Praying Medic
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Email Testimony

Just wanted to give you a quick testimony, the day you started praying for me. My issues started to disappear they’re not completely gone but I know that full healing is on the way!

I want to thank you so much for taking the time to talk to just a normal person, like myself, a struggling person, but nonetheless a new creation! And I just wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and most importantly your support you’ve been so kind to me and I just want to thank you so much !

God bless you,
Email Testimony

From: Denise

Last fall I asked you to pray for my nephew who developed uncontrollable nausea which lead to life threatening weight loss…he actually felt he was going to die. He dropped out of school and could barely work.

Medical test after test showed nothing. During this time, the lease on the house he had been living in was not renewed and he was forced to move. Within a month of moving, his symptoms dramatically improved. His nausea is almost gone and he has been able to gain back his weight. As it turned out, something in the house was causing his mystery illness.

I am so grateful he was lead to move from a situation that was killing him and for your prayer that I believe guided the way.
Email Testimony

Dear Dave,

I have a praise report.

A couple of days ago there was a tornado 🌪 that ripped through our tri-state area. I had a 2 min warning that came over my phone and I was driving when the winds and rain came pouring down suddenly. As I was driving, I was praying and rebuking the storm. I actually began rebuking it as soon as I had received the notification over my phone.
Tree branches were flying around me, never hitting my car. Tree branches blocked the roadway near a curve, but I was able to navigate it safely. I did spiritual warfare for about 10 min before it subsided. I later learned that it had ripped off the roof of an elementary school across the river that was closed for Spring Break, thank God, so nobody was in it. It had destroyed a couple of businesses and a huge billboard near the interstate, which toppled and clipped part of a mobile home. No loss of life or injuries were reported, thank God. There were power outages in spots, but not all over.

I returned home to find my neighborhood and home in tact and power still on.
Whenever there is a warning or signs of an approaching storm, I make it a habit of taking authority over it.

I was discussing the storm with a friend, who surprised me when he said he'd been without power for 24 hrs, and he said that he commanded "Let there be light", as stated in Genesis, but it didn't "work" for him. I encouraged him by telling him not to give up, because the Word of God always works. It was refreshing to hear him state that he had attempted this, because I thought he is very carnal.

I believe God is using me to be an example to him for times like this and to encourage him in his walk with the Lord. Thankfully, he had no damage to his house either.
God is always Good! Amen!


John 20:27-"Do not doubt, but BELIEVE!"
Forwarded from Matt Hickey
Hey Dave, this is Matthew, I’m the gentleman that sent you this testimony of healing. Just wanted to let you know that I have walk-through my Freedom encounter and I talked to Ken personally going through SRA. He is flabbergasted with the amount of people that come to this ministry through your recommendation I’m doing so much better and I know what time I will be able to walk out of my captivity thank you so much again for your ministry and your obedience to Jesus! I don’t know what people are going through, but if they had an attack like I did where voices would tell you to kill yourself they were gonna give me sickness and disease like heart attacks and shutting my kidneys down. Do not accept what they say. Go get help. Do not try to do it on your own if you’re having confusion and feel like you’re losing your mind, Jesus loves you so much and Freedom is right in front of you!
Email Testimony

It’s so awesome that you actually respond to people’s email! I just wanted to let you know that I am completely healed and Saturday. I will be going through my inner healing and deliverance so I’m super excited and thank you so much for praying for me. Your prayers are powerful and extremely effective.

Thank you so much,
Email Testimony

Hi Dave, Praise the Lord!! Thank You for your prayers on my Sciatica Nerve Pain Issues. My Dr was ready to refer me to get epidural shots and perhaps back surgery if my severe debilitating pains persisted.

My pain level improved from 10 to 5/6. My slap foot syndrome and my Left hand numbness completely resolved shortly after your prayers.

I continued to pray for God's healing on a daily basis on my remaining issues.
I am happy to report that it has now been 7 months since I initially requested you to pray for my healing and I am practically 90% pain free. I am able to resume my daily activities as prior to the ruptured disc on my lower back. Hallelujah!

Thank You once again for your teachings to a worldwide audience. God Bless You!!
Thank You Again, Bill
Email Testimony

From: Michelle

Just wanted to give you a good report. I contacted you about prayer for an upcoming sinus surgery that I was really dreading. A repeat surgery for allergic fungal sinusitis. A couple weeks after I messaged you, I received a notification from the lab to come in for a new scan. I assumed it was needed for the upcoming pre-op appointment.

Had the scan and went to the appointment a few days later. They asked why I had a new scan done and said they hadn’t ordered it but the new scan was different from the first and they are no longer recommending surgery. Will re-scan in 4-6 months.

Also said they have never had that happen before. That fungal issues don’t just get better on their own. I am so grateful for God’s healing and thankful for your prayers.
Forwarded from Sarah Klassen
I also have a testimony. I asked for prayer for my ballooning aorta. That’s almost gone. The esophagus is also closing better. I have faith in being whole in Christ Jesus. Thank you for your prayers. Love all you peeps on here. God is so awesome and amazing.
Email Testimony

From: Joanne

Hi Dave,
In one of your books you mentioned Freedom Encounters. I went through that and it made such a difference in my mental state and well being. Thank you!!
Email Testimony

Hi Dave,
After you prayed, I finally slept. 13 HOURS! Then 10 hours the next night, and another 10 after that. Hard to get well when you don't sleep. Starting to feel better too. Still coughing, etc, but for sure on the mend. I felt so out of it for weeks! Thank you so much. God bless you guys for all that you do.
Email Testimony

From: Sarah

I asked for prayer for my son, Jason, who was in a bad wreck in 2021. I had him listen to your prayer for nervous issues as among many health issues he has bad nerve pain and diabetes. His diabetes is improving and today we found out that a blood clot that was the entire length of his leg is completely gone and he will be able to get off blood thinners altogether. You asked in that prayer for blood clots to be gone among other things and it is! Praise the Lord!
Email Testimony

From: Katie

Thank you for praying for my daughter. She has made a full recovery and is doing well. She started feeling better the next day after I asked you to pray for her. Thank you so much.
Email Testimony

In Dec I had you pray for our steers. These are 4 that were extremely lame that rejoined the herd today. We lost 2 and have two that are in the corral, but overall! We are so thankful there weren’t more. Thank you for caring.
Email Testimony

Thank you for your prayers.

I emailed you on Friday PM and when I got up Sat. AM there was not a hint of rash or any itching. I have not had any rash or itching for 4 days. I figured that the enemy knew the jig was up if you were going to pray and agree with us. So thankful for the healing.
God bless you and Denise.
Email Testimony

From: Tori

You prayed for my healing from 45 years of herpes. I have been symptom free for about 6 months!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Forwarded from Jules
Ok I have a little testimony! My computer died a few days ago and I’ve tried a few times to get it to start but it kept failing. I closed it. Today I thought, I think I’ll pray over that computer, laid hands on it and my hands got warm and I called on the tech angels and commanded gears and disc drive etc to work in the name of Jesus. That computer did start up and still working this evening! I praised Jesus! Thank you Dave for all your teaching! This is the second mechanical item that I’ve prayed over and has been restored by the heavenly hosts! Amen!!! 🙏
Email Testimony

Hey Dave,

I accidentally booted myself from your livestream this past Saturday after we spoke. I wanted to share a testimony with you but it worked out because now I have a couple to share.

The first testimony I wanted to share was on behalf of a friend who has struggled a lot with anger for as long as I've known him. I believe it stems from his mom being emotionally and physically abusive when he was young. I've been trying to get him to read your EH book for almost two years and gave him a copy even, but he wouldn't do it. But a couple weeks ago, after a particularly hard day at work, he called me up just to vent, and was going on and on about how much he hated his job, how horrible his bosses are, and how it was "sucking the life out of him."

This wasn't the first time he shared his stories about how bad it was there and how angry it made him. A couple days before we went to get a coffee together and that was almost all he talked about. And it's not that how he felt was unreasonable. From what he tells me, they treat him very unfairly even though he works hard and does his best.

When I offered him some advice about looking for another job, he snapped at me saying he shouldn't be the one to have to leave. That's when I mentioned again how he needed EH and I would send him the link of your video on EH. "All you have to do," I said, "is listen and do the steps along with Praying Medic. It's short and easy." He didn't agree to but more or less blew me off.

However....the next morning he texts me saying, "I started off my day listening to The Medic and did the emotional healing about my job and all the anger I have towards this place is gone! It's NUTS!"

He's never been someone who has been able to just let something go and he admits he still has a long way to go, but I couldn't be happier that he at least took the first step.

Second testimony is something that happened to me on Sunday. Beginning almost immediately after Supernatural Saturday (which was awesome, btw), this feeling of anxiety--like a pit in my stomach--came on me. I had no reason to feel fearful or anxious but it was just there. I prayed about it, tried casting out evil spirits, emotional healing, confessions of peace, etc. The feeling of fear and anxiety didn't go away in the least.

The next day I woke up and it was still there. Just as strong as the day before. I kept up with praying about it throughout the morning without any change. Around 12:30 I headed to my dad's house and on the way was listening to a Bill Johnson sermon in which he discussed how Jesus makes intercession for us. And I thought, "well, I always thought He just is continually interceding for us but it wouldn't hurt to ask Him to concerning this anxiety I'm feeling." So I did, "Jesus, please make intercession for me about this."

I'm telling you, I no sooner finished saying those words that the fear and anxiety was 100% gone. I've never heard of anyone asking Him to do that but as my wife and I spoke about it, it occurred to me that Jesus offers many benefits and some need to be asked for or pursued in one way or another in order to receive them. And I wouldn't yet say this is one of those things, but nonetheless, it's something to consider given how quickly I benefited from this prayer.

Email Testimony

From: Sharon

Thank you sir, for wring The Gates of Shiloh. Two more alters left, a negative feedback entity and a high minded one. It is so quiet in my mind. Thank you for hearing God.
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