Street Angels Uk
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Non profit organisation helping rough sleepers
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Our mini hot water bottles are here, Thank you all for donating towards these.
Your help really does make a huge difference every single outreach and every bit of help we provide is because of you.

Thank you 🙏
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Street Angels UK outreach with Anthea - 20th November 2022
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Street Angels UK - A BIG THANK YOU
We would also like to Thank all of our sponsor Charlie ward’s supporters for continuously making a difference to the livelihoods of people less fortunate than ourselves, wether it’s donating via our cash app or PayPal or purchasing if the wish list, helping manage the wish list or helping certain individuals, your help has not gone unnoticed.
Two examples are the wonderful Darren has purchased lots of essentials via Costco and also placed orders of 30 sleeping bags and is coming along to our Christmas outreach, the wonderful Caroline has gone above and beyond and delivered furniture to numerous families and ex homeless people in need, formula to families and even dog food to rough sleepers who are now rehoused with their companions.

A huge THANK YOU to each and everyone of you.
Sending many blessings to you all 🙏
Some vouchers purchased still need another 50 but greggs ones

This morning I’ve woken up really under the weather so I’ve put everything on hold and thought this would be the perfect time to post a idea myself and Charlie had.

After Christmas a lot of us stay home especially Boxing Day and the couple days after, this leaves rough sleepers with not many handouts or passers by offering food and a hot drink.
So I had a thought and thought maybe we can fundraise and provide rough sleepers with a gift card for greggs to be able to purchase a bite and a hot drink.
I am hoping to raise enough for at least 100 so we can hand out at our Christmas outreach.

So today I am asking everyone to donate £1 towards the 100 £gift vouchers we would like to purchase for our friends on the streets.
My kids will be donating the first 10 gift cards as their contribution to helping others.

To donate the link is below
We at Street Angels Uk would like to Thank Everyone for their kindness and support in making a difference in so many individuals lives.
The difference your support makes is heartwarming, never when we started street Angels Uk 4 years ago did we think we would have so much support and meet so many wonderful people.

I remember one of my volunteers saying we can’t possibly keep doing this with public support and donations, she nearly made me doubt what I believed in my heart would happen but I then told her there is more human kindness than you know, we will be fine, now we are helping more than we expected, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU.

Thank you all
Anthea and the Street Angels Uk team 🙏
I just want to make everyone aware that when we fundraise for individuals and we raise over the amount needed we then use the funds towards helping others who are in need and towards items and petrol for outreaches and running around that we do.
We purchase cakes and croissants yogurts and other items needed for the outreaches just before a outreach. I’ve had a very disappointing email from someone we helped who we went above and beyond for2 be honest and they don’t feel we spent all that was raised, yes we spent very slightly under and the rest went to others.
I feel this person took advantage of our kindness and I do feel as if it really stops me from wanting to help others when I get these messages.
I put 100% my heart into helping and they dissapoint it really does leave me questioning where to go moving forward.
I just wanted to clarify this with everyone so everyone is aware that their funds go towards the next cause if someone has been helped
Today my lovely mum Came and collected all the hundreds off hats, gloves and socks we donated to the Selby Centre food hub for the annual Christmas gifting to help keep children warm this winter, the lovely @melina who owns Revival Rooms donated 150/200 snoods which will also keep not only the children warm and protected from the cold but also our homeless friends.

Sending love to you all for your continuous support.

The selby food hub are distributing clothing and food parcels weekly and Christmas gifts from the 19th-22nd please take a look at their page and pop in for a helping hand 🙏
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