jody
Praise report!

A few weeks ago my tire kept going flat. Hubby didn’t have time to fix it. I was frustrated and asked for angels to come fix the holes.

Then I spaced it off. Just a couple of days ago I remembered the tire. I didn’t think my hubby had it fixed, but I asked him.

Nope. He didn’t get it fixed.

The tire has stayed up for about a month and a half now! 👏🏻🎉
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