Praying Medic
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In last night's dream, I saw someone carefully inspecting various aspects of Arizona's county governments. The investigation covered one county at a time. There were no positive findings reported. Only negative reports indicating corruption, malfeasance, and waste. While inspecting the third county, so many negative things were found, the process was halted to retool the method used to conduct the investigation.
Josh Barnett has filed a motion to reverse the dismissal of his case (asking a judge to block Arizona's election certification) due to fraud.

"But Counsel D. Andrew Gaona failed to inform this Court, your Honor, or Plaintiff, that he took the exact opposite position in defense of Defendant, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, in his Motion To Dismiss of November 16, 2020, in the case, AZGOP v. Adrian Fontes."
Email Testimony and Dream

Hi Dave,
I hope your Thanksgiving Day was a good and relaxing time with your family.

I just wanted to share a couple things real quick. First, while I was at work last week, I got a text from my friend who lives in North Carolina. He said his wife was in the ER with an appendix stone and they were going to do an appendectomy so he asked that I would pray for her. So I prayed and commanded the stone to dissolve and then I asked the Lord, "How are they going to know it's gone now? They've already done the scan and they're going to remove her appendix for no reason." I didn't get a response that I could discern so I just trusted the Lord had that part taken care of.
About an hour later, my friend texted me again and said they were discharging her from the ER because they did another scan and the stone was gone. Why they did another scan, I don't know, but what I do know is that God is awesome!

Secondly, a couple weeks ago I had 3 consecutive dreams in one night. They were all short and I would wake up immediately and then fall back asleep and have nearly the same dream. In all three dreams I was rationing out my stockpile of food to people. I think some of them were family, some friends, and some strangers. One underlying theme also worth mentioning is that in all three dreams, there was no sense of fear whatsoever. There was no fear of not having enough to be giving out nor a fear about events surrounding the situation that caused me to have to give away food. And it was not because it was troubling that I awoke immediately after all three dreams. These types of dreams are very rare for me so I believe it is worth sharing.

Take care brother,

If you receive a private message from an account using my name, it is not me. I do not send direct messages on Telegram.

(Posting again for our new group members)
In Arizona, a lawsuit challenging the outcome of an election cannot be filed until the election is certified. Kari Lake lays out her game plan if the election is certifiied this morning.
Arizona's election results have been certified.
Recounts will begin.
Legal challenges will be filed.
Email Testimony

From: Lynn B

Here is my miracle testimony. About 9 days ago, I was out of town, and I was cleaning a very large tub. I was leaning on my rib area and reaching out to clean the other side. Suddenly, I heard my ribs on my left side pop out of alignment like popcorn. It was so painful that I could hardly breathe. I laid back on the floor until I could breathe. Immediately, I had my two besties pray for me. Nothing happened.

Then I got home and had more people pray for me. The pain would go away, not completely, for a couple of hours then come back raging. My left side front ribs and back ribs, my spine along with my sternum were completely out of alignment. My chiropractor could not adjust my back because I couldn’t lay down.

Then last Saturday, I listened to PM’s discussion of “His Daily Walk with God.” You showed us how you prayed with faith and prayed for us who were listening and even for the replays. I was hopeful, but still, the pain was excruciating. Then, I replied to one of your comments, told a portion of my rib story and you replied you were praying. I appreciated that more than you know. But here’s the kicker. I couldn’t figure out why none of these experienced prayer warriors who had prayed for me, including you, were having no effect.

Then last night, I was so desperate. I told the Lord; “I know you want to heal me. What’s the problem here? Then I knew I was supposed to go into the Court of Heaven. I went through that process. After that, the Lord brought to my mind soul wounds, and I did that. Then I went to sleep.

This morning I got up and was almost completed healed!! But still those top ribs hurt a bit. I went to my knees and begin to praise the Lord singing “Beautiful” with Maverick Music. By the time I finished, all the pain was gone.

All of this to say, sometimes you must really want the healing and listen carefully to God. HE WILL LEAD you to full healing. I feel like I’m not just physically healed but now I’m more whole. Thank you, Dave, for teaching me so many of these important ways to get to my healing! Don’t’ give up!
Afternoon dream:
A scandal broke involving someone in our movement.
From my perspective in the dream, I could see that the scandal was designed to create division and nothing more.
Former FBI Chief Counsel James Baker took a position as Deputy Counsel for Twitter. Baker was fired by Elon Musk after it was discovered that he had screened files sent to Matt Taibbi.
Second dream this afternoon:
A major event happened that drew everyone's attention.
In the dream, I understood that the purpose of this event was to divert attention away from a second event.
The announcement by the J6 comittee re: criminal referrals being made to DOJ probably means the arrest of your all time favorite president is days away.

I don't know if the arrest of Trump will take us to the precipice, but it may initiate the start of the storm.

My advice for the coming days:
Ignore distractions as much as possible.
Stay focused.
Listen to the Holy Spirit like never before.
Email Testimony

Dear Praying Medic

Testimony time :)

On Wed 23 Nov my helper/cleaner phoned me and told me she cannot come to work because her 11 year old daughter is ill. So I told her I will take her to her child.

When we got there she explained to me what was going on and showed me the doctor reports. The child had a blood clot in her brain which caused seizures and painful headaches.

Her heart would also hurt. The child told me that it feels as though something was poking her heart. The doctor report said they could find no abnormalities in her heart.

So I started praying. I put on soaking music and the Lord lead me to pray for her head first. As I prayed for her and commanding the blood clot to dissolve and cause no damage, Jesus touched her. He showed me that there is a stronghold over her mind. I saw the stronghold leave (in the spiritual realm). She told me that she physically felt something leave her.

Then the Lord lead me to pray for her heart. I saw a dagger in the spirit that was thrust into her chest, hurting her heart. I commanded the dagger to leave her and to go to the feet of Jesus.

Suddenly I saw the dagger in front of Jesus’s feet and Jesus judging the dagger. He told the dagger that the dagger allowed itself to be used by the enemy. Therefor, Jesus banished this weapon to hell and there it was melted never to be used again! I was so surprised and intrigued.

I asked the child if she felt something. She said that she felt something go out of her and the pain was subsiding.

As of today, my helper told me that her child is doing very well. I stand in amazement and awe at what Jesus did and what He showed me.

The child suffered for 4 years with these ailments. My helper promised me she would not to go to ‘traditional healers’ (they are basically witches) anymore. Praise God.

I hope this blessed you today.

"The FBI is conducting three times as many domestic terrorism investigations than it was five years ago, with 70 percent of its open cases focused on civil unrest and anti-government activity, according to FBI documents and government specialists."
New from PepeLivesMatter

"How do the anon and the truth-seeker endure such trials while watching the rest of the world continue spinning on its chaotic axis, people living their lives ignorant of the severity of the war we are all engaged in, willingly or not?

They endure—we endure—by recognizing that our very nature is changing."
After Peruvian President Pedro Castillo dissolved the nation's Congress and called for new legislative elections, the Congress rejected the decree and voted to replace him with the vice president.
Dozens of people arrested in Germany are accused of plotting a conservative overthrow of the government.
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform