Blair Cottrell
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Halls Gap hike in Vic. Highly recommended 🇦🇺
Insulin sensitivity is essential for energy, muscle development and growth, and two basic methods for increasing sensitivity to insulin (especially after like 30 years old) is to reduce the frequency of carb consumption and train harder.

Insulin resistance is really bad for the muscles (and for the brain, and the entire body for that matter) and it seems to happen as a result of:

a) Not using the muscles enough and,
b) Consuming carbs frequently, throughout the day with every meal

Carbohydrates aren’t evil, they’re just glucose which is muscle fuel but when that glucose is not being used, because we’re eating too much of it and/or not using our muscles enough, that’s how diabetes and inflammatory diseases develop.

Basically, if you have type 2 diabetes or chronic inflammation, you’re essentially being punished for sloth and gluttony. You can only suffer these problems as a consequence of spending most of your days sitting and eating sugars.

Most typical ailments of the mind & body can be cured by simply training everyday and eating carbohydrates less frequently.
Blair Cottrell
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Arnold was a great bodybuilder but I’ve never liked him as a person.

If you pay attention to his takes and comments on all things, he’s generally always very loyal to the system.

This is because the system has taken care of him personally, it’s given to him a life of great wealth and fame, and so he sees no reason to go against it –regardless of how corrupt it may have become and of how cruel it may be to his less privileged colleagues and countrymen.
He’s an egocentric, selfish personality, he’s always lived that way and he’ll die that way too.
Asthma is a bizarre condition when you think about it.
The airways of children are just suddenly constricted and they can suffocate unless they get fast access to an inhaled drug.

What the hell causes that? I think it’s a mistake to dismiss phenomena like this as normal just because it’s become common.

There’s nothing normal about the body suddenly suffocating itself for no reason. Something is really wrong there.

My intuition tells me it’s vaccines and/or bad breeding, that second one will offend a few people but watch me care.

Nature is always trying to kill the weak, the sooner people come to terms with that the sooner their priorities will change.
And it always interested me when people would ask “how could God allow children to suffer like this?” Because it’s not God doing it. It’s man and his bad breeding habits. The children only suffer the genetic consequences of their parent’s idiotic lusts.

Make yourself strong and breed up. That’s the only conceivable meaning of life there is, to mitigate suffering not by complaining and not through drugs, but by strengthening humanity.
To provide some context:
SVB was the 16th largest bank in America with $165 billion in international assets. All of that is gone now, up for grabs to the highest bidder. The bank collapsed.

This is the 3rd largest bank crash in US history, it’ll have a significant impact on inflation and news emerging about the bank suggests it was plagued with diversity hiring and gay/lesbian agendas. Perhaps a major warning to all western businesses.
Forwarded from Goto: @zoomerwaffen08
The jews somehow knew before hand that the SVB bank was going to be seized and they siphoned off 1 billion dollars before it collapsed moving it straight to Israel.

I would imagine the same map changed to “Percentages of adults with AIDS” would produce basically the same results.
Childless adult women are neurotic because they’ve been given the mental energy to raise and deal with a brood of needy kids who demand a lot of care and attention.
Women without those children have not enough to do with all of that energy and they go insane.

And adult men become self-abnegating sloths because for thousands of years they’ve had clear threats & enemies who they’ve fought and killed. Today a man cannot even raise his voice without answering to a judge for allegations of abuse.

You cannot circumvent nature. You can try, but you’ll only suffer for it.

The solution for women is to stop denying your own mortality and have children.

For men, it’s to train everyday like you’re going to war and join a church or group that has enemies.
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
The petition referenced more than 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detailing the risks of water fluoridation to human health, including more than 180 published studies showing fluoride is linked to reduced IQ and neurotoxic harm. —ZeroHedge
Forwarded from Zeee Media 🎙
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Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić: "Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world because no one wants them... It would have been better if we had burned them all immediately and thus saved the health and lives of many citizens!”

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From Melbourne.

There was a time where I would’ve looked at this and felt revulsion, then anger, but now I don’t really feel anything. Perhaps a little bit sad, for this man and the kids he claims to have.

It also makes me grateful, for the parents I have and how I was raised. It’s becoming a rare thing, to have a loving mother and hardworking father who aren’t taking any pills and are generally unaffected by social programming.

There has always been and will always be sideline commentators, critiquing and taking issue with everything everybody else is doing, but never really doing much else besides that.

History doesn’t think much of these kinds of people because change doesn’t come about as a result of behavioural critiques. It also doesn’t happen at the hands of boomers and voting booths. Real faith, passion and radical action is what echoes through the times, inspires imitation around the world and can reshape a culture.

They are right, of course (the critics), and they know they’re right. They’re intelligent too, which they also know and feel compelled to prove at every opportunity. But being smart or right isn’t what’s important, what’s important is how useful you are to a revolutionary cause. Perhaps that’s a question they should ask themselves: How am I making myself useful?

It would of course be very nice if every person, protest and event was neatly trimmed and packaged, and played out exactly as the clever critics suggested but that’s never how things go in reality.

It’s the role of our written word warriors to shape and frame the post-event narrative, to boast of victory over an ugly and evil enemy, helping to show the boys in positive light and build more faith. It’s not to criticise and denigrate your own forces.

I think this kind of radical fringe activism is the future of nationalistic activism. That “general appeal” boomer patriotism, where did that get us? Censored or charged or jailed. After that, the right wing was faced with a choice, abandon the fight or become more radical.

Ultimately, these guys are forerunners for the normalisation of a more radical nationalism which the social situation is really demanding. They’ll be hated for it and they’ll cop all sorts of flak but they’re willing to cop it in order to carry a new banner and generate a new energy, a task too dangerous for the critics because they could lose their jobs at the supermarket packaging factories.
Forwarded from Aus News Alerts
Thomas Sewell today led 20 men in a protest on the steps of parliament in Melbourne against the grooming of children by so-called “trans” activists.
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