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The Great Replacement: Internet User Edition.
The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans (2024)

Key findings:

- "Southern Arc" Anatolian origin of Proto-Indo-European debunked, steppe hypothesis proven.

- Yamnaya descend directly from Sredny Stog; Corded Ware origin unknown, likely a distinct Sredny Stog population (Sredny Stog had variable ancestry).

- Yamnaya trace the majority of their ancestry to a "Progress-2" related population (BPgroup), whose habitation range spanned from the Lower Volga to North Caucasus.

- BPgroup descended from East European and Caucasus Hunter-Gatherers and an Ancient North Eurasian related population from Central Asia.

- Authors modeled Yamnaya as having South Caucasus (Aknashen) ancestry rather than Early European Farmer ancestry. Latter is more likely as Yamnaya originated between the Dnipro and Don rivers.

- Hittites were successfully modeled as having 8-10% Yamnaya or Sredny Stog ancestry, confirming that Indo-European Anatolian languages originated on the steppe (see "Hypothesis A-West" img 9).
Asian immigrants are not "model minorities." They are overwhelmingly left-wing, anti-White, and anti-American. They will be the largest immigrant demographic in America by 2055.
UK: A new study has discovered that mass importing people who don't work is bad for the economy.

"In a report co-authored by former immigration minister Robert Jenrick, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) urged the Government to introduce caps on legal immigration to stop a drain on British infrastructure and public services that is not offset by economic growth." (The Telegraph, 2024)

Related data:
🇩🇰 Non-Western migrants make net-negative lifetime financial contributions (Danish government, 2018)
🇳🇱 Migrants 1995-2019 cost €400 billion (Amsterdam University, 2023)
🇬🇧 Migrants 1995-2011 cost £148 billion (Migration Watch, 2014)
🇩🇪 Migrants cost €15.4 billion per year in welfare alone (German government, 2023)
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