Praying Medic
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Email Testimony

Hi Dave,

I asked you to pray for my granddaughter to get a job, and for deliverance from alcoholism.

She just called to say she got a job!! And she’s 43 days sober ❤️ She is in a transitional living house, and she just told me that if she hadn’t gotten a job today she would have had to move out tomorrow. God is faithful!! So willing and able!! I LOVE JESUS!!

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and for your prayers 😊

Fly with Christ,

Email Testimony

Hi Dave,

Veronica is home now. Thank you so much for your prayers and ministry.
She is still recovering but thankfully it never got any worse. She avoided pneumonia. She never had a fever over 100. And the fever was only for 24 hours.

I’ve been re-listening to your older video conferences and interviews. There’s always something new I hear that I didn’t hear the first times.

Anyway, thanks again!

Email Testimony

Hello Praying Medic,

I first heard of you through Mark Taylor (Trump Prophecies) around 2018 or 2019 through a prayer group I was in at the time. I really appreciate all your teachings on prayer, super natural healing & other topics. I have used your teachings on prayer, for praying for others throughout the years, with miraculous results.

Early this year, I developed some health issues of my own, peripheral neuropathy (though tests are still being conducted) & macular degeneration in my right eye, though this is to be confirmed by an opthalmologist in early May. I went on your website and went over the Healing Prayer for the Nervous System. The first time I went through the prayer, I noticed that I no longer have floaters. I have had these for over 30 years. I also noted improvement in my peripheral neuropathy, as well as my eyesight improving with each subsequent time I listen to the prayer. I have had glasses since around 3rd or 4th grade, and I am 62 years old now. I am also noticing some improvement in my injured discs in my lumbar area, and in my cervical spine, which were injured in two accidents in 1992.

Thank you for all that you do, and for being a servant of the Most High God.

Blessings to you and your family.

Bob M
Email Testimony

I have been leading inner healing prayer ministry for several years, and always seeking out more training. The Lord brought me to your video where you go into the details of trauma based mind control and programming. I honestly thought I would never encounter someone with that history. Last week the Lord brought a person who needed healing and deliverance from this exact cult! I was so grateful to have tools appropriate for the need! After two sessions the person has had two parts integrated! She knows now there are more and it is helping her make sense of her pain and story. I am so thankful for the Lord’s perfect timing in bringing your book and video across my path!!
I was showing a new investor how to evaluate the price support for silver (using a technique that doesn't exist in real life.) We found that support for silver at the current price ($29) was rock solid.
Forwarded from Jody
Praise report!

A few weeks ago my tire kept going flat. Hubby didn’t have time to fix it. I was frustrated and asked for angels to come fix the holes.

Then I spaced it off. Just a couple of days ago I remembered the tire. I didn’t think my hubby had it fixed, but I asked him.

Nope. He didn’t get it fixed.

The tire has stayed up for about a month and a half now! 👏🏻🎉
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Join me today at 1:00 p.m. Eastern for Supernatural saturday question & answer.

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Supernatural Saturday - April 13, 2024
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
There will be a lot of fear mongering in the coming days but I'm someone who is confident that God is working a plan out and choose to not live in that fear.
All of us who are awake expect turmoil before the 24 election emerges. This is no surprise.
We were told to be the calm before and during the storms and that's exactly what I plan on doing.
God is in control and He will make something beautiful out of this chaotic mess. Count on it.
Email Testimony

From Deborah

Praying Medic, I sent you a prayer request on March 15 and you responded on March 17 that you were praying for me. THANK YOU!

Beginning in early November, I had a thermography image instead of a mammogram. The results showed a heat signature so I had a follow up thermogram in early March. It too showed heat so I scheduled an ultrasound to find out what was structurally going on. I had my ultrasound this week and there was nothing abnormal seen in the images. Thank you Lord Jesus! ❤️ I’m continuing to take proactive measures to stay healthy and I know God is guiding me. What was most interesting to me .. I listened several times to your podcast prayers and found I had negative emotions I needed to resolve. Without your guidance PM, I don’t know that I would have done the hard emotional work.
Thank you too to the wonderful prayer warriors on the PM Chat!
Email Testimony

Blessings to you Dave,

I have struggled with emotional and physical pain for years now. I have been afraid to date for the past six years after my husband of 25 years cheated on me. My emotional issue was betrayal and physical issues are atrial fib, inoperable tumor on my spine, and rheumatoid arthritis I spoke your prayer and instantly felt better. I couldn’t even recall the word betrayal. I have more prayer to do on my physical pain. I really appreciate you for the blessings.

God Bless you,
Email Testimony

I had a call back for an anomaly in a mammogram. This also happened about 7 years ago. "They" recommended a mastectomy, I had biopsies and there were many prayer requests and hours of intercession, Eventually, I was declared problem free.

In those intervening 7 years til now - my husband found you on Telegram and we started reading your posts and listening to you. After reading the short Emotional Healing book and both Courts of Heaven books I had a dramatic personal healing from an encounter in the Courts of Heaven. So, I decided to take another tack to this threat from the enemy.

I scheduled the 2nd mammogram 3 weeks after the initial call with the "bad report" to give myself some time. I didn't tell anyone but my husband. I bought your latest expanded Emotional Healing book and went through it slowly. Every time I read a comment or a section that resulted in even a slight urging for emotional healing - I went for it but it seemed that I was led to include appearances in Courts of Heaven pretty often. Did this for a couple of hours a several days a week for 2 1/2 weeks. I also went to sleep listening to your healing videos. I sort of rotated through the physical healing ones. Eventually it felt like I was done and asked a couple of friends for prayer a few days before by appointment but didn't make a big deal of it. My husband prayed for me and I did feel led to do a few other things - short fast, prayer for the staff etc, but nothing was hard - IT WAS SIMPLE :).

End result - walked in the office and that first mammogram was up with big circle around easily visible area with issue. They did the second mammogram. Then they did an ultra sound. Then they called in the radiologist. He was both flummoxed. Couldn't find anything. The original spot was completely missing. God is so good.

Thank you so much for your ministry.

Forwarded from T A
Thanks PM for the healing prayers for my lower back, hip and gastric issues with esophageal ulcers. God is so good. My back, hip and leg feel normal again. And I know God will heal the rest of me. 💕
Email Testimony

Just wanted to give you a quick testimony, the day you started praying for me. My issues started to disappear they’re not completely gone but I know that full healing is on the way!

I want to thank you so much for taking the time to talk to just a normal person, like myself, a struggling person, but nonetheless a new creation! And I just wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and most importantly your support you’ve been so kind to me and I just want to thank you so much !

God bless you,
Email Testimony

From: Denise

Last fall I asked you to pray for my nephew who developed uncontrollable nausea which lead to life threatening weight loss…he actually felt he was going to die. He dropped out of school and could barely work.

Medical test after test showed nothing. During this time, the lease on the house he had been living in was not renewed and he was forced to move. Within a month of moving, his symptoms dramatically improved. His nausea is almost gone and he has been able to gain back his weight. As it turned out, something in the house was causing his mystery illness.

I am so grateful he was lead to move from a situation that was killing him and for your prayer that I believe guided the way.
Email Testimony

Dear Dave,

I have a praise report.

A couple of days ago there was a tornado 🌪 that ripped through our tri-state area. I had a 2 min warning that came over my phone and I was driving when the winds and rain came pouring down suddenly. As I was driving, I was praying and rebuking the storm. I actually began rebuking it as soon as I had received the notification over my phone.
Tree branches were flying around me, never hitting my car. Tree branches blocked the roadway near a curve, but I was able to navigate it safely. I did spiritual warfare for about 10 min before it subsided. I later learned that it had ripped off the roof of an elementary school across the river that was closed for Spring Break, thank God, so nobody was in it. It had destroyed a couple of businesses and a huge billboard near the interstate, which toppled and clipped part of a mobile home. No loss of life or injuries were reported, thank God. There were power outages in spots, but not all over.

I returned home to find my neighborhood and home in tact and power still on.
Whenever there is a warning or signs of an approaching storm, I make it a habit of taking authority over it.

I was discussing the storm with a friend, who surprised me when he said he'd been without power for 24 hrs, and he said that he commanded "Let there be light", as stated in Genesis, but it didn't "work" for him. I encouraged him by telling him not to give up, because the Word of God always works. It was refreshing to hear him state that he had attempted this, because I thought he is very carnal.

I believe God is using me to be an example to him for times like this and to encourage him in his walk with the Lord. Thankfully, he had no damage to his house either.
God is always Good! Amen!


John 20:27-"Do not doubt, but BELIEVE!"
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know