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[ DS] DNC/DAVOS/ECT ECT ECT MSM >desperately trying to PUSH China into WAR

_World News AGENCIES reporting Russia is about to attacks as [ DS] U.S. Intelligence agencies push the narrative.////
>Several U.S commanders and open Military sources all confirm nothing is happening out of the ordinary.>> Back CHANNELS confirm the only way CHNIA WILL attack Taiwan is if U.S. mil decide to open a base in Taiwan or if U.S. attacks CHNIA directly.
As white HATS move in closer to EXPOSING FBI. / Investigation into BIDENS/ the EXPOSURE of FTX widens....[ DS] is desperate for WAR to bring in confusion, WAR is perfect for stealing U.S. Tax dollars,  laundering.
Behind the SCENES ;
The MUSIC INDUSTRY is in PANIC and CIA has Activated it's strongest Handles> VLADTV. .DJ AKADEMIS , ext ext ext ext ext NY djs ECT ECT ECT to FULLY attack KANYE WEST<
_After Kanye fully admitted to mucic industry satanic rituals and sacrifice..... Including his own mom being Sacrificed  along with Micheal Jordan father. Dr.dre son........
>A huge movement of mainstream rap artist the past two months are talking openly about SATANIC music industry and rituals by ELITES
... The once hidden subject is NOW emploding on several vcast podcast. YouTube drops.

KANYE WEST has awakened a movement to for black community to investigate SATANIC rituals and Elites connected to cults..... This is the reason the CIA has unleashed it's assets against KANYE.

_Another unknown YouTube personality from the African Black community named CHARLESTON WHITE has recently gained millions of followers on different channels where he is EXPOSING the music industry and Rappers . He is attacking the Rappers directly with several info drops of their killings and CIA. Fbi. Fed connections ...... WHITE says Rappers talk about helping the black communities but in truth their music talk about killing, killing, killing their own people and the largest Mass killings happening in the United States Is from black on black killings, connected to Rap gangster music > WAR ZONES. L.A. CHICAGO.NY. ATLANTA. MIAMI ECT ECT ECT ECT......


WIRES; Benjamin Fulford

The Khazarian mafia, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland, is trying to negotiate a peace agreement with the rest of the world as their top man Evelyn de Rothschild dies and their empire collapses. As a part of this, the Octagon group, the head of Interpol, the new Chinese emperor and a group of Swiss billionaires (who control the area around Lake Geneva), have asked the White Dragon Society to send a representative to Switzerland. The situation has even reached the point where Russian men in black, who deal with paranormal entities, have made a move (more about this later).

Mossad sources agree. So, for now, the WDS has decided to wait for the old Swiss-run Khazarian mafia-controlled “new world order,” to collapse.

This collapse is now taking place at an accelerating rate, especially with the ongoing implosion of the United States

Last week’s G20 meeting in Bali, Indonesia, may be the last show of control by the KM who will try to portray Russia as being “isolated,” when in fact the opposite is true: the United States has become the laughing stock of the world.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who just arrived in Bali,
says the situation in the world is still very tense because of “insistent attempts of the US-led Western alliance to stave off the complete loss of their global leadership in a hope to continue to resolve their problems at the expense of other members of the international community. This is the goal of the neo-colonial concept of the rule-based world order advanced by the Americans and their allies.” He then added “the overwhelming majority of countries” do not support this agenda.

Most importantly, Germany and the EU have broken with the KM-controlled US and made a deal with Russia. That has now been confirmed by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu ordering his troops to the Russian side of the Dnieper River.

As the Russian Tass news agency notes: “Germany intends to improve relations with Russia and China, despite US’ objections…Let’s not forget that the Netherlands lifted sanctions against Russia…the US does not have the power to impose order on the world and introduce new rules.”

At this point, the KM control grid has been reduced to Canada, the US, Ukraine and Switzerland.

Even this won’t last long because the KM-occupied US collapsing both politically and economically. The fact they say they cannot figure out who won the November 8th mid-term elections until December or beyond illustrates the political paralysis. That is why “Arizona election officials are prepared to work through Thanksgiving and possibly Christmas as well”.

Even if the Rockefellers can keep their Biden clown show going on for a bit longer, the ongoing US economic collapse will bring it all down sooner rather than later.

For example, the article linked below shows 11 recent signs of this collapse.

Even Silicon Valley is now being hit. Over just the past week alone 20.000 people have been fired. Twitter, Facebook (Meta), Stripe, Salesforce etc. have been dumping staff and places like Amazon and Google are close on their heels

This is just the beginning of the pain because the US default on October 14th means imports of oil from the Middle East and goodies from Asia are drying up. That is why empty container ships are being recalled from the US to elsewhere.

And as a result shortages of daily items have begun in earnest.
More importantly, according to MI6 the death of Evelyn de Rothschild was probably linked to stress from that family having lost control of the financial printing presses that kept the entire US/Ukraine horror show going.

It is no coincidence that his death was followed by the collapse of Sam Bankman-Frieds’ FTX and his hedge fund, Alameda Research. This was a giant money laundering operation that took the over $100 billion pledged for Ukraine and sent it to finance election theft in the US, Mossad sources say.

“This FTX situation may be the straw that breaks the financial system and the Fake Biden circus show,” the sources note.
In the end, this implosion will probably destroy the entire Davos World Economic tragi/comedy as this tweet notes:

“Dear Davos elite and @wef: it appears you accidentally deleted your FTX Partner website. Lucky for you we found it in the internet archive”

Now check out the photos of Sam with his buddies Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.”

With this central bank fiat money laundering operation shut down, no wonder the WDS got a flurry of calls from Switzerland last week.
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Data obtained from South Australian Health under FOI by Senator Antic shows that cardiac-related presentations in South Australian public hospitals dramatically spiked in those aged 15-44 years correlating with the vaccine roll-out.

With this data, as of today - it should be a criminal offence to administer a Covid vaccine to anyone under 45. And any CEO still mandating it to their employees should be jailed.

But as usual the media are covering this up, and not reporting the Senators speech. They have blood on their hands.
Forwarded from The Justice League (Toria Brooke)
Media is too big
BRAZIL 🇧🇷 Ring the alarm! Farmers are reportedly storming the Legislative Assembly following a tax hike on agriculture. @resistornewswire
Forwarded from We The Media (Pepe Lives Matter)
Elon says that amnesty for suspended accounts that have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam will begin next week.

Forwarded from Disclose.tv
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NEW - Klaus Schwab says China is a "role model for many countries" and proclaims a "systemic transformation of the world" on Chinese state television.


Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
The Biden family took millions from individuals linked to Chinese intelligence and the People's Liberation Army.

Hunter Biden even admits in his own words that these individuals work for Chinese intelligence.

So naturally, the DOJ is going after the Trump family.



Forwarded from Benny Johnson
The Regime is threatening to investivate Elon Musk more than they are the fraudsters of FTX— that tells you everything.
Military General personal and officer staff of colonials are setting up for the Opposition of Mil. Operations that are against the current U.S. President is about to take place. The council of National Security know that the President ( BIDEN) is about to act and start Mil operations against against it's own Mil. ( White HATS)//// The clock is Ticking<

The 200,009 thousand sealed indictments is about to be released. The indictments pertain to those who were involved in CREATING 911.
>BIO-WEAPONS in the U.S. chapel hill. > SARS 11 creations/ Mil.Coup Treason against Donald J. Trump.>
TREASON by high ranking U S. Officials and several U.S. Presidents./
>Humans TRAFFICKING by U.S officials and Military branches and commanders including U.S. bases that were connected to CIA . EPSTEIN, CLINTONS OPERATIONS<.
>Several Intelligence agencies that have been
Been captured by FOREIGN operations.
>Several CEO . High ranking Elites that run big tech and Social Media that colluded with ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

EVERYTHING You have been witnessing the past several years is COMING to a HEAD...
gets ready to activate MIL. OPERATIONS AGAINST IS OWN MILITARY in hopes they can stop the  200,009 indictments from coming out that EXPOSES > EVERYTHING. 🔥
War are coming into The thick of the STORM as [ DS] Ukraine war crumbles. [ DS] Pandemic still being EXPOSED [ DS] world money laundering operations is being blocked and EXPOSED [ DS] ...... The Fall of World DEEP STATE is connected to ROTHSCHILDS lost of power in EU. Asia and the focus now Comes to U.S. [ ROCKEFELLERS] w/ [ DS] CIA  (who killed JFK )/////////////.......... WE ARE COMING TO BRINK OF U.S. MILITARY vs. [ DS] U.S. MILITARY

It had to be this way

Military is the only way
Lots of things happening behind the SCENES<
I'll keep you updated all week....

( There are many out there who don't believe in DEVOLUTION PLAN or don't believe if it's been Activated or not........ That doesn't matter NOW.. As we head into Storm 🔥......... NCSWIC)......

WHAT I CAN TELL YOU IS TRUMP IS GOING TO SAVE THE U.S. WITH hidden technology and energy that is going to shock the world in his second term+++ ( damn...... ELON, TRUMP, USSF , > TESLA<)////

TRUMP ain't lying....
MANY COUNTRIES ARE GETTING READY FOR MILITARY VS. [ DS] MILITARY in their own countries....... The show is already beginning and continues ( from Ukraine mil. Operations. To China COUP last month.... ECT ECT ECT....)
...... The World Military COUPs... OPERATIONS and counter OPERATIONS are taking place...
Forwarded from The General
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Military Moving in Brazil.

Videos of the military showing up with their vehicles are all over social media in Brazil.

There is also a rumor going on that the Military asked to people to remove their posters and signs from the fence in front of the Army HQ.

With Russian Troops helping Mali fight against Rothschild paid military regimens in Africa
, Mali mil coup in August 2020 was a kickoff to WARN Rothschild. UN. NATO that their pillaging of Africa was at and END...,... immediately several African countries followed by COUPS in Chad in April 2021, Mali again in May 2021, and Sudan.

In Sudan, coup leader Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan has dissolved civilian rule and arrested civilian prime minister Abdalla Hamdok and other leaders. But the takeover has reignited resistance, with protesters returning to the streets in cities and towns across Sudan to denounce the power grab.

António Guterres, United Nations secretary-general, has urged the Security Council to act to deter “an epidemic of coups d’état.” But the African Union and 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have responded with mixed messages.

Other countries with family dynasties at risk of coups include Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Congo-Brazzaville and Benin<

Now Military is moving in Brazil...... On the face of FRAUD ELECTIONS<<<<
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