Just Human ️️️
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A Human, weathering my intuitions. Husband. Father. Texan. Researcher. Alt Media Anon. Contributor @BadlandsMedia & @WeTheMedia

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Just Human ️️️ pinned «Trial starts in two weeks… https://justhuman.substack.com/p/recap-of-last-weeks-filings-in-the?r=74z9x&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web»
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)

A brand new column has just been published at The Rise of the New Media Substack!

Be the first cool kid on your block to take THE DURHAM QUIZ! 😎

Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
Alright I screenshotted and translated the video released by Russian Ministry of Defense pertaining to the Deep State Biolab network in Ukraine.

This video succinctly summarizes what Russia discovered from the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, in an easily digested and visually simple format. Designed to reach a broader audience.

This is what mass red-pilling looks like!


Forwarded from Dr. Zaius🍊⭐️⭐️⭐️🍊
A point made in the substack is that the Ukrainian govt. tried to stop the expansion of these labs in 2013. Interesting timing. In 2014 the color revolution and installation of the puppet govt. was set in motion By US Dept. of State... Coincidence?
Forwarded from Karma Patriot
Hmmmm, Ukrainian government didn’t want the biolabs, but couldn’t stop them…….
and Zelensky was “in over his head” with the Deep State’s power & corruption & he needed assistance? 🤔

So Zelensky & Ukraine needed help from someone…….wonder WHO they could possibly ask for help?

Would have to be someone who did not fear the Swamp or global Deep State…..
someone willing to go against the “corrupt establishment” & fight for “the people” 🤔

Wonder what rare group of individuals would have both the power, & the willingness, to take on the corrupt Globalists that have infiltrated & attempted a hostile takeover of countries WORLDWIDE? 🤔

BUT, since the leaders who are willing to help Ukraine/Zelensky are Nationalists & put the needs of their people & their country first, I’d imagine it would be in exchange for something from UKRAINE?? 🤔

What could little ‘ol corrupt Ukraine possibly have to offer?🤷🏼‍♀️
I mean, it’s not like they have mountains of blackmail & damning evidence on the Biden Family, Schiff, Pelosi, Obama or Clinton just sitting around waiting to be useful?!? Right? 😏

Makes you wonder if ALL the trips & phone calls with Ukraine by Pompeo, Pence & Ron Johnson were very intentional & “for a reason”??
Wonder if Zelensky agreed to investigate & prosecute something or someone…..in exchange for help cleaning up biolabs & booting the Deep State from Ukraine? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Bc MSM & the LEFT sure have set up the Narrative perfectly that Zelensky puts his country & people first……..
so if ZELENSKY were to speak out against the Deep State globalists, I’d bet the entire WORLD, who has been WATCHING & crying & donating to Ukraine, would probably be quick to believe anything Zelensky told them.

But I totally forgot that Zelensky is a Deep State puppet….so none of that theory could possibly be accurate.
Never-mind! 😉

I’m so ready for this part to be revealed 🔥 @JustHuman_Kyle
Forwarded from Dr. Zaius🍊⭐️⭐️⭐️🍊
Ya think? I don't think all of that is impossible. Look at what has happened since this started. EU is AFU all the countries now are either actively protesting to overthrow the govt or have already done so in some cases. The military stock of all of them are drawn down so low they can't send anymore lest they make new ones... But that's going to be really hard with No energy to make steel and such things. On top of all that It's about to get really cold. I saw a report that some place in Poland received 40 cm. of snow last week. That's about 15 inches I think without doing the math...Z was installed By Kolomoisky. One of the worst. He's closely tied to Hunter as an extension of Bidet while he was VP. That Burisma just happens to be his business I'm sure is just a coincidence. Then there's some bank he also owns... Seems they had a bunch of money laundering issues in a few countries. We are watching the wheels come off the engine here. Right now.I suspect Putin has comms with Trump and Xi. A few others also. India... Big question ark here. All of a sudden India and China are cooperating? Why just a year ago they were having a big dustup at the border... Nobody really knows because they aren't talking but rumors are over 100 soldiers were killed and poof... story goes away. Regionalization is the end game here. Taking down the powers that be, the system that is, the maniacs who only do harm to ALL the people of the world. It's going to be bumpy and a lot of characters we thought we didn't like will turn out to be our best friend. Not because we like what they do in their own country but because they want overall the same thing we do. The freedom and peace of mind of not being ruled over by a bunch of corrupt asshoes that start wars, finance both sides and then reap the benefits of supplying all the weapons and materials and money to rebuild the mess they made out of both countries. All the while putting them into debt slavery. This has been brewing way longer than most people think. Many say it stared with the CIA... Read how the Panama canal got built. There was no CIA then. I could go on and on... you see I scatter, that's why I can't write substacks and whatnot... As to Z... I don't think he's intelligent enough to be anything more than a puppet. But I think he might be smart enough to let things happen to get out of the situation he finds himself in with the assistance of people on the outside... People like Trump, Putin Xi. There seems to be a core group and now we are starting to see some new faces coming forward. Orban's speech in Texas for example. I posted a clip from it yesterday. Listen to the whole thing if you can find it. Italy's new PM. Sweden... things are changing. I heard an Irish women go off in an EU session about Vaccines a couple of weeks ago that was just awesome and in their faces. There's a storm brewing. Ukraine is a starting point. We are privileged to be able to see this unfold. We may suffer some in the process but we will leave this place knowing that we did our part to correct centuries of injustice. Ukraine is a starting point.
From November 2015:

"...the Swedish military has successfully cleared a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives found near Line 2 of the Nord Stream Natural Gas offshore pipeline system.

The vehicle was discovered during a routine survey operation as part of the annual integrity assessment of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was within the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) approximately 120 km away from the island of Gotland, the Swedes called on their armed forces to remove and ultimately disarm the object.

“We don't consider it to be dangerous to merchant vessels or the pipeline at this point,” Jesper Stolpe, Swedish Armed Forces spokesman, told Radio Sweden. According to Stolpe, the cable used to control the drone and to set off the explosive was cut off, so at the moment the vehicle is relatively harmless.

The national identity of the drone has not been verified so far, as many countries use Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) of a similar construction

Forwarded from Just Human ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I don't think Biden did this. I don't think US forces did this. But I do think that the Globalists WANT the world to THINK the US did this.
I got a bad feeling that we are being bread crumbed into blaming Biden/US for this attack. And that is what the Globalists want, because they want a US-Russia war
Forwarded from Russians With Attitude
Dmitry Medvedev:

"The referendums are over.

The results are clear.

Welcome home to Russia!"
Just Human ️️️
Sen Susan Collins may be in some trouble. It's her campaign that these unlawful contributions were going to.
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