Just Human ️️️
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A Human, weathering my intuitions. Husband. Father. Texan. Researcher. Alt Media Anon. Contributor @BadlandsMedia & @WeTheMedia

All of my links in one spot
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By holding a vote on reactivating Trump's account, Elon avoided any accusations of favoritism on his part towards Trump and showed, clearly, that it is the user base, The People, who want @realDonaldTrump back.

Perceptions would be much different had Elon simply reactivated it on his own or via some committee's decision.
Forwarded from TronAnon
🔥11.20.22 - 10:30 EST - The Great Awakening Show! - 117 - Tron, Leonidas, & Grasshopper🔥
Boss 2024 'The Return' / 17 Moves Ahead / End to the Endless? / FTX: Follow the $ / Meme Storm / It Is Time / The Story Unfolds / Twitter Polls
Live Show Links:
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1vq41w-11.20.22-1030-est-the-great-awakening-show-117-tron-leonidas-and-grasshoppe.html
Foxhole: https://thefoxhole.app/foxhole/14004
DLive: https://dlive.tv/TronAnon
Links to Connect:
Tron: https://allmylinks.com/tronanon
Leo: https://libertylinks.io/Leonidas
Grasshopper: https://linktr.ee/Grasshopper_TAFKAG
Links to Connect!
Just Human ️️️
'Templates' https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/just-security-mar-a-lago-model-prosecution-memorandum-november-2022.pdf
"Template- a gauge, pattern, or mold; something that establishes or serves as a pattern.

A template for how to go after the Clintons, Obama, their attorneys, and the media who assisted them in their crimes against the United States and We the People.

A template for how to go after [THEM]."

Forwarded from Eddie
Ok, ready to have your collective minds blown? Check this shit out folks...

The following are 2 screen shots that were just shown on the TronAnon live Podcast literally a few minutes ago. I paused the video just to bring this nugget to you guys...

A) A guy named Buzz Patterson Tweeted that Elon's TRUMP poll was a bot trap...to which Elon responded with a wink emoji basically confirming that it certainly was.

B) Now, look at this Delta from TODAY. A five year Delta no less dated November 20th 2017.

Keep up the good fight.
It's spreading.

Damn, that's some major league sauce right there!
As I have said before, there are delta's and there are DELTA'S. That, my friends is a DELTA!

My first article for Badlands is now available for reading, frens! It is about sports and their role in our society as well as their role in The Great Awakening.

I hope you all enjoy! God bless and as always thank you for the support!

Read here 👉🏻 https://badlands.substack.com/p/sports-in-society
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
VotifyNow just announced on Twitter that they will be turning in the data they received in Arizona to the office Attorney General Brnovich this week.

VotifyNow is an app that was created for citizens to report voting irregularities.
Forwarded from David S
“It seems very clear that the printer/tabulator failures on election day at 62.61% of the vote centers observed by 11 roving attorneys, and the resulting long lines at a majority of all vote centers, led to substantial voter suppression,” the memo said.

That percentage just keeps going up. It was 20%, then 40%, now over 60%

Just Human #153: Flynn Confirms 5GW, Xu Gets 20yrs, Mueller 2.0, Templates


Foxhole- https://share-link.pilled.net/topic-detail/507601

Rumble- https://rumble.com/v1w1wa4-just-human-153.html

Podcast- https://justhuman.substack.com/p/just-human-153

All of my links- https://linktr.ee/just_human

Might do a show later tonight to work on some bugs I had with this morning's stream. Will post links later.
Media is too big
General Flynn discusses Communist infiltration in our government and the Uniparty's involvement with FTX: "This company that apparently took advantage of taxpayer dollars, billions of taxpayer dollars going into Ukraine, and then they worked the deal and they took some of that money, and they brought it right back into our election system here in this country.... and believe me a lot of that wealth is flowing into people's pockets."

Full interview: https://rumble.com/v1w9cx8-interview-with-michael-flynn-and-boone-cutler-authors-of-introduction-to-5g.html
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