Praying Medic
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Forwarded from Praying Medic Chat
Expand your thinking.
What terrifying threat does the cabal hold over the heads of sheep to keep them in constant terror?
Nuclear war?
Be good little peasants... OR ELSE.
How does one break the power of that kind of fear?
What would happen if the elites pulled off a nuclear war but life continued on afterward?
What happens when average people suddenly realize that nuclear war does not equal the end of planet earth?
The elites lose the leverage they had when average people feared the [no longer] unknown consequences of nuclear war.
Game theory.
πŸ”Looking for Supernatural Saturday episodes with Praying Medic? See the updated links below, which include both video and audio. #supernatural

September 10, 2022
Topic - How To Know If You're Hearing From God
Rumble Video, How To Know If You're Hearing From God
Podbean, Episode 241A (Audio)
Podbean, Episode 241V (Video)

(No Supernatural Saturday in August)

July 9, 2022
Topic - How To Reach Those Who Reject You
Rumble Video, How To Reach Those Who Reject You
Podbean, Episode 239V (Video)
Podbean, Episode 239A (Audio)

June 12, 2022
Topic - Ask Me Anything (AMA)
Rumble Video, Ask Me Anything (AMA)
Podbean, Episode 235V (Video)
Podbean, Episode 235A (Audio)

May 14, 2022
Topic - Food Multiplication and Other Miracles
Rumble Video: Food Multiplication
Podbean, Episode 231V (Video)
Podbean, Episode 231A (Audio)

Praying Medic on Podbean:

Praying Medic on Rumble:
Email Testimony

Hi Dave,
I just watched the Emotional Healing video and went through the steps, pausing your video as I went. I instantly felt lighter after giving Jesus my childhood traumas, one by one. I felt sleepy and peaceful towards the end of the video, then at the part where you pray physical healing over the viewers, I was just relaxing, agreeing, letting the prayer wash over me, and when you prayed for migraines to leave, I started laughing and weeping at the same time! I cried for a while and now my stomach hurts from laughing so much! Migraines have been generational for me. Thank you so much!

Also, a few years ago I did some deliverance work with a trusted ministry. But afterwards at home I noticed a small, raised fluid-filled spot on my back, that definitely was not there before. I've prayed over it, and just assumed it would go away with time and more healing. This was 3 years ago, no change. Today, towards the end of your video, it was brought to my mind, so I paused your video, touched the spot and commanded it to be drained and go away (since you didn't specifically cover mystery spots, hah!). I felt it about 15 minutes later and it's hard like a knot now and going away! I cannot believe it!

Thank you.
Forwarded from
JUST IN - Bangladesh's national power grid collapses, causing a blackout for 140 million citizens.

Apart from parts of the county's northwest, "the rest of the country is without power," an official says.

In a move likely to anger the US, Saudi Arabia and Russia will seek a 1-2 million barrel per day decrease in oil production at tomorrow's OPEC meeting in Vienna.
Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested today as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of LA County poll workers.
The arrest of Konnech's CEO is significant for a couple of reasons:

The DA didn't go after a low-level data geek within the company. Doing so would allow the media and the company to claim this was the work of a lone wolf and not a company sponsored policy. Taking down the CEO suggests that the practice of illegally mining data on poll workers came from the top.

LA County is not the only place where Konnech is an election software provider. They have contracts with about two dozen other cities, counties and states. The arrest in LA County puts pressure on other law enforcement agencies to take action. If Konnech has a contract in a jurisdiction and the local police don't investigate, they'll appear to be complicit.

If other jurisdictions bring charges against Konnech or its CEO, the timing of the November election becomes problematic.
This slide from the pit shows the known counties and states that contracted with Konnech. (I believe others have been discovered since then.)
Forwarded from Praying Medic Chat
Everyone who lives in a jurisdiction where Konnech has a contract should contact their election officials and demand to have the software removed immediately and not used in the 2022 election.
Forwarded from Enoch's News Blast 🍊πŸ’₯🍊 (ENoCH elENoCHle)
I pray for our community to become better winners, for there are more wins coming, and more people coming to our communities because of such. The truth is not tribal.
Email Testimony

Good morning. I’ve been following you for the last 4 years, but in the last few months I’ve been listening to your supernatural videos. I’ve had several supernatural experiences with God over my lifetime, but in the last few years it has been increasing, and in the last few days it’s been simply amazing. I follow Q and have been part of the Great Awakening. I know the Lord is working through all of these events, and I believe we are living out the battle from Revelation as we speak. My focus is on what He is doing, and I know we will be in a millennial kingdom on the other side of all of this.

I’m a vivid dreamer and I’ve been keeping a journal since last year with many awesome dreams and visions as well. I’ve heard both shofar music and angelic choirs, both in my home as well as my brother’s home and outside while walking. A few times my husband, who is not currently a believer, has also heard the angels and shofar! I’ve been experiencing what feels like an oily yet light substance on various points on my body for the last year. I’ve found feathers, dimes and seen many hawks and cardinals.

Yesterday I was led to listen to the Courts of Heaven video and knew I needed to go forward with it so I did. It was a powerful experience. I was in a conference room and could sense the presence of the Father and Son and see my accuser. I got a rundown of several accusations and followed the protocol. Amazing. The paperwork was stamped Not Guilty and Charges Dropped. Right after the session, I was injured and knew it was an immediate violation so I went right back in there and asked the accuser be held in contempt and asked for the healing and received it. Another attempt was made in a separate pain injury and I repeated it and was healed instantly.

This morning I listened to the video on spiritual senses for the fifth time. This time I smelled the presence of heaven and got a vision and also an emotional healing. I’ve been going through a great deal of that as well and it’s working wonders for me. I’m learning about the presence like never before and it’s awesome.

Thank you so much for putting this information out there. I’m so thankful to the Lord for all the healing and encounters. I look forward to so much more faith and miracles as we go through the most difficult part as the DS system falls completely.

Forwarded from Kari Lake
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This might be the most special moment since the day I announced. I will cherish this memory forever. Thank you, Lianna. I love you. ❀️
Forwarded from Michael S ⭐⭐⭐
I want to thank everyone who Prayed for my Mother last night, it had gotten really bad, everything was hitting her all at the same time, and when she laid down to try to rest, I just felt like I needed some Spiritual reinforcement and I certainly got it, about a half hour after I requested Prayers I heard her in there, when I went to check she was sitting up drinking some water, and looked so at Peace and calm, said she felt much better, and has been improving since. I'm very Thankful for this community here! Thank you all for being there, Yahweh Bless each of you!
The Department of Health is purchasing $290 million worth of a drug used to treat radiation sickness.
The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Publisher