Praying Medic
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Forwarded from rizz
I want to tell you before you go, you have saved another person from cancer- through your help with prayer, my 88 year old Dad has found out that he has no lesions on his lungs after being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last Spring. Words cannot convey to you the gratitude I have that I found you at the right time.
Tomorrow, this channel will temporarily suspend operations as I work to complete my next book.
For the next few weeks, I will take a break from all social media.
When the book manuscript is complete, I will return to normal posting.
During this time, the chat channel will be deactivated.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Prophetic Thread

If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
πŸ”—NEW Tinnitus Healing Prayer
πŸ”—Power & Authority for Miracles, Healing, and Deliverance
πŸ”—Healing Prayer for Tumors, Cancer, Radiation, and Chemotherapy
πŸ”—Prayer for Healing the Nervous System - Praying Medic
πŸ”—Healing the Sick and Making Disciples - Praying Medic
πŸ”—Female Health Problems Healing Prayer - Praying Medic
πŸ”—Healing Prayer for COVID, Vaccine Injury, Respiratory & Heart Disease
πŸ”—Healing Emotional Trauma
πŸ”—God's Manifest Presence - Del Hungerford's music (

πŸ”—Healing Fragments and Alters (a collection of articles)
πŸ”—8 Keys to Releasing Healing & Miracles
πŸ”—Healing the Wrong Rotator Cuff
πŸ”—Jesus Heals and Integrates an Alter
πŸ”—Healing 101
πŸ”—A Strategy for Healing Cancer

1. Think of an event that causes you to feel a negative emotion. Identify the emotion you feel. Ask Jesus to take the emotion from you. Ask him to heal the wound in your soul.
2. Tell him you receive his healing.
3. Recall the same event and see if a negative emotion is present. If there is one, repeat the steps. Ask Jesus to take the emotion and heal the wound in your soul.
4. If you can't recall an event, ask Jesus to take the emotion you feel and heal the wound in your soul. Repeat as needed.
Jennifer Wright, the Arizona Assistant Attorney General who opened an investigation into Maricopa county's 2022 election has been fired by the incoming Attorney General Kris Mayes.

Mayes has pledged to shift the election integrity unit's mission from investigating allegations of voter fraud to combating acts of voter intimidation and threats to elections officials.
Forwarded from Heather
To Janet, Dave, and PLM: A poem.

Goodnight Feds

Goodnight clowns,
Goodnight Feds,
Goodnight spooks
All tucked in your beds.

Goodnight shitposter,
Goodnight troll,
Goodnight doomfagger
On a doomfagging roll.

Goodnight scammer,
Goodnight shill,
You haven't found Jesus
But maybe you will.

Goodnight sea lion
You seem so polite
And 'night to the pharisee,
Too tired to fight.

Your posts have all glowed
You've all had your fun.
You've talked all your code,
Your entrapment is done.

So hang up your dog comms
And pause all your leaking,
And know in your dreams
PLM will be streaking.

Goodnight, Feds.
Taking a break from social media to put the finishing touches on my next book.
Please keep Kari Lake, her legal team and Arizona judges in prayer.
Email Testimony

Hi Dave!
My 100 year old mother in law after 2 weeks is 100% back to normal after a devastating upper respiratory infection, coughing up thick brown yuk, stopped up sinuses, short of breath, weak, sore throat, etc.

You were praying for her, she and I were praying for her healing and claiming restoration of her comfortable respiratory function, clearing of excess mucous, healing of sore throat, final drainage and clearing of sinuses, restoration of strength.

Most of us would not have healed as quickly as she did and she's over 100 years old! She was so heartened to hear that you and others were praying for her and she got out of bed everyday and went about her day (she still lives in her home). I was so excited the day I came over and saw the kitchen light on! I knew she'd been there (couldn't walk there, too weak) and she was sitting up drinking coffee!

Thank you for your devotion and ministry and willingness to pray for others Dave. You and your family will remain in our prayers.

Forwarded from Susan
Years ago, I had excruciating back pain and ended up in a rehab facility alone and away from family. I was angry that I wasn't being healed because I knew if God could move mountains, He could rearrange a few cells easy peasy.

After lengthy pleadings, I received an answer and it was this, that I should pray that God would lift my burden so that I could bear it with cheerfulness until such time that I would be healed and when that happened, I could stand as a witness that God strengthens and supports His children in their trials and when I would be released from my bondage, that it was He who healed me.

As I prayed to "lift my pain to a level where I can bear it with cheerfulness until such time You will release me from this bondage" my pain lifted to where I could handle it and I was able to minister to my fellow patients.

I am virtually pain free today. I learned compassion, patience and that sometimes there is a purpose in the time that it takes. I learned that God will carry me through my trials.

Most of all, I learned to never ask God to make me happy. Instead, he gave me an opportunity to become happy.
Forwarded from J S
I’ve been suffering with back and neck pain too. I also got pretty mad because I’m not healed. Others were getting instant results, but not me. The pain would lift a bit when prayed, but never totally go away.

A couple of weeks ago as I was praying about it and feeling angry and discouraged, God reminded me of a stretching routine that I used to do a long time ago before exercising. I remembered how it really helped my back. So for two weeks I’ve been doing that stretching routine and even added some stretches, and my back is easily 80% better! I still have pain, but nothing like it was! I don’t know why God wants me to be healed this way because like you said, it’s no problem for Him to just rearrange my spine and boom! I’m pain free. I don’t get it, but I’m glad He reminded me of those stretches! I’m still holding out for complete healing. I know it’s coming! I have faith! Until then I’m just going to do what He’s telling me to do. Maybe it’s practice for learning to hear His voice?
Forwarded from America The Beautiful
I actually have a similar testimony. With hip and knee and back and would have short term improvement and then return. Also would wonder why I wasn't getting fully healed but patiently confident. In the meantime I changed my diet to low inflammation and tried to stretch. Then God reminded me of a book I'd used in the early 2000s called pain free. I immediately ordered and have had about an 80% decrease in pain and getting better every day. I thank God for it.
I was diagnosed years ago with a right hamstring muscle that is shorter than the left hamstring. This condition causes a posterior pelvic tilt that leads to chronic low back pain.
I was told by a physical therapist that if I kept my hamstring muscles stretched, I would not experience back pain. If I failed to keep them stretched, I would experience back pain for the rest of my life.
Over the last the last 30 years this has proven to be true.
If I don't want back pain, I must do hamstrings stretches at least three times a day.
Forwarded from JT
I too was expecting God to heal me supernaturally of a bad lower back injury when He led me to take gelatin every day. After 6 months I was healed. I had suffered from it off and on for 30 years. When I went to Him (although I was happy to be healed) I felt let down and asked Him, "Lord, why did you heal me that way?"
I heard His inner voice say, "I want to train you the way I want to train you." I said back "you mean you want to heal me the way you want to heal me?" He said the exact same thing. "I want to train you the way I want to train you." I didn't get it back then (1996). But since then He's led me into taking better care of my body so that I don't need as many healings. He's a genius!! (understatement)
He wants to lead us in every thing we do. He sees what we need and wants us to trust His ways. I can't count all the ways He's led me through. I just know it has been ALL of them!! Glory Hallelujah!
Forwarded from Vishal Darsi

Testimony: I had this back pain that later became unbearable. I prayed for the pain to go, commanded for spirits of pain and infirmities to leave, declared and decreed healing, prayed for emotional healing, etc. Did this for days. Nothing worked. While I was wondering why nothing was happening, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, "Why aren't you asking me what to do?" Then He brought to memory of what Jesus said, "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing." I realized that I was only praying based on my own learned knowledge or copying what I’ve seen other believers pray. But if Jesus could do nothing by Himself (when He came as a man) apart from what Father showed Him, how could I? So I immediately asked for what I should do. The Holy Spirit told me, "Stand up!" (I was sitting on my bed at the time.) The minute I stood up, the pain immediately vanished and it hasn't returned since. Thank you Jesus!
Forwarded from Shires
Hey Dave, I missed seeing your posts. 😊 Anyway, I wanted to tell you the day that you shut the channel down. My sister’s dryer stopped working. She said she’d have to buy a new dryer and it was just worn out. Well, it was my clothes that were in the dryer to be dried. I asked if I could pray over it she said sure, but she didn’t believe that it would work. My sister is a Christian but she doesn’t think that God does this kind of stuff. So I laid hands on the dryer and I prayed over it, pushed the button and it sounded like the drum wouldn’t turn. So I prayed for the drum and the belt and whatever else. I pushed the button and it started working and it’s been working ever since.
Email Testimony

From: Beth

My husband & I have been married 27 years and he's never slept through the night. So we decided to do as you said before going to sleep, telling worry, anxiety, fear etc to leave & God to bring his presence to give us rest, peace, etc.

We've been very surprised. My husband sleeps much better but our daughter who usually says very little and communicates by grunting at us has been talking so much! She's been spending more time with the family and less in her room alone. I thought I'd see what happened when our daughter in college came home for Thanksgiving and have to say both girls spent a lot of time together getting along! Very little fighting.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
If you receive a private message from an account using my name, it is not me. I do not send direct messages on Telegram.
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