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Investigative reporter, author and podcaster covering far-left and Jewish extremism and disinformation.
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Forwarded from Justice Report
While Alexander Wolcott awaits his day in a kangaroo court, he is currently asking for any and all monetary assistance that fellow nationalists can spare for a spirited legal defense. The Justice Report urges all nationalists, right-wingers, and White men of good moral character to donate to Alex via his GiveSendGo.

Exclusive Interview: https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/01/17/white-man-arrested-harassed-red-flagged-and-charged-with-felony-over-swastika-sticker-found-at-albany-university/
Fundraiser: https://www.givesendgo.com/awlegal
The Culture of Critique was banned off Amazon and now Barnes & Nobel have done the same. Support Kevin MacDonald's work by buying his books and promoting his work. You can purchase The Culture of Critique directly from his publisher:


What drives obsession with Klaus Schwab, Covid and Christian Nationalism (the internet fad, not people who just go to church) is primarily that Jewish censors tolerate this discourse.

If you are an alt light grifter who requires heavy social media engagement to make a living, the range of topics you're allowed to talk about is very limited.
Forwarded from Jazzhands
With today's revelation that the U.S. is leveraging Israel's ammo stockpile to give to Ukraine, we can infer that Ukraine has blown through the cash and ammo its been sent over the past year.

Coupled with the news that Putin is readying a major offensive with 700,000 men, Kissinger begging for negotiations, and the steadily increasing stream of panicked disinfo emanating from ZOG for months, it's clear Ukraine has been fucked for quite some time.

Hindsight is 20/20 and yet it always made sense:

1. The intelligence community would have been aware of Putin's troop buildup and tried to create division between Russia's military leadership and its citizens, using increased sanctions in a failed attempt to create even more pain and force a coup.

2. When that failed, they tried gay oping Russia into nuclear war, which culminated in the embarrassing false flag Russian missile "strike" on Polish territory. That was so bad even the Pentagon had to admit it wasn't Russia even as Zelensky and Podolyak quadrupled down.

3. Then they replayed the tapes about Putin's failing health creating hysterical fiction about him allegedly falling down the stairs and pooping his pants.

4. Then it was rumors of an internal coup by his generals who just couldn't bear another catastrophic loss after never ending catastrophic loss.

All of this propaganda flew in the midst of monthly demands for billions upon billions of US taxpayer dollars. What opposition might have existed if Americans weren't being lied to about the war? They've known all along this was a losing proposition and dug in their heels. They did so at a cost of billions of our dollars that could have served countless domestic objectives of a much higher purpose and cost hundred(s) of thousands of White lives in Ukraine and Russia.

They hoped they were going to buy enough time to get back to the negotiating table and get Russia to take a shit deal. This always included Ukraine in NATO (which is why Kissinger is going there now because he knows it's too late for negotiations), but why would Russia do that? Economic sanctions not only failed to break the Russian economy, they played a role in breaking the global economy instead. Russia has taken territory that was always historically part of Russia and held elections per UN policy.

ZOG has no leverage and no argument. Our own struggle is, in many ways, a microcosm of how this one is playing out. It shows that ZOG is not infallible and invincible and in fact quite vulnerable, exposed, and fragile. Victory is not in their favor.

Forwarded from Holocaust.claims
Just posted the Rudolf Hess story that I spent a good deal of time researching and writing. I hope you enjoy! (even though his story is absolutely heartbreaking)
Forwarded from Justice Report
NASA has recently accused China of trying to conquer the moon. While there isn’t much evidence of these assertions, there is plenty of evidence of NASA Administrator Bill Nelson's hawkish, Zionist foreign policy stances.

The Justice Report's Martin Heidegger reaches out to several military veterans, including National Justice Party Central Committee member, Michael McKevitt, for their opinions on the United States' military readiness in all theaters of war, and showcases just some of the anti-White programs coming from both NASA and US Space Force.

Forwarded from Gregory Conte
Washington Post editorial defending current Jewish-American world hegemony... the author admits every NS talking point about why Germany had to fight WWII, then ends with "this is why we are the good guys".

One out of every 25 black males you meet will, or has, committed murder in his lifetime.
Forwarded from Holocaust.claims
The Buchenwald table of atrocities is still being upheld as legitimate by the Holocaust industry. In today's article I examine the story of the tattooed human skin, https://www.holocaust.claims/buchenwald/shrunken-heads-and-tattooed-human-skin-part-one/
Forwarded from Pax Tube
Media is too big
George Lincoln Rockwell on how the power of TV propaganda shaped the Baby Boomer generation's perception of race.
Forwarded from Hux’s Deluxe Channel
Forwarded from Christopher Cantwell
Speaking as a criminal, I really wish black people would obey the law.
Forwarded from The Bruce is Loose
I fucking hate science.
Forwarded from Jazzhands
The three biggest reasons employers (led by financial institutions) have undertaken a concerted effort to force employees to return to work:

1) The commercial real estate market was on the verge of collapse and was one of many raging infernos in the Jewish economy

2) Lots of time at home meant lots of "unsupervised" time online. This translated into radicalization and is one of the most significant contributing factors to the sharp rise in anti-semtism

3) DC, NYC, Chicago, LA, and hundreds of other majority non-white cities are unsurprisingly entirely dependent on White workers coming into the city to live, work, and spend their money. The combination of telework, inflation, and more than anything else, unchecked violent non-white crime has made that impossible. And yet the narrative from the employers of these workers (most of whom are owned by BlackRock, Vanguard, or State Street) is that they're just lazy and unproductive - even though countless studies have demonstrated that the opposite is true.

Forwarded from Mike Enoch
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Crowder about to go death con 3
The fake far right accuses TRS/NJP of being a “cult” because we insist on message discipline, hierarchy and loyalty.

Nigga, we are National Socialists, what do you expect, you simping phony racist liberal faggots?
The left especially the Jewish left is our true enemy, but it is conservatism that stands as the final and phony redoubt in the war against the left.

There can be no victory against the J-left until conservatism is destroyed.
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions