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Another Supreme Court Win -

This time, it upholds the religious freedoms of a high school football coach to say a silent prayer after a game.

Be thankful the liberal justices aren't writing for the majority - they would have banned the prayer outright.
Ghislaine Maxwell has been sentenced to 240 months in prison.

It appears the FBI/DOJ will not prosecute anyone else related to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal - including the other women and men who solicited and abused the victims.

There will likely be no hearings on the officials at DOJ and FBI headquarters who supervised and approved Epstein's sweetheart plea deal. We've named their names - Washington is uninterested.

Finally, there was one grand jury still out while Maxwell was being prosecuted. We suspect that was against another Epstein co-conspirator (perhaps Sarah Kellen). No prosecutions this past year indicate no charges will be brought. Hope we're wrong on that.... but we've been right on most of this. 🤷‍♂️
The biggest lie from a Cheney since the Iraq war.
Some quick Saturday reading -

Check out our interview with Chris Rufo discussing his activism, the fight against Critical Race Theory, and the future of the Gender Movement.
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Video footage from the scene of the aftermath of the shooting of former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe. Japanese press reporting no vitals after taking shots to the upper torso. Terrible news. 🙏
The Wisconsin Supreme Court holds ballot drop boxes are illegal.

528 of these illegal drop boxes were used in the 2020 election.

Thus, "thousands of votes have been cast via this unlawful method."

Biden "won" Wisconsin by ~20,000 votes...
President Biden struggles through press conferences. His staff hides him at night, scared of "sundowning."

He wouldn’t pass a driver’s test, unable to distinguish between a pedestrian or a stop sign. But he has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

It's one of the biggest stories in the world right now. And the press is doing everything they can to cover it up or otherwise repackage it.
From the latest Hunter Biden release -

A very important post concerning Joe Biden’s 2018 involvement in Hunter Biden’s finances. The company is Owasco LLC - which served as an influence operation by the Bidens on behalf of the Chinese.
Techno_Fog pinned «From the latest Hunter Biden release - A very important post concerning Joe Biden’s 2018 involvement in Hunter Biden’s finances. The company is Owasco LLC - which served as an influence operation by the Bidens on behalf of the Chinese. https://twitte…»
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NOW - CDC Director: "My message is simple: It is essential that these Americans get their second booster shot right away."

Inflation hits a record 9.1%, “the fastest pace since 1981.”

Eggs up 33.1%
Fuel oil
up 98.5%
Milk up 16.4%
Remember - in 2021, an illegal immigrant beheaded his girlfriend with a machete and left her body on a residential Minnesota street in broad daylight. It's all caught on video, a headless woman dumped out of a car.

Now, in 2022, we see a 10 year-old girl raped. Victims of a foolish immigration policy.

The costs of progress: lives are ended, heads are severed, and kids are brutalized as they try to remake America.
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President Biden just admitted to having cancer.

No telling if this is true or if Biden is confused about his own health. Don't worry - the adults are in charge! 😂
President Biden has COVID-19.

“He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted”
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